Brocade legend

Chapter 261 The Art of Yellow and White

Chapter 261 The Art of Yellow and White
But Emperor Jiajing seemed to have made up his mind that he wanted Lu Bing to practice Taoism with him, and the two brothers would become immortals together, so Lu Bing must stay.

Lu Bing had no choice but to stand aside, waiting for Duke Yi Guo Xun to come in.

After a while, a mighty old man strode in. It was Guo Xun, the Duke of Yi.

Guo Xun came in, paid homage to Emperor Jiajing, then smiled at Lu Bing, "Lord Lu is here too, long time no see."

Lu Bing returned the gift with a smile.

Emperor Jiajing was a little anxious, and said, "Where is the artifact? Bring it up and let me have a look."

Guo Xun asked Huang Jin to direct the guards to bring in some trays and boxes, and when they opened it, they were all silverware.

Guo Xun pointed to those silver wares and said with a smile: "These were refined by alchemists in Duan Dynasty. The silver used was made by alchemists Duan with the technique of yellow and white. Divine art. Duan Fangshi said: "The silver that is transformed is all fairy things. If it is used as a drinking vessel, it will not die. If it is used for fasting and sacrificial offerings, the gods will be sent to it." Duan Fangshi knew that the emperor was devoted to Taoism, so he asked the old minister to enshrine these fairy utensils Come on, give your Majesty a helping hand."

Emperor Jiajing was overjoyed, and said with a smile, "Okay, okay! Huang Jin, I will use these immortal utensils for my meals and sacrificial offerings in the future."

Huang Jin congratulated Emperor Jiajing and responded with a smile.

Emperor Jiajing said to Guo Xun again: "You have made meritorious service in recommending Duan Fangshi to me. Let's increase your age and salary by a hundred stones!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness!" Guo Xunxi smiled.

Lu Bing smiled too, but as soon as he left the palace, he sent someone to check on Duan Chaoyong.

Guo Xun left Qianqing Palace and returned to the mansion. If Lu Bing saw the people sitting in the hall, he would be shocked.

Bi Yun is enough, but there is also a mysterious person who has disappeared for many years.

There is also a Taoist priest with a pair of crutches beside him.

Guo Xun entered the hall, smiled happily and said: "The emperor is very happy, there will be a reward in a few days."

"That's good, then our Dongchang and Yumajian will not be involved in the next thing, and our family will go back and report to the foster father." Bi Yun covered his mouth with a smile, got up and was about to leave.

Guo Xun continued: "However, today in Qianqing Palace, I met Lu Bing."

"Lu Bing?" Bi Yun frowned.

"Then don't be in a hurry to let him enter the palace, the next plan is postponed, and wait and see." The mysterious man pointed at the Taoist man on crutches.

From this point of view, the Taoist man on crutches is Duan Chaoyue.

Guo Xun frowned and said: "Is this necessary? Lu Bing is not superhuman, let alone a scourge. We have been preparing for so long because we are stagnant alone?"

"Lu Bing should not be underestimated." Bi Yun agreed with the mysterious man: "Lu Bing is in charge of the Jinyiwei. With his sensitivity, he will definitely investigate Duan Chaoyong. We should hide it deeper... The emperor is eager to cultivate immortality , There will be opportunities in the future, and we don't have to rush."

"You add the Imperial Horse Supervisor to Dongchang, plus our Guo family and many nobles. Most of the power in the court is in the middle. What does Lu Bing and Jin Yiwei count?" Guo Xun disagreed, saying: "Shao Yuanjie is dead. The Daoist Master Guoshi passed it on to Tao Zhongwen, if this continues, when will we be able to infiltrate the Daoist sect? Gain the trust and support of the emperor?"

"Everyone in the world knows that whoever can help the emperor in practice is the one who is truly under one person and above ten thousand people. We are not the only ones who understand this truth, and our eyes are not the only ones watching." The mysterious man said Said: "The offering of the fairy artifact this time is to attract jade. As long as Jiajing sees these silver artifacts every day, he will not forget Duan Chaoyong and you Yi Guogong... I am too impatient to eat hot tofu, just wait and see, The opportunity must not be too far away.”

Zhang Xun glanced around for a week and saw that everyone opposed it. When he saw Duan Chaoyong, he saw that Duan Chaoyong just smiled flatteringly at himself.Zhang Xun frowned and did not raise any objections.

Bi Yun returned to the palace, but did not return to Dongchang, but went to the Yumajian.

It was still in that room, Sun Hong had been panting on that bed for so many years, but he was still alive.

Seeing Bi Yun coming in, Sun Hong said hoarsely, "How?"

"The emperor is overjoyed, he should have remembered Duan Chaoyong." Bi Yun said respectfully.

"Very good...cough cough cough cough...." Sun Hong said with difficulty: "The emperor has practiced Taoism, made alchemy, built altars, built gymnasiums, and raised a large number of Taoist priests to worship...cough cough cough cough cough... ...All of these require money. If Lu Bing hadn't bought him some silver in the north and south over the years, the emperor would have had no money... Cough cough cough cough... This yellow and white technique, in the emperor's heart, maybe It is not as important as the alchemy of alchemy, but the emperor will definitely take care of it... Next, we will offer silver again, and then we will present the alchemy technique combining "red lead" and "Hanzhen pancake", the emperor will definitely favor us... Only then will we be able to truly have power...cough cough cough...quantity, power to the public."

After Sun Hong finished speaking, he gasped for a long time before asking again: "When do you plan to proceed to the next step?"

"Mr. Yi said that when he went to present the gift today, he met Lu Bing present, so everyone discussed and decided to postpone it for now..." Bi Yun explained the process of the discussion to Sun Hong in detail.

Sun Hong nodded, and said: "That's fine, Lu Bing is not simple, although he may not know our plan, we can't take it lightly... Cough cough cough cough... Do things safely, really don't rush... Yun Son, you have grown up...cough cough cough cough..."

Seeing that Sun Hong was coughing badly, Bi Yun stepped forward to cheer for Sun Hong.

Sun Hong grabbed Bi Yun's little hand and said, "Yun'er, as long as you follow your adoptive father well, your foster father will protect your prosperity and wealth for the rest of your life, cough cough cough cough..."

"Yes...all according to the adoptive father." Bi Yun said meekly.

"Cough cough cough cough... good, very good... foster father is very happy today, you have nothing to hide from foster father... cough cough cough cough... very good." Sun Hong said with difficulty, lying on his back Panting on the bed, he didn't see the sternness in Bi Yun's eyes.

Bi Yun could tell that this old man knew everything about what happened in Duke Yi's mansion today, he asked himself, it was just a test!I'm testing!

Bi Yun was angry in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it.This old thing can know what happened in the Duke of Yi's mansion, or someone has been placed in the mansion of the Duke of Yi, and the rank is not low, otherwise he must not be able to approach and eavesdrop.Either that... someone sitting here today has a personal connection to the old stuff.

Thinking about Chen Hong back then, the main reason for his downfall was that his subordinate Zhang Mo got in touch with Sun Hong, and the two conspired to make Chen Hong so easily overthrown.Using such means is not easy for an old man like Sun Hong.

(End of this chapter)

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