Brocade legend

Chapter 226 The Prefect's Abacus

Chapter 226 The Prefect's Abacus

Speaking of this, Zhao Yilin couldn't help being a little proud, and said: "Okay, take a step back, even if it's what you said, Mr. Dayou asked me who the person who had the conflict yesterday was, and I told him because of friendship. He buys murder, kills your little brother's mother, and kills you, so what does it have to do with me?"

Zhao Yilin was complacent, everything was under his control, no matter what he said, he would have nothing to do with him.

"Then please bring the Japanese Otomo to the hall, let's confront each other!" Lu Bing turned to the magistrate.

During the conversation between Lu Bing and Zhao Yilin, the magistrate didn't say a word, his eyes flicked back and forth between Lu Bing and Zhao Yilin, and now he looked at Zhao Yilin with a sharp gaze.Because Zhao Yilin didn't tell him some things. With his acumen and wisdom of years of ups and downs in his official career, he felt that in all likelihood, Zhao Yilin had used him as a gun.

A few foreigners came to the local area, killed dozens of people, and instead of running away, they returned to She County... How can there be such a stupid gangster?The magistrate secretly sneered, the truth is likely to be true, as the Jinshi surnamed Lu said.It's just that Zhao Yilin's tricks are really good. Now the ironclad evidence points to those outsiders. Even if it is unreasonable, it cannot be easily overthrown. What's more, the magistrate has been put on the carriage, so there is nothing he can do about it.

"Stinky boy, I will settle the score with you later." Thinking of the filial piety of the Zhao family in normal times, the magistrate planned to endure it for the time being, and settle the score with the Zhao family later.

However, the magistrate does not intend to cooperate with Zhao Yilin in anything else. He studied hard for decades before being admitted as a Jinshi, and it took him 11 years to climb from the magistrate to the magistrate, and he still works in this rich Huizhou. I didn't intend to let go.Therefore, his way of being an official is to keep the bottom line.There are many rich merchants in Huizhou, and the filial piety of those wealthy households is enough for him. There is no need to do things that bully the people. In the officialdom of Ming Dynasty, the reputation outside the world is the most important thing. It doesn’t matter how it is in private. Adverse.

Lu Bing and the others came from the capital, and they have great fame. Who knows if they have any background, why don't you just make a fair gesture and let the two of them fight. Whoever loses deserves to be unlucky. Not to oneself.

Judging from the current situation, the situation is not good for Lu Jinshi.If he can't beat the Zhao family's children, then he can be sent to prison logically.If he has no background, that's fine. If this Lu Jinshi really has a big background, he can say that he handled it impartially.Even if the higher-ups really blamed him, he could still win the reputation of "Iron Term".

In this way, no matter what the final result is, you will make money.

Let him be shaken by wind and rain, and I will stand still.

The magistrate stroked his beard, secretly proud of his political wisdom.

"Come on! Go and catch that big friend!" The magistrate ordered loudly, regardless of Zhao Yilin's wink.

The head catcher took the order and took people there.

Zhao Yilin was angry, he saw that the old fox was going to stand by and do nothing.

"However, it's okay..." Zhao Yilin was also secretly proud: "Fortunately, this young master has thought carefully and made preparations."

The magistrate is still immersed in his own wisdom, if that big friend is really related to the Japanese pirates... Bah, what kind of business does the Zhao family do? How could there be no collusion with the Japanese pirates?That big friend must be a Japanese pirate. On weekdays, because of the filial piety offered by the rich businessmen in Huizhou, he turned a blind eye and turned a blind eye, ashamed to arrest people and cut off their wealth.

Today, if the children of the Zhao family missed the game, he would take the opportunity to arrest Dayou and report to the court... He said that he killed dozens of Japanese pirates under his rule, and even captured a real Japanese, which is a great achievement!

At this moment, everyone was waiting for the result of Yumura's investigation and the news about the capture of the Japanese Otomo, so the hall became quiet.

Lu Bing has been secretly looking at the magistrate and Zhao Yilin, and seeing the eye contact between the two of them, he knows that the two of them are also having their own ghosts at this time.

"Reporting to my lord, there was indeed a woman in Xiongcun who was killed, and the wound on her chest was consistent with that Japanese knife!" Finally, a yamen servant came to report.

Now, the magistrate has fully understood that this must be a trap set by Zhao Yilin!

The magistrate looked at Lu Bing with some sympathy, and thought: "It's really unlucky for you to be targeted by the Zhao family. It's a pity that the evidence is so strong that it will be difficult for you to come back."

This look fell into Lu Bing's eyes, and Lu Bing smiled in his heart: "Just look at you, if you are not evil, I will let you go."

When Wang Zhi heard this, tears were about to overflow again... He glared at Zhao Yilin viciously, wishing to crush him to ashes, as smart as him, how could he still not know that his mother's death was caused by this Zhao Yilin behind his back!
But Zhao Yilin didn't panic after hearing the report, because he had already picked himself clean.

After a while, the head catcher also came back and said, "I didn't find that great friend."

"I'm afraid I finished my work and returned home." Zhao Yilin said with a smile.

"Isn't he your friend? You don't know his whereabouts?" Lu Bing smiled.

"We just met in business, met by chance, casual acquaintance." Zhao Yilin laughed and said, "I am not a famous name in Japan, how can I control his legs?" It is also extracted from the possible suspicion of colluding with Japanese pirates.

"Young master Zhao is watertight!" Lu Bing also laughed.

"Hahahaha! Brother Lu, you are being polite." Zhao Yilin turned his face and cupped his hands to the magistrate, "Now that the evidence is convincing, please be impartial, and uphold justice for the people of She County."

"..." Seeing that the show is coming to an end, the magistrate waved his hand and said, "Take them to the prison and wait for their punishment!"

Mr. Zhao stepped aside with a smile, waiting to see how the officials dealt with Lu Bing and others.If they resisted, it would be a death sentence. I prepared a hundred people outside the government office just to deal with them.If they don't resist, hmph, if they enter the prison in Shexian County, how can they not be punished as they please, so easy? "

"Wait!" Lu Bing said suddenly, looking straight into the prefect's eyes and said, "With such a simple case and such an unreasonable result, the prefect really can't see what the truth is?"

The magistrate's eyes were a little dodged, and he suddenly felt a little out of breath. This feeling only happened when he met the chief official of the official department before leaving Beijing to take up his post.That is a feeling that you will have when you meet someone who controls your official career destiny for the rest of your life.

(End of this chapter)

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