Brocade legend

Chapter 243

Chapter 243
Wu Kui was jealous of Yang Sen's throwing knife and couldn't rescue Xu Yanzhao for a while.

"Don't run away! I'm here to apologize to you!" Zhu Liu shouted jokingly at Xu Yanzhao who was running towards Wei Guogong.

"Enough!" Wei Guogong finally got angry, he stood up abruptly, and shouted angrily, "Who are you?"

"Me? My name is Zhu Liu." Zhu Liu said with a smile.

Wei Guogong didn't think about it, and scolded: "What a mess, I'm asking for your name! It's not a bandit number!"

Zhu Liu's face sank, and he said sinisterly: "This is the tuba, my bandit number is...."

"Huo Yan Luo! You are Huo Yan Luo Zhu Liu!" Xu Yanzhao finally remembered what the name represented, and couldn't help but yelled in fear.

After Xu Yanzhao revealed Zhu Liu's identity, he immediately thought of who the man who had been standing quietly and smiling all the time would be, and he couldn't help being even more frightened.

His name as Dingguogong is very useful, but in front of that person, even his brother Dingguogong should be polite.

There is only one person who can let Zhu Liu guard in front of him, the commander of Jin Yiwei, Lu Bing, the governor of Beizhen Fusi!

Xu Yanzhao's expression was stiff, and after changing a few colors, he suddenly ran up to Lu Bing in fear and respect, bowed deeply and said, "I don't know it was Mr. Lu who arrived, but I really deserve to die. Forgive me!"

"Lord Lu?" Wei Guogong was confused by his nephew's actions.

Zhu Liu sneered and said, "Wei Guogong Xu Pengju, you haven't come to see the imperial envoy yet!"

"Imperial envoy? Master Lu?!" Wei Guogong finally thought of who these two titles represented.

He hurriedly stepped over from behind the wine table, ignored the wine pot with his clothes down, walked quickly to Lu Bing, cupped his hands and said, "But Master Lu, Jin Yiwei?"

"Lu Bing, I have met Wei Guogong." Lu Bing smiled and cupped his hands.

Both Meng girl and Feng Weimin were shocked.

Miss Meng's eyes wandered, and she also became curious about this tall man.

Who is it that can make Wei Guogong treat him so courteously?
Jin Yiwei?
Aren't there all villains in Jinyiwei?

But this person... doesn't look like a bad person...

Feng Weimin was also dumbfounded, and after a long time, he finally said, "Are you Jin Yiwei?"

"Jin Yiwei is in command, Lu Bing." Lu Bing said with a smile, "Brother Feng, you don't have to be too polite. I have respected your father for a long time, and we two hit it off again. We should be called brothers!"

At this time, there was still ping-pong-pong outside, Lu Bing said to Zhu Liu: "Go out and tell them not to fight, what's the matter, let's talk slowly!"

"Yes, yes, Wu Kui! Tell them to stop!" Wei Guogong also hurriedly said.

Zhu Liu and Wu Kui went out, the sound of gold and iron stopped immediately, and after a while, Shitou and Dong Hai followed Zhu Liu in.

"Are you all right?" Lu Bing asked

Shitou smiled and shook his head, Dong Hai smiled and said: "We are fine..." Dong Hai looked at Wei Guogong and smiled awkwardly.

Wu Kui walked in with bloody hands in his hands, his expression very ugly.

Duke Wei saw something, and said to Wu Kui, "Go down and bandage the wound! Let someone change the table and feast, and Master Lu and I will have a few drinks."

"No need." Lu Bing said: "It's too late today, I'll leave after a few words, and I'll call on Duke Wei some other day."

"Oh? What is Master Lu's order?" Wei Guogong asked.

"I came to Jiangnan this time for a private visit in a micro-service, with the intention of investigating pirates." Lu Bing said while looking at Wei Guogong's face.

Wei Guogong said without any sign of embarrassment: "The pirates in the south of the Yangtze River are rampant, and they should be dealt with properly. Do you need my help?"

Lu Bing couldn't see whether Wei Guogong was in collusion with the pirates, so he continued: "It's nothing, just let Wei Guogong know."

Lu Bing chatted with Wei Guogong for a while, while Xu Yanzhao bowed beside him and listened respectfully.

Lu Bing cupped his hands and said, "I should say goodbye, otherwise the brothers outside should wait anxiously."

"Why don't you just stay here in Zhanyuan? I've heard about Mr. Lu's name for a long time, and I've always wanted to make friends with him. Now that I'm here today... Although it's a little unpleasant, but as the saying goes, if you don't fight, you don't know each other. I think Mr. Lu has a lot of people. You won't argue with my nephew, will you?" Duke Wei smiled and tried to persuade him to stay.

"Forget it today, there are still a few brothers living on the boat, and in a few days, I will come to bother you with all the brothers and Brother Feng." Lu Bing smiled and said: "I have heard about the beauty of Zhan Garden for a long time, and it is a garden in the south of the Yangtze River. First of all, since you have come to Jinling, how can you not stay in Zhanyuan for more time? I hope Duke Wei will not get bored."

Wei Guogong laughed and said: "Master Lu is a close minister of the emperor who often walks in the imperial garden. It is the honor of my Duke Wei's mansion to see our garden. I will sweep the couch and wait."

Wei Guogong said, and sighed again: "I have been in Nanjing for a long time, and I seldom meet the emperor in person. I am always afraid. I hope that when Master Lu returns to Beijing to see the emperor, he will convey the old minister's loyalty to the emperor!"

Lu Bing smiled and nodded in agreement.

Wei Guogong repeatedly asked to stay, but Lu Bing only said that he wanted to leave. Wei Guogong had no choice but to agree, but insisted on sending Lu Bing out.

"Oh, that's right." Speaking of this, Lu Bing suddenly said to Miss Meng: "I have also admired Miss Meng's reputation for a long time, and I saw it today, and it really deserves its reputation. Let’s talk about lyrics and music, okay?”

Lu Bing turned his head to Xu Yanzhao who bowed his head silently and said, "Does this brother have any objections?"

"No objection, what objection can he have!" Wei Guogong laughed and said to his servants: "Hurry up and prepare the car, and send Master Lu and Miss Meng back."

"I'll let him speak for himself." Lu Bing said seriously with a smile.

" objection." Xu Yanzhao arched his hands, and said respectfully: "My brother often mentions Mr. Lu, and has always hoped to have the opportunity to make friends with Mr. Lu."

"It's easy to say, I'm back in the capital, I will find time to visit." Lu Bing smiled and said: "Since you have no objection, then I will take Miss Meng away."

"Master Lu, please..." Xu Yanzhao said respectfully.

"Brother Feng, let's go to Miss Meng's painting together?" Lu Bing said to Feng Weimin with a smile.

"Oh, good!" Feng Weimin looked into Lu Bing's eyes and immediately understood.

Miss Meng didn't say much, and followed Feng Weimin, watching Lu Bing and Wei Guogong talking and laughing happily, as if nothing just happened.

Wei Guogong sent Lu Bing to the gate of Zhanyuan. Lu Bing declined Wei Guogong's car to send him off, and the two said goodbye politely.

Wei Guogong watched Lu Bing and others go away, and then returned to the mansion with the unusually low-key Xu Yanzhao.

While walking, Zhu Liu whispered to Lu Bing: "Brother, that Xu Yanzhao is not simple, he can bend and stretch. If he didn't react quickly, I would definitely make things difficult for him! Why don't you...get rid of him?"

"It's not necessary. He's a smart man, so he doesn't dare to do anything. What's more, he's just a noble son who hasn't reached the title. It's nothing to catch a lot of people in the capital." Lu Bing shook his head and said.

(End of this chapter)

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