Brocade legend

Chapter 275 Control the situation

Chapter 275 Control the situation

"That's right." Yan Song's wife, Ouyang Shuduan, nodded. Her younger brother Ouyang Zhen did mention this indistinctly at the dinner table once when he came back.

"Hehe..." Yan Song twitched his beard and smiled: "I don't know which family's surname is Lu, I'm waiting for this matter, so I have to inquire carefully."

"What's the matter?" Mrs. Yan Song asked a little strangely, Yan Song was busy with official duties on weekdays, so he didn't have time to pay attention to this.

"This Lu... will not be easy in the future!" Yan Song said with a smile.


Lu Bing's sudden appearance immediately restored order and calm to the inner garden of the palace.

Before he entered the palace, he had already arranged manpower. Yang Lin commanded Xue Yang, Liu Biao, Sun Quan and others to mobilize tens of thousands of Jinyi guards to suppress the whole city and enforce martial law.Soon, the upcoming battle for imperial power disappeared.

And Zhu Liu took Zhang Ju, Dong Hai, Zhou Bin and others, and led more Jinyiwei, to break into the Forbidden Palace.

Many of the guards and generals in the palace belonged to the Jinyiwei's army, so Lu Bing was naturally handy in commanding them.Lu Bing quickly dispersed Xungui's men, and imprisoned or killed the generals of the imperial army who had changed.In the end, heavy troops were deployed, Tiqi was mobilized, and the Yumajian and Dongchang were faintly divided.


Lu Bing withdrew all the officials, sneered twice at the direction in which the imperial guards were leaving, and headed for Jiajing's bedroom.

At this time, Zhang Ju and Zhou Bin came hurriedly with a team of people, and said to Lu Bing, "My lord, the palace has been fully controlled, and there will be no more disturbances."

Lu Bing smiled slightly and said, "The trouble has just begun."

"What are your orders!" Zhang Ju clasped his fists and said.

"Zhu Liu?" Lu Bing asked.

"This...." Zhang Ju hesitated for a moment, but Zhou Bin said without any scruples: "Master Zhu has brought his troops to Dongchang, saying that he wants to bring those prisoners who assassinated the emperor back to the imperial prison."

Zhu Liu and Dongchang have always had old grievances, and this is an excuse to find fault.

Lu Bing expected Zhu Liu's Xiao Jiujiu, but he didn't want to stop him.Zhu Liu has been on the sidelines for many years, and he can grasp his sense of proportion, not to mention that those few criminals are really important, it is better to control them in his own hands.And... Lu Bing looked at the bedroom from a distance, and remembered that there was Bi Yun, the governor of the East Factory... The East Factory really needs to be beaten!

Wicked people still need to be tortured by wicked people, and Zhu Liu is the living Yan Luo who specializes in torturing wicked people!

Lu Bing handed the yellow silk in his hand to Zhang Ju, and said: "Take this, go to the Yumajian, and take down Sun Hong, Meng Zhong and others... If you resist, you will be shot!"

"Yes!" Zhang Ju took over the "imperial decree."

Lu Bing said to the housewife: "Remember, just take it and grab someone. Don't open it, and don't show it to anyone."

Zhang Ju nodded and took Zhou Bin to the Yuma Prison.

Lu Bing continued to come to Jiajing's dormitory. First, he was worried about Jiajing, so it was better to guard it in person.The other thing is...he wants to have a good talk with Bi Yun.

Now that the matter has come to an end, Bi Yun is no longer able to be the governor of the East Factory. If he is indeed the mastermind of assassinating the emperor, then... I should persuade him to commit suicide!

Lu Bing walked to the door of the dormitory, but he didn't see Bi Yun's shadow. His heart tightened, and he asked the guard guarding the dormitory, "Eunuch Bi?"

"Eunuch Bi just went in to see the emperor." The guard replied.

"Bastard! Who told you to let him in!" Lu Bing was furious!
"This... he is the supervisor of the East Factory..." the guard said innocently.

Bi Yun was used to going in and out of the inner courtyard of the palace on weekdays, and so were the guards.If Huang Jin and Feng Bao hadn't been guarding the door with knives just now, Bi Yun wouldn't have dared to make trouble, and would have sneaked into the bedroom long ago!
"Who else is in the palace?" Lu Bingzai asked.

"Empress Empress, and Imperial Physician Xu Shen are both here..."

Lu Bing couldn't bear to hear him finish, so he rushed in directly. This is not the time to wait for a summons!
Lu Bing rushed into the bedroom, wanting to see the imperial physician Xu Shen, and fell to the ground with blood on his forehead, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

Lu Bing rushed into the inner room, only to see the queen also fell on the ground, and Bi Yun was holding a dagger high!


Zhang Ju has been a general in the northern military town for many years, not only knows how to fight, but also knows how to fight.Zhang Ju was well aware of the combat power and number of people in the Yumajian, so he kept calling people and horses, until he gathered thousands of Jinyiwei, he directly blocked the gate of the Yumajian!
At this time, Meng Zhong was still riding a tall horse, blocking the entrance of the Imperial Horse Prison.

Zhang Ju had also heard about the failure of the civil servants to attack the Imperial Horse Prison just now. Seeing this scene, he couldn't help laughing and said, "You think we are those old soldiers and miscellaneous soldiers? These can stop us!"

"Then you come up and try." Meng Zhong sneered.

Zhang Ju also sneered twice, raised the "yellow silk" in his hand and said: "I have been ordered to capture Sun Hong and Meng Zhong, the horse supervisors! Others stay away! Otherwise, they will be punished with the same crime!"

Zhou Bin at this time was different from when he was just out of prison. Relying on the merits he accumulated fighting pirates and pirates in the south, he was promoted from a school captain to a hundred households. It is conceivable how many lives were exchanged for it.

A scar on his face almost split his face in half, making his calm and elegant expression look even more ferocious and strange.

Zhou Bin continued Zhang Ju's words in a calm tone: "We are the Jinyiwei. We can find eight generations of your ancestors. If you don't want to be wiped out, you can throw down your weapons and let the past go! You, you have to think carefully. You Is it the emperor's forbidden army, Ming's soldiers... or Sun Hong's lackeys?"

Hearing Zhou Bin's reticence, Zhang Ju couldn't help thinking of a saying that was widely circulated in Jianghu: "It's not scary to be a hooligan, but to be afraid of a hooligan who is educated."

During Zhou Bin's years in prison, he really did not read in vain!These few words are justified and well-founded, both hard and soft.

Zhou Bin's words were very effective. The people in the imperial horse prison opposite saw the imperial decree in Zhang Ju's hand, and there was a commotion.

"Eunuch Sun has taken you well!" Seeing this situation, Meng Zhong hurriedly shouted: "Do you want to be an unfaithful and unrighteous person?!"

"Disrespect is disloyalty! Don't forget, it's Daming who is raising you! It's the emperor! It's not him, Sun Hong!" Zhang Ju shouted.

Zhou Bin also sang and pointed at Meng Zhong and said, "You incite the Imperial Horse Imprisonment Army to die with you in order to cause chaos, that is the injustice to my brother!"

Zhou Bin didn't wait for Meng Zhong to retaliate, and continued to shout at the officers and horses of the Yumajian: "How do you follow Sun Hong and Meng Zhong to rebel, that is the real disloyalty and injustice! What's more... if you resist, you will be convinced Sun Hong rebelled, he must die! Now we are only arresting him according to the order. When the time comes, we will meet the emperor and speak clearly. Maybe the emperor will show mercy, and your father-in-law will be fine..."

Zhou Bin's expression suddenly turned cold, and his scarred face looked even more terrifying. He said, "My lord said that if anyone dares to resist, he will be killed on the spot, and the whole family will be implicated!"

(End of this chapter)

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