Brocade legend

Chapter 224 Huizhou Government Yamen

Chapter 224 Huizhou Government Yamen

Dong Hai was about to explode again, but Lu Bing gave him a stern look. Dong Hai swallowed his saliva and endured it.

Lu Bing stretched out his hand and responded with a sneer, saying: "Since this official must lock it, let's lock it. It's just that it's easy to lock and difficult to take off. Don't regret it afterwards."

"Threat?" The head catcher remained unmoved, and sneered, "I can see that you have some background, but this head catcher handles it impartially, so I'm not afraid of you making trouble!"

Lu Bing was a little surprised and admired when he heard the head catcher say this.

Thinking about it this way, because I preconceived that I and the others were framed, I felt disgusted with this headhunting.But if you think about it carefully, although the head catcher is cold-faced, from the beginning to the end, there was no unfair treatment.If it is not for the people, it is a big treachery and a big evil!
Those officials locked up Lu Bing and the others, and then went to the government office.The crowd of idlers did not disperse, they followed all the way with sticks in their hands, blocking the entrance of the government office to watch the excitement.

The Huizhou government office was first built in the reign of Shaoxi in the Song Dynasty, and then it was destroyed by a wartime fire and then rebuilt

In the early Ming Dynasty, Deng Yu, Duke of the State of Wei, changed to the Privy Council. After Hongwu three years, it was reinstated as the government. It was overhauled during the orthodox years, and it is still in use today. It mainly includes the majestic and large-scale group of prefects in the second hall of Yimen Gongtang in Nanqiaolou.

Lu Bing looked at the majestic Huizhou government office, but wondered whether the people sitting here were also so upright.

The magistrate tried the case in the main hall. Lu Bing, Zhu Liu, Dong Hai, Yang Sen, Liu Biao, Shitou, Sun Quan, and Wang Zhi were directly brought into the main hall.

As soon as you enter the main hall, you will see the four big characters hanging high in the mirror. Under the plaque is a big mahogany chair, facing the mahogany chair is a thick mahogany table.On one side of the table are brushes, ink, paper and inkstones, the inks are divided into cinnabar red and blue and black, and on the other side are lacquered arrows, gavels and other objects.

There are two rows of yamen servants under the hall, standing on both sides of the platform, wearing soap-colored official uniforms and green battle robes, and a dark red girdle around the waist. It is a wide cloth belt with pockets sewn on it, also known as "red wrapping belly".He wears a square Zao Li scarf on his head, with square corners facing forward, high at the front and low at the back, with yellow tassels on both sides of the hat and a peacock feather inserted. This hat is also called "black lacquer helmet".A waist card is hung on the waist, and a water and fire stick is in the hand.One end of this kind of stick is black, the other is red, the other is square, and the other is round. It is also called "thread pole gun".

As the saying goes: "Black lacquer helmet, four concaves. Peacock feathers, bright and clean. Blue battle robe, thinly folded. Red belly, waist intermittent. Moso bamboo knife, blood on the head. Wire gun, six pieces of iron." Said It is the Zaoli of this government office.

When they saw Lu Bing and other eight people coming in, they all hit the ground with water and fire sticks and shouted: "Mighty..." They were indeed majestic.

This kind of behavior is called "calling the hall", and it is to intimidate the prisoners. If it is an ordinary citizen, they will have been drunk and trembling.

But who are Lu Bing and the others?What big scene haven't you seen?In the emperor's dynasty, eight hundred Han generals lined up from the palace gate to the court hall, three thousand forbidden troops had bright armor, hundreds of officials bowed down like dogs, and palace people stood in all directions like a forest.

Lu Bing and others lead troops to fight, and they have commanded thousands of troops and horses. They are in the court, and they have [-] Tiqi under their command!These majesties are much more compelling than this.

Lu Bing and the others stood in the hall frankly, unmoved.Wang Zhi was a little weak in his legs, but seeing the pride of his elder brothers, he seemed to be injected with strength and courage, and straightened his waist.

"Master Zhifu is here!" A scribe turned out from the back hall, shouted loudly, and then went to the side case beside the main hall, sat down upright, spread out the paper, pressed the paperweight, and grinded the pen.

At this time, a fourth-rank official wearing a black gauze head, a blue official robe, and patchwork with the skylark pattern on the chest and back walked out from the back hall. He walked to the mahogany chair in the main hall and sat down. , slapped the gavel, and only listened to the Zaoli platforms standing on both sides of the platform, shouting "Sheng~tang~oh~" in unison with the rising drums!
This fourth-rank official must be the magistrate of Huizhou Prefecture.

Yang Sen muttered, "There are a lot of tricks." Lu Bing gave him a glare, and Yang Sen turned his head quickly, pretending to be nonchalant.

Lu Bing was quite satisfied with the way the Huizhou government behaved. The yamen servants, scribes, and magistrates behaved in a standard manner, which was indeed a bit dignified.

Most of the civil servants of the Ming Dynasty have these good and bad characteristics. From top to bottom, no matter whether they are good officials, bad officials, honest officials or corrupt officials, they all look upright and look like moral gentlemen. In private, no one can say badly about male robbers and female prostitutes.

The magistrate was full of air, and said with a straight voice: "Who is under the hall?"

The policeman who brought Lu Bing and others hurried forward and cupped his hands and said, "My lord, this is the suspect in the murder in the woods outside the city."

When the prefect heard this, he slapped the gavel again and shouted loudly: "Bold and unreasonable, you don't kneel when you see this official!"

"My lord, we are all scholars, so we can see officials without kneeling!" Lu Binglang said in a loud voice.

"Oh? Are you famous?" The magistrate looked at Lu Bing and the others, and said, "Where are you from? When did you get the fame?"

"We are all from Shuntianfu in Beizhili, and we were Jinshi in the eighth year of Jiajing!" Lu Bing was useless to lie, but he didn't say that he was Wu Jinshi. Anyway, Huizhou is far away from the capital, so I will check it out soon no.

"Oh? North Zhili? From the capital? Jinshi!" The magistrate was taken aback for a moment. He thought he was just a scholar, but he didn't expect to be a Jinshi. I don't read much, donated to fame, right?Thinking of this, the magistrate didn't care too much. Thinking that he was a 16-year-old Zhengde and a Jinshi in Xinjike.

Thinking about it this way, the arrogance of the literati made the magistrate no longer bother with this, and said loudly, "Since you are a Jinshi, why didn't you become an official? Instead, you came here and got involved in a lawsuit?"

"My father was sick and passed away in recent years. He has been in mourning, so he has not been an official." Lu Bing said calmly.

"I am a fourth-rank magistrate. He is just an unrequited Jinshi. Now that he has committed a murder, what should I be afraid of?" The magistrate had a plan in mind when he heard this.

"Since you are really a scholar and have a reputation, then don't kneel if you don't kneel!" The magistrate expressed magnanimity, and then suddenly shouted: "Are you convicted?" The magistrate slapped the gavel again, The Zaoli under the hall shouted in unison: "Wei... Wu...."

Lu Bing didn't intend to hide anything, he told the truth: "It is true that we killed the people outside the city, but what we killed were Japanese pirates blocking the way, what is the crime?" Lu Bing said calmly.

"Nonsense!" The prefect scolded: "The people who died outside the city have all been verified, and they were registered Ming people. With neighbors, relatives and friends as witnesses, how could they be Japanese pirates!"

(End of this chapter)

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