Brocade legend

Chapter 246

Chapter 246
Lu Bing was taken aback for a moment, then lowered his head and began to think seriously.

Lu Bing hesitated for a long time, and finally said: "There are all."

Meng girl smiled, lowered her head, and didn't ask any more questions.

Dayou listened boredly, and said coldly: "You guys are here to flirt? Lu Bing, because of you, our manpower in She County has suffered a heavy loss. You have to pay a price, right?"

"Oh?" Lu Bing smiled and said, "It depends on whether you have the ability to come and get it."

Dayou kept his composure and stepped back two feet. He sneered and said, "I know you are very skilled in martial arts, but I don't believe you have three heads and six arms!" After he finished speaking, he suddenly jumped back and shouted, "Go!"

In the empty hall just now, dozens of strong men with weapons rushed out from all directions. Judging by the skin and clothing, they must have been traveling on the sea all year round, and they must be pirates!

Lu Bing laughed, unexpectedly did not break out, but stood with his back facing the door of the room where Miss Meng was imprisoned.

A pirate rushed to the front first and slashed at him with a knife. Lu Bing stepped aside and grabbed the pirate's wrist holding the knife. With a twist of his hand and a kick, he kicked the pirate to the ground.

Since Lu Bing wiped out Wei Zhentian and his gang, he has seldom made a move, but only he knows what level he has reached now after passing through Qingliang Temple and his party.

He came here alone today, but he wanted to vent out the depression that had been accumulated in his chest for a year!

From Zhu Liu's attack, to his father's death in a fierce battle, to his wife's dystocia and son, Lu Bing didn't cry or break down hysterically, but his chest became more and more oppressive.

Since traveling south, he wanted to use famous mountains and great rivers to relieve the gloom in his heart, but he was not completely satisfied.

That's why he acted very differently from the past.

When I came to Nanjing, the people and things I encountered seemed to be twisted into a lead wire, and Miss Meng was the one who ignited!

The ignited fuse detonated the depression in his chest. If he didn't vent it, he would be sick!

For warriors, what could be more refreshing than a hearty fight!

His knife was as fast as lightning, almost cutting down those pirates one by one!
Although there were some negligence, and he was succeeded by pirates, the pain seemed to be comfortable, and the wound seemed to be a channel to relieve the gloom.

Lu Bing kept smiling, he felt happy!happy!
But Otomo was stepping back. He couldn't see the astonishment on his face, but he could feel the trembling in his heart. He had heard the legend of beheading a hundred people and defeating ten thousand enemies in Japan, but he had never seen it before. He believed it only today. There really are such warriors in the world!

Lu Bing's attitude that killing people is easier than killing chickens made the group of pirates terrified.

After Lu Bing killed more than a dozen pirates, the remaining dozen or so pirates collapsed and hid far away, not daring to go forward.

Lu Bing laughed loudly, threw the steel knife in his hand on the ground, turned around and kicked open the door of Miss Meng's room.

"Let's go?" Lu Bing smiled.

Miss Meng looked at Lu Bing, who was covered in blood, smiled and got up, brushed her dress, and followed behind Lu Bing.

The pirates didn't dare to stop them, instead, they gave way one after another.

Lu Bing walked up to Dayou and said with a smile, "Let's talk in another place."

Dayou's expression was distorted, and he looked at Lu Bing gnashing his teeth and said, "You think I'm only prepared for this?"

Lu Bing shook his head and brushed past Dayou.

"Come on! Come on!" Otomo yelled, trying to call out the ambushes on the second floor.

However, there was no sound outside the courtyard.

"This is Daming..." Lu Bing walked out of the yard as if wandering, and Miss Meng followed behind with her head lowered.

As soon as Lu Bing went out, he saw a group of officers and soldiers pouring in, led by Zhu Liu and Dong Hai.

"Tie them all up!" Zhu Liu said with a sinister smile, "God play with them!"

Dong Hai shook his head helplessly, feeling sorry for the group of pirates and big friends, good people will become ghosts if they don't do good things, and fall into the hands of the living Yama, even if you are a Ming ghost, a Japanese ghost, even a dead ghost will be cured for you.


Not long after Lu Bing and the others left, Lin Tong came out of the secret room, tiptoed out of the courtyard, and ran away.

He wants to go back to She County quickly and tell the master, don't avenge the son, pack up your things and run away!

In less than half a day, Nanjing City became a sensation!
The Imperial Envoy, Commander of the Jin Yiwei, and Lu Binglu, the Governor of Beizhen Fusi, have arrived in Jinling!Lived in Zhanyuan, Duke Wei's mansion!

That's all, he also single-handedly smashed a nest of Japanese pirates, captured more than a dozen Japanese pirates, and wiped out the largest gang in the city!

That's right, Dayou's backer is the remnant of the largest local gang that the government destroyed in order to curry favor with Lu Bing. They joined forces because of a common enemy, and were wiped out by the common enemy in one fell swoop!
The Japanese pirates who were thought to be far away in the sky are actually right in front of them, and they have colluded with the largest gang in the area, so they settled in Jinling City!The people in Nanjing can't help but feel insecure. If Japanese pirates attack the city one day, won't the seemingly impregnable city of Nanjing be easily taken down?

In this way, the people of Jinling are even more grateful to Lu Bing.

That's all, what makes the people talk about it even more is that the oiran Meng girl from Qinhuai River is also entangled in it.According to legend, Mr. Lu made a private visit in a micro-service, and the hero rescued the beauty twice, and Miss Meng fell in love with her. This time, Mr. Lu went into the thief's lair single-handedly and rescued the beauty. This is exactly the plot in the story!
Within two days, the storyteller Mr. Erzhong of the teahouse opened a new book, and said: "Lu Qin sent a subdued Jinling City, Qinhuai River rescued the dream beauty three times, entered the thief's den with bare hands, and captured the beauty's heart with a single gesture..."

Such a thing of a hero with a beauty won the hearts of the people the most, and Lu Bing became famous all over the south of the Yangtze River overnight.

But the master in the yamen doesn't have the peace of mind of the common people.

This time, the imperial envoy, who is specialized in investigating pirates, found such a group of pirates from the capital of Nanjing, and there was a real pirate among them. This is a crime of dereliction of duty anyway.

Especially when more things behind Lu Bing spread in the Jiangnan officialdom, everyone in the Jiangnan officialdom was in danger, and there was a long queue of people outside the garden seeking to see Lu Bing.

But Lu Bing, who lived in Zhanyuan, did not see anyone, as if the turmoil outside had nothing to do with him.

Now, he is digesting the information he dug out from Dayou's mouth.

In the past two days, Dayou seemed to be living in a purgatory on earth, Zhu Liu used Jinyiwei's interrogation methods to the fullest, and squeezed out all the stuff in Dayou's belly.

And these information also made Lu Bing a little at a loss.

As the new year draws near, Lu Bing bids farewell to Feng Weimin and settles down with Miss Meng in Zhanyuan.

Then Zhu Liu and Yang Sen rushed back to the capital with Lu Bing's autographed letter. One was to report to the family that they were safe, and the other was to deliver the letter to the emperor himself to ask for a decision from the emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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