Brocade legend

Chapter 234 Dream Girl

Chapter 234 Dream Girl

When Lu Bing and others came to the Qinhuai River, since they pretended to be traveling sons and daughters, they naturally spent a lot of money to hire a big painting boat, and lived in it as a place to stay.

The owner of the painting boat was naturally overjoyed to see the big patron, and ordered the cooks, maids, singers and other good people to wait on him.

Living in Huafang, Zhu Liu and Dong Hai are free and easy by nature, but they are like ducks in water.Sun Quan is someone who has been there, and Yang Sen has been to the brothel several times with his colleagues and Fa Xiaoer in Beijing. Liu Biao is even more knowledgeable, so there is nothing wrong with it.On the contrary, Shi Shi and Wang, who had nothing to do, faced red faces and shouted that they couldn't bear it.

Gradually at night, Lu Bing stood leaning on a railing. There were many restaurants on both sides of the bank, strong wine and singing, and countless merchant ships sailed on the river day and night.

Zhu Liu was half smoked, came out staggeringly, hiccupped and said, "Brother, what are you doing standing here?"

"Look at the scenery." Lu Bing smiled.

"What's so interesting about this, it's not as beautiful as those girls inside." Zhu Liuxie smiled, walked to the railing, and looked casually, but couldn't take it back.

After walking for a while, Zhu Liu smiled and said, "Hey, don't tell me, you really can't see this scene in the capital, as long as you go north of the Yangtze River, you can't see it."

"Except here, the whole world can't see it." Lu Bing sighed.

"To be honest, the ancestors of Yongle were right to move the capital to Beijing. If they were put here, no matter how ambitious the emperor, no matter how upright civil and military officials, they would be fainted by the warm wind of Jinling, and would be stunned by the Qinhuai River. Let the tenderness of the country soften." Zhu Liu said with a smack.

"Du Mu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, wrote in a poem: 'The smoke cage is cold, the moon cage is sandy, and the Qinhuai River is near the restaurant at night. The business woman does not know the hatred of subjugation, and she still sings flowers in the backyard across the river.' This is what he said." Lu Bing He chuckled lightly and said, "Emperor Yongle is wise, so Jinling can only be used as a place for the elderly."

What Lu Bing meant was, of course, officials of all levels in Nanjing's Six Ministries, Metropolitan Procuratorate, Guozijian, and Taixue.

Zhu Liu understood as soon as he heard it, and said with a smile: "But this is indeed a good place to retire. One day when I am old, you will send me here too, and I will spend all day in this boat on the Qinhuai River. Stay and die in this gentle village."

"Why did you send here?" Lu Bing also smiled: "If you want to come, we will come together."

"Okay! Hahahaha!" The two brothers looked at each other and laughed together.

Just when the two brothers were leaning on the fence and talking and laughing happily, suddenly there was a noisy sound from a painting boat not far away. , which is particularly harsh.

Lu Bing frowned, but found that the people on his boat were extremely calm and didn't pay attention at all.

When Lu Bing thought about it, he figured it out. There are so many beautiful women on the Qinhuai River, and it is not common to encounter jealousy.

Thinking of this, Lu Bing and Zhu Liu looked at each other, and they laughed dumbly.

Zhu Liu said lazily: "It's so noisy, it affects my mood. I went in and had a drink with my brothers. Grandma's. I didn't expect Shitou to be so good. None of us poured him down."

Zhu Liu muttered and swayed into the bed cabin, a maid hurriedly supported him and helped him to the wine table.I don't know what Zhu Liu said in that maid's ear, which caused the beautiful woman's eyes to be affectionate, her cheeks to be slightly flushed, and she giggled and played with Zhu Liu.

Lu Bing shook his head with a smile, and stood for a while, feeling bored, so he planned to go back to the bedroom to rest.

At this moment, a person on the painting boat suddenly yelled and fell into the water.

Lu Bing looked and saw that the person who fell into the water was wearing a long gown and was dressed as a scholar. He didn't seem to know how to swim, and he was struggling desperately in the water.I saw a man with the appearance of a bookboy on the painting boat, crying and crying, lying on the board of the boat, reaching out to pull the scholar in the water.

Then I saw a man in strong clothes on the boat, stretched out his feet, and kicked the book boy into the water.

Then the painting boat started to move slowly, it didn't care about the two people in the water, turned around and drove away.

The two people who fell into the water obviously didn't know how to swim, but none of the surrounding painting boats intended to go to rescue them, but they also rowed slowly to one side.

Lu Bing frowned, seeing that the two in the water had gradually struggled and were about to sink.

Lu Bing said to the bow of the boat: "Row over."

"My lord..." The young boatman was a little confused: "That is Miss Meng's boat... Let's not mind our own business..."

"Paddle over!" Seeing that the two of them in the water were about to sink, Lu Bing repeated in a more emphatic tone.

"Young master... Miss Meng's benefactor... We dare not participate in the dispute between them. We can't afford to offend both of them... If you saved someone and left, we won't be able to eat this meal. Maybe there will be more... Big trouble." The boatman was still reluctant, and even planned to row further.

Suddenly, a steel knife protruded from the cabin and touched the boatman's neck, and Zhu Liu's drunken voice came: "Our young master asked you to drive over, didn't you hear?"

Zhu Liu's method was still useful, and the boatman was still full of reluctance, but he still drove the boat over with a fearful expression.

At this time, other people in the cabin also walked out one after another, shoulder to shoulder, to see what happened.

When the boat arrived at the two drowning people, they were already drunk and rolled their eyes. Shi Shi squatted down, one with each hand, and lifted them onto the boat.

When the two of them arrived on the boat, they vomited for a long time, and spread out on the deck of the boat weakly.

Lu Bing said fair to the boatman: "Drive the boat to the shore and let them go ashore!"

The boatman saw that Zhu Liu was staring at him straightly, and the knife that had just been sheathed was about to be unsheathed again. He sighed and thought he was unlucky, and was about to drive the boat to the shore.

Unexpectedly, the scholar suddenly gained strength for no reason, got up with a grunt, and said loudly: "Don't go to the shore! Chase that boat!"

Zhu Liuyi laughed and said: "This brother is persistent, his life is almost gone, and he still has lust?"

The scholar ignored Zhu Liu's teasing, but anxiously patted his thigh and said, "Hurry up, hurry up, Miss Meng is going to be taken away!"

Zhu Liu hugged a boat lady and said, "Anyway, it's either taken away by you or taken away by someone else, what's the difference?"

Zhu Liu looked down on this scholar a little bit, and asked Liu not to say it was wrong, but if he insisted on it like this, everything had to be his own, so it was wrong.

"What do you know!" The scholar was not intimidated by Zhu Liu's aura, but grabbed the boatman's pole, messed about in the water, and shouted anxiously: "Ms. Meng didn't do it voluntarily! A man, a man, How can you wait until death!"

(End of this chapter)

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