Brocade legend

Chapter 264 The Fate of a Good Official

Chapter 264 The Fate of a Good Official

The emperor began to stop going to court, and the direction of the wind gradually seemed to follow the mind of Emperor Jiajing.

Lu Bing was already paying attention to this matter, but he didn't come forward rashly. He had already sensed the breath of conspiracy. He needed to find a clue, and then find the root cause of this matter, so as to get rid of it.He has realized that Duan Chaoyong is not the real root...

However, before Lu Bing made his move...


Yang Zui, with the word Dianzhi, was born in Shehong.Zhengde 12 years Jinshi.The head of the teaching department.The governor of Shanxi is very concerned about the distress of the victims, please slow down the symptoms.Later, he successively served as a doctor, controlling the water in Huaihe and Yangzhou.As the magistrate of Ningbo, please stop the tribute coins in the east of Zhejiang, and the imperial edict will be filled with silver.Tired moved to Guizhou as an inspector, and became the minister of Taipusi.

On August 19, the 29th year of Jiajing, Yang Zui resisted Shuli's remonstrance, saying: "Your Majesty is strong in the spring and autumn, and this is the holy edict. It is only a party, who wants to eat and ask for the ears of the gods. The gods are made by those who live in the mountains and take baths. Is there anyone who lives in a yellow house and a purple door, who is clothed in jade and eats jade, and can live in the daytime?"

"The technique of the yellow and white golden pills can destroy the vitality, but the bow is clear and respectful, and it is respectful and silent. It is not sensual, and it can restore the primordial spirit and immortal medicine without asking. As for the supervision of the country, I dare not discuss it."

When Emperor Jiajing heard this, he was furious...

Yang Zui is a good official who knows how to be sympathetic to the people.

He was once appointed as the head of the Ministry of Industry. He went to Shanxi to supervise the payment of the arrears of taxes. He was very sympathetic to the poverty of the people and returned without asking Emperor Zhengde.

Shangshu Li Lian impeached him, and Emperor Zhengde ordered him to go again.Yang Zui and Niu Tianlin, the inspector censor, tried their best to report that the people were poor and poor, so they asked for a delay in expropriation.Finally, Emperor Zhengde agreed to his request.

Later, he served successively as a doctor, and once managed the floods of the Huaihe River and the Yangtze River.Just in time for Emperor Jiajing to ascend the throne, he said to Emperor Jiajing: "Baoying Siguang Lake is high in the southwest and low in the northeast. The boat only needs to travel more than 30 miles from the lake. The embankment in the northeast is only three feet above the water. When it rains and the wind is strong , it will burst, affecting the transportation of ships, and the fertile fields in Jiancheng, Xinghua, Tongzhou, Taizhou and other places will suffer disasters. Just like Bai Gui built the Kangji Lake Embankment in Gaoyou back then, special ministers should be appointed to build inland rivers and raise the old embankments As an outer barrier, it can ensure that there will be no floods for 100 years. This is the best countermeasure. The second is to plant multiple wooden piles along the river, which can play a certain role in hindering the wind and waves, and increase the thickness of the old embankment, so as not to be too low , It can also be supported for many years. If you just plug the gaps and gaps and hope that nothing will happen for a while, once there is heavy rain and a flood, then there is no countermeasure.”

After an analysis by the Ministry of Industry, he decided to adopt his second suggestion, and he survived countless lives.

Later he served as the prefect of Ningbo.Ask Emperor Jiajing to allow the people in eastern Zhejiang to stop paying property.It is very convenient for the common people to order that all be replaced by silver.

After that, he was promoted many times, and was appointed as the inspector of Guizhou, and now he has entered the court as a servant.

The emperor wanted to live in the palace and refine gold and elixir, so Yang Zui was the first to speak out.

Yang Zui bluntly remonstrated with Emperor Jiajing: "Your Majesty is in his prime of life, but it is inappropriate to issue an edict to let the prince supervise the country. It's just that when you see a square earth, you want to take medicine and become a fairy. A fairy is a person who lives in the mountains and cultivates. How can someone live in a luxurious palace, wear gorgeous clothes, and eat exquisite food, but can fly to the sky in the daytime? Even if I am very stupid, I dare not act according to the order."

Emperor Jiajing was furious immediately, and immediately issued an imperial edict to imprison Yang Zui in an imperial prison, and ordered Jin Yiwei to give him a heavy punishment with a stick.

Waiting for Lu Bing to arrive, Yang Zui was already dead before the rod punishment was over.

Looking at Yang Zui's body, Lu Bing suddenly felt his chest constricted.Spit, can't spit, swallow, can't swallow...

This is...a good officer...

Lu Bing's hands were covered with blood, especially the Jinyiwei under his command...

But Lu Bing always felt that what he had on his hands was the blood of corrupt officials, bullies, and villains.

He also always felt that the Jinyiwei he led was different from the previous Jinyiwei.

However, at this moment, he felt that he was naive.

Hehe, I just discovered this when I was 30 years old... Is it too late...

"Who told you to do it! You don't need to ask me if you want to kill someone!" Lu Bing kicked the executioner Jin Yiwei to the ground!
Xue Yang, who was in charge of the prison, had never seen Lu Bing so angry, so furious!
He looked at Yang Lin tremblingly, and saw that Yang Lin was expressionless.

Lu Bing grabbed Xue Yang, grabbed Xue Yang's collar, his eyes were red, and he gritted his teeth and asked, "Who! Who told you to beat him to death!"

Xue Yang and Lu Bing looked at each other, then immediately lowered their heads, not daring to look into Lu Bing's eyes.

Lu Bing pinched him against the wall by his neck, and said viciously: "Speak! After all these years, you know my attitude towards such a good dare to let someone beat him to death? I know, if no one What can I tell you, you dare not!"

"It's me!" Yang Lin and Zhu Liu who rushed over said at the same time.

Yang Lin and Zhu Liu looked at each other, and Lu Bing saw it, and said with a sneer, "It seems that you have a good understanding!"

"Brother, we all know what Yang Zui said to the emperor. The emperor has practiced Taoism for many years. His words are no different from pointing at the emperor's nose and calling him an idiot! He is denying the emperor's life! The emperor's order is 'heavy Zhu Zhi'...Brother! Our Jin Yiwei is dedicated to enforcing the imperial staff! Don't you know the meaning of these three?" Zhu Liu looked at Lu Bing's blood-red eyes, a little trembling, Lu Bing's temper has become much calmer in recent years , and his self-control has improved a lot, and he hasn't shown such a fierce aura for a long time, making Zhu Liu a little suffocated.

Seeing this situation, Yang Lin also took a step forward and said: "Wenfu! The emperor didn't order the court staff immediately, but put him in prison first. In fact, he wanted us to torture him first, and then beat him to death." It can be seen from this that the emperor hates him to the bone! We beat him to death to save him, otherwise... don’t you know the method we used to send him to prison? It’s life would be worse than death!”

"Hey" Lu Bing sneered: "Do you still want to say that killing him is also to save me? You know that I will not let him die, and I will definitely ask the emperor. The emperor will be furious when the time comes, even if I don't No matter what, you will leave a prejudice against me in your heart. So you beat him to death first... You are not afraid of torturing him, you are afraid of torturing him, and I came before he died!"

Yang Lin and Zhu Liu looked at each other again... This was exactly their intention.

Lu Bing suddenly let out a long sigh, and let go of the hand that pinched Xue Yang off the ground. Xue Yang sat down on the ground, panting heavily.

Lu Bing raised his head and glanced around at the big and small guards in Erzhao Prison.

(End of this chapter)

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