Brocade legend

Chapter 270 is at stake

Chapter 270 is at stake
"Anyway, those two lowly maidservants will inevitably die, and they will never be able to compete with me for favor in the future, so I can simply hand them over to these three old men, and they will be clean." Queen Fang thought to herself: "Anyway, look at the emperor's complexion, Some things are getting better, if he wakes up, the prince won't matter anymore."

Thinking of this, Empress Fang nodded her head in agreement, but when she asked the guards who captured the prisoner yesterday, the two lowly maidservants and a dozen court ladies were taken away by Dongchang.

Queen Fang hurriedly asked Bi Yun again, but Bi Yun said that he was being imprisoned by Eunuch Sun, the imperial horse supervisor.

At this time, Empress Fang couldn't help cursing inwardly, "You're a treacherous and cunning man."

She sent someone to look for Sun Hong again, but the response she received was that Eunuch Sun was not feeling well, had worked hard all night, had just fainted, and was recuperating.

There was a "thump" in her heart, and she realized that something was wrong.

Empress Fang was furious, but she didn't dare to confront the dignitary with Sun Hong.

People in the palace may not be afraid of Dongchang, but they are all afraid of the Yumajian, not only because the Yumajian is an important defense force of the palace, but more importantly, the Yumajian has a scheming, deep-rooted grandson. flood.

No one knows how deep Sun Hong's roots are. They only know that if he offends the emperor, he may still have a chance to survive, but if he offends Eunuch Sun, he will simply disappear from the world.

Empress Fang was apprehensive, so she simply told the truth to Elder Sange.

Elder Sange listened and exchanged opinions in a low voice, and the judgment of the three was surprisingly the same.

Sun Hong has both the prince and the prisoner in his hands, so he can advance, attack, retreat and defend!
If the emperor dies and the crown prince ascends the throne, then with his support, he will be unable to escape from the dragon's work, and he will become an old man of the four dynasties.At that time, he still has the prisoner in his hands, so it depends on his mood who he wants to put the blame on?At that time, he will be able to eliminate the enemy cleanly and wield power.And Sun Hong's enemies... the eunuch's enemies will never be without civil servants.

If Emperor Jiajing hadn't died, Sun Hong could also let the prisoner confess according to his ideas, and Emperor Jiajing would not blame him at that time, and might even reward him.And he can also take the opportunity to get rid of political enemies!

In any case, the crown prince and the prisoner are in the hands of Sun Hong, which is the most unfavorable to the Sange elders and the civil official group represented by them!
The three of them discussed it properly and unified their opinions—they must never leave the palace!Before the emperor wakes up!The prince and the prisoner must be taken back!
The elders of the three courts are all people who have been in the officialdom and are full of knowledge. As soon as they discussed it, Zhai Luan opened his mouth and said to the other queen: "Your Majesty, the emperor has been assassinated and is in danger. This is a major event! Now the specific situation is unknown. Who is behind the scenes? Clear. However, this incident happened in the palace, so at this time, the people in the palace cannot be trusted. Because the closer to the emperor, the more likely they are accomplices. Therefore, we think that the prince It is not safe in the hands of an eunuch, and it is even more inappropriate for a prisoner to be in his hands, because no one knows, in this palace full of eunuchs and maids, who will slip through the net, or even be behind the scenes."

Empress Fang heard the meaning of the three old elders, she felt a little uncomfortable, but she was powerless to resist, so she just guarded the emperor and refused to help each other: "What's the old elder's intention, why don't you just say it!"

"Please empress, I'm being rude." Zhai Luan cupped his hands to plead guilty, and then said: "I don't want to do that, but it's about Jiangshan Sheji and Daming's comfort, so I can only be rude. Please enter the hall and close the hall The door, I will leave people behind to guard the hall, no one is allowed to enter, so as not to be taken advantage of by the villain and take another risk. If there is any change in the emperor, I would like to ask the empress to give me a message..."

At this time, Yan Song had an idea and said: "It's not right, I would like to enter the palace to guard the emperor!"

Xia Yan and Zhai Luan were taken aback for a moment. They didn't expect that if the emperor woke up and saw himself as the first person, then he might look at him highly in the future.However, as the saying goes, 'A companion is like a tiger'.Entering the palace to accompany her is also very risky, let's not talk about what to do when the emperor dies, even if it gets better, whether it will be closer to the person who sees his ugly appearance, or he will feel resentful... It is hard to say.

In this way, it is safest to be outside.

Seeing that Xia Yan and Zhai Luan were hesitant, Yan Song said: "There are eunuchs and maids in the palace, and most of the guards are honorable people. There is no one of my own in there, how can I know the specific situation of the emperor?"

Hearing what Yan Song said, Xia Yan and Zhai Luan also felt that it made sense, so they agreed.

Empress Fang was on the side, and she heard that these civil servants were determined to rob people with Sun Hong.She wished to escape, at this moment, for her empress, the emperor's side was the safest, and both inside and outside the palace became a place of right and wrong.

Yan Song and Empress Fang entered the palace together, and closed the palace door tightly, only the two of them and the imperial doctor Xu Shen were left in the palace.The rest, including Huang Jin, Feng Bao, Bi Yun and other eunuchs and maids, were kicked out of the palace and could only wait outside the palace gate.

Bi Yun was very anxious outside the door, but he still did not give up his plan.

He couldn't bear it anymore. If this plan couldn't be implemented, he couldn't continue to swallow his anger and be a dog to Sun Hong... He already felt that Sun Hong was on guard against him. Like a person, evaporated from the world!

He must take the risk, he must complete the plan, even if he ends up dying!

But in order to complete the plan, Emperor Jiajing must first... die!


If you want to kill Jiajing, you have to advance to the palace.Bi Yun was anxiously thinking of a way to enter the palace, but he couldn't even get past the gate, not to mention that the gate of the palace was closed.Because Huang Jin and Feng Bao got two steel knives from nowhere, and they were guarding in front of the door, one on the left and the other on the right.

At this time, Zhai Luan and Xia Yan, the elders of the pavilion, had already told the officials present that both the crown prince and the prisoner were in Sun Hong's hands.

"Now the emperor's situation is unknown and he is in danger, but the prince of the country and the murderer are all in the hands of the eunuch... This is a sign of the country's ruin!" Zhai Luan shouted: "Let's not talk about whether that Eunuch Sun has anything to do with the palace man who committed the crime. Let’s just talk about the former treacherous eunuchs Wang Zhen and Liu Jin. It’s not safe for the prince to stay in the palace, let alone fall into the hands of the eunuchs and be controlled by them! We want to take back the prince and assist the prince to keep the country and the people safe! The traitor can take advantage of it again!"

The literati and bureaucrats of the Ming Dynasty have always regarded themselves as the pillars of the country and the cornerstone of the Ming Dynasty. Seeing this situation, it is time to be loyal to the country. How can they fall behind?If he can assist the crown prince to ascend the throne, it will be a meritorious service from the dragon!Look at the old officials of Xingdi who came to Beijing with Emperor Jiajing, and then look at the prosperous Jinyiwei Master Lu, isn't it right in front of us what kind of glory and wealth this brings from the power of the dragon?

(End of this chapter)

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