Brocade legend

Chapter 266 Yuanxing Pure Red Pill

Chapter 266 Yuanxing Pure Red Pill
When Lu Bing heard Duan Chaoyong mentioning that mysterious man, he couldn't help laughing, he was really haunted, and his shadow of disturbing wind and rain was indispensable everywhere.

But when Duan Chaoyong said that Bi Yun and the horse inspector behind him were also involved, Lu Bing became vigilant.

This matter involves a lot, and Lu Bing is not sure enough, and there is no need to cause turmoil in the government and the public because of a alchemist. At that time, Emperor Jiajing will not agree.

At this point, the matter can only come to an end.

But this incident taught Lu Bing that he is no longer the little Jinyiwei Qianhu, he is now the commander of the Jinyiwei, from a first-rank official, he no longer has to face everything, he has to be careful about the layout.He now has enough strength to reduce ten meetings with one force and solve the problem in a simpler and more direct way.

This is a change of mentality, which is very important to Lu Bing.

At this moment, he really entered into the ideology of being a big shot at the top of Ming Dynasty, and only then began to think, judge, and act in the way of a real big shot.

Yang Zui died, Duan Chaoyong was arrested, and Emperor Jiajing no longer mentioned the matter of the prince supervising the country.

Then, Emperor Jiajing awarded Tao Zhongwen's son and son-in-law official positions as a gift because of Tao Zhongwen's merits in seeing through Duan Chaoyong's deception.

This incident seems to be over, but in fact it is still continuing.

Since then, Emperor Jiajing's obsession with the Red Pill Art has been out of control. After repeated research, he feels that the yellow and white technique used by Duan Chao may really be a hoax. As Tao Zhongwen said, all the yellow and white techniques are nothing more than It is ore with gold and silver, or it is mixed with gold powder and silver sand in the stone.The result of the interrogation was indeed the same. The silver that Duan Chaoyong claimed to have refined was all from the Duke Yi's mansion.

However, Emperor Jiajing felt that Duan Chaoyong's theory of red pill alchemy was very reasonable, so he decided to continue refining Yuanxing pure red pill.

Emperor Jiajing asked Lu Bing to release Duan Chaoyong to help him refine Yuanxing Pure Red Pill.

Therefore, he recruited Taoist priests and alchemists, and set up a fasting ceremony in the court, which continued to expand and cost a lot of money.

He also ordered the Ministry of Rites to send personnel to select more than a thousand folk women from Beijing, Nanjing, Shandong, Henan and other places to enter the palace.Afterwards, court ladies were selected many times, and there were as many as thousands of young girls between the ages of eight and 14.

Emperor Jiajing used the alchemist Duan Chaoyong and others to refine the elixir, at the expense of the body of the court lady and even the young life.In order to obtain enough raw materials for alchemy, the emperor forced the maids to take medicines that stimulate menstrual bleeding, which caused great physical and mental damage to the maids, and caused excessive blood loss or even collapse, and many people died as a result.In addition, in order to prevent the secret of refining medicine from being leaked, the palace maid who took blood may even be killed to silence her.

Lu Bing saw that Emperor Jiajing seemed to be insane, slowly slipping from shrewd and capable to stupid, and was very anxious, but after persuading him several times, Emperor Jiajing simply disappeared, leaving him helpless.

Seeing Lu Bing being alienated, Guo Xun and others who had been reprimanded by Emperor Jiajing changed their minds again and became even more domineering than before.

But unexpectedly, when Guo Xun was overwhelmed with complacency and couldn't control himself; when Bi Yun was disappointed with Lu Bing and was struggling in pain every day... Guo Xun felt extremely sad.

In the 20th year of Jiajing, Emperor Jiajing gave Guo Xun an imperial edict, ordering him to serve in the Qing army with Wang Ting, Minister of the Ministry of War, and Guo Xun did not receive the imperial edict for a long time.The officials have impeached them one after another.Guo Xun also went up to make a statement and said, "what's the matter? I'd like to give you an imperial edict?"

Emperor Jiajing was angry that he had no courtesies.

Seeing this opportunity, Lu Bing immediately acted, and this act was like a thunderbolt. When he used the horse market incident to clean up the pirates in the south of the Yangtze River, the officials in his hands strictly investigated Guo Xun.

When Lu Bing told the speech officer, Emperor Jiajing hated Guo Xun's arrogance and arrogance, and secretly asked the criminal department to give it to Zhong Gao, he went to the Shu to report Guo Xun's corruption and indulgence in more than a dozen crimes.Emperor Jiajing finally became angry when he saw that there were so many houses, shops, land, and property under Zhang Xun's name, and he also oppressed the people and had a very bad reputation.

On September 20th in the [-]th year of Jiajing, Guo Xun was ordered to go to Jinyi Guard Prison to die.He died in prison on October [-] of the following year.

Sun Hong, Bi Yun, and those nobles with high self-esteem were silent...

None of them thought that Lu Bing would be so straightforward if he didn't do anything.

Regardless of Guo Xun's fate, and regardless of the plan he, Sun Hong, Bi Yun, and the others made together, they have become completely different now.

Anyway, Emperor Jiajing recognized the red pill alchemy, and recognized that the red pill alchemy is a supplement to the Jindan Dao.

In order to seek the elixir of immortality, Emperor Jiajing recruited a large number of thirteen and fourteen-year-old court ladies, and ordered alchemists to use their virgin menstruation to make elixir.In addition, in order to keep the maids clean, the maids are not allowed to eat, but can only eat mulberry and drink dew.Therefore, the conscripted palace maids could not bear the pain.

In October of the 21st year of Jiajing, Lu Bing knew at this time that the mysterious person was the one who appeared in Weihui's palace when the fire broke out.

Lu Bing became more vigilant against the White Lotus Sect. He felt that the conspiracy brewed by the White Lotus Sect was huge and he could no longer let it go.

But before that, he had to wipe out the demons behind him.

Bi Yun, who suddenly secretly asked to see him, gave him an excellent opportunity.

Zhang Xun's rapid downfall made Bi Yun see hope in Lu Bing.

Bi Yun revealed all the conspiracy and offered to cooperate with Lu Bing to kill Sun Hong.

"Have you decided?" Lu Bing looked directly at Bi Yun and said.

"In these years... the sufferings our family has can imagine it." Bi Yun couldn't help crying. Three parts of these tears were acting, and seven parts were emotional: "Our family only wants freedom, as long as you If you can help me, Dongchang will listen to you in the future, and we two brothers will work together!"

"Okay, I promise you." Seeing this situation, Lu Bing couldn't bear it, so he agreed.Besides, he really needs some help.

From Bi Yun's mouth, it turns out that from the 11th year of Jiajing to the present, every pile, nothing, almost everything, has not lost the shadow of Sun Hong, and Sun Hong is the driving force behind it.

Everything that happened to me was fueled by Sun Hong.

Knowing the truth, even if Bi Yun does not cooperate, Lu Bing will not let Sun Hong go.

Bi Yun reminded: "You can't underestimate that old guy. He has been in the palace silently for decades. He can stand still despite the ups and downs of many powerful ministers and eunuchs. How can you think of his hidden secrets?" How deep. He has been sick for many years, but his power is still unabated. Therefore, no one knows how much energy is hidden behind him except the iron barrel-like imperial horse prison run by him."

"Since you came to find me, there is a solution." Lu Bing said with a smile.

Bi Yun also smiled...

(End of this chapter)

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