Brocade legend

Chapter 277 Crazy

Chapter 277 Crazy
Zhou Bin gritted his teeth and rushed towards Meng Zhong in a straight line!

Zhou Bin is gambling, betting his life!
Zhou Bin handed over his life to Zhang Ju, he just had to rush over and chop Meng Zhong to death!
For master archers like Zhang Ju and Meng Zhong, it was almost a blink of an eye when they practiced Lianzhu arrows!

In an instant, Meng Zhong shot five arrows, and Zhang Ju also shot five arrows!
Meng Zhong didn't have time to move, he didn't even dare to shake his body, because if his arrow missed slightly, Zhang Ju could shoot through his head!Therefore, only if he aimed every arrow at Zhou Bin's vitals, could Zhang Ju be afraid of it!
After five arrows passed, Zhang Ju's hands began to shake, and his next arrow might not be so accurate...

But... Zhou Bin just rushed five steps away from Meng Zhong!
And Meng Zhong drew another arrow!

At this time, the distance between Meng Zhong and Zhou Bin was closer than that between Zhang Ju and Zhou Bin!

Both Zhang Ju and Zhou Bin understand that this means...if Meng Zhong's arrow is released, even if Zhang Ju breaks through the limit and shoots the eighth arrow... Zhang Ju still has no time to intercept...not to mention his hands are already shaking like this... …

It's too late to say it!Meng Zhong has already raised his bow, halfway drawn!

"Kill him!" Zhou Bin yelled!At the same time, hand out the knife in your hand!

That's too late!The bow in Meng Zhong's hand is already fully opened!As long as the finger is released, the arrow will penetrate Zhou Bin's body!



Two arrows sounded!

Zhou Bin grabbed Meng Zhong's arrow shaft, and blood sprayed out!Fall to the ground!
And Meng Zhong also widened his eyes, and fell on his back...

Just now, Zhang Ju gritted his teeth and gave up on Zhou Bin. With trembling hands, he drew the eight-stone bow in his hand and pointed the arrow at Meng Zhong!
In order to complete Lu Bing's mission!Any of them could sacrifice their lives!Whether it's your own or your partner's!
Zhang Ju could only pray that Zhou Bin's long knife could block Meng Zhong's long arrow!

...In this sense of guilt will be smaller...


At this moment, Lu Bing also hoped that the Xiuchun knife he threw could knock down the dagger that fell from Bi Yun's hand, facing the powerless Emperor Jiajing.


Lu Bing finally did not miss...

The dagger in Bi Yun's hand was blown away by Lu Bing's waist knife.

Bi Yun turned his head to see Lu Bingzheng striding forward, gritted his teeth, simply raised his fist, aimed at Emperor Jiajing's Adam's apple, and smashed it down hard!

Lu Bing shouted loudly, and when Bi Yun's fist was about to hit the target, he kicked Bi Yun away.

Bi Yun staggered two steps and turned his face away!

Lu Bing was shocked!I saw that Bi Yun's face was distorted and ferocious, and his usual handsomeness and beauty were gone!
Bi Yun didn't notice a trace of saliva mixed with the blood that crushed his teeth, flowing out from his clenched teeth...

Lu Bing stood beside Emperor Jiajing and hurriedly checked, only to see Emperor Jiajing let out a long breath and passed out again...

Lu Bing was furious and shouted at Bi Yun: "You are crazy! How dare you kill the king!"

"Hey," Bi Yun said with a sinister smile, "It's not the first time anyway."

"You..." Bi Yun's words confirmed Lu Bing's previous conjecture: "You are the mastermind? You are the one who wanted to transfer me out of Beijing... You don't want to get out of Sun Hong's control at all, but want to burn everything together!"

"Not bad!" Bi Yun screamed: "I have been waiting for more than ten years! I can't wait any longer!"

In Bi Yun's crazy eyes, two lines of tears flowed: "For so many years, I have been ridden on my head!" Bi Yun pointed at Jiajing and said sharply: "He is going to be the emperor. The capital we came together, he After becoming the Ninth Five-Year Sovereign, you are all soaring! But I was suppressed by Chen Hong! We are all ex-officials of Xingdi, from the merits of the dragon! Why are you a head taller than me!"

"When did I ever bully you?" Lu Bing said impatiently, "I didn't hold an official position when I came to Beijing! The emperor treated you well and let you be in charge of thousands of households in Dongchang! He even asked you to serve as a supervisor in the Xuanfu. How can you blame others for not living up to your expectations!"

Looking at his boy friend, who is now such a good-for-nothing complainer, Lu Bing has difficulty controlling his emotions.

"Blame me? Blame me?" Bi Yun sneered: "You have never insulted me, but you look down on me! You have never looked down on me!"

Lu Bing couldn't help laughing angrily.

Bi Yun saw Lu Bing smiling like a sarcasm, which irritated him even more.

He yelled: "First, Chen Hong, then Sun Hong, and then you! You are pressing on me one by one! Pushing down one and another! If this continues, when will I be able to stand out! When will I be able to gain power The government and the opposition! I can't take it anymore! I can't wait any longer, and if I wait any longer, I will go crazy!"

Bi Yun roared, he was about to go mad with depression, he suddenly smiled strangely, and said: "This time, I want you all to die! If you don't die, then I will die too!"

After Bi Yun finished speaking, he rushed towards Lu Bing!

Protecting Emperor Jiajing, Lu Bing exchanged palms with Bi Yun, and was secretly taken aback. He didn't expect that Bi Yun's palm strength was not weak!

Bi Yun seemed to be wearing a flower bee and butterfly, surrounding Lu Bing's life-threatening attacks, and from time to time he would attack Jiajing, making Lu Bing unable to defend himself.Lu Bing didn't know whether the guards outside were reliable, so he didn't dare to ask them to come in. He was worried that Bi Yun or Yu Majian's accomplices would take the opportunity to attack Emperor Jiajing, which would be even worse.So worried, Lu Bing shrank his hands and feet.

Lu Bing saw that this was not an option, so he simply punched Bi Yun away, and instead entangled Bi Yun to fight.

After this fight, Lu Bing was secretly surprised that Bi Yun, who usually does not show his strength, is actually not weak, especially his body and footwork, which are even more exquisite, and there are many changes in every inch.

After a lot of effort, Lu Binghao finally approached Bi Yun, seized the opportunity, and punched Bi Yun in the chest.

The force of this punch pierced through his inner organs, Bi Yun spat out a mouthful of blood and collapsed to the ground.

Although Bi Yun's body skills are good, but his body is too weak and his defense is insufficient, he is not Lu Bing's opponent after all.

"Hehe...hehe...hahahahahahaha." Bi Yun laughed wildly, with tears streaming down his face.

Lu Bing looked at the crazy Bi Yun silently, wanted to say something, but had nothing to say.

It's sad that Bi Yun has fallen to where he is today, but not pitiful.

"Father is right... I am indeed ambitious and talented..."

When the dust settled, Lu Bing discovered that Bi Yun had shown his true self today, and had never called himself "our family".

"I have been imitating you all the time, but I still lost to you... Ha ha ha ha ha ha..." Bi Yun laughed sadly, his life was like a tragedy, and this moment is about to end.

With trembling hands, Bi Yun took out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his face.

"Wenfu..." Bi Yun wiped off the dust and blood on his face, revealing a face that was more handsome than most women, still so charming...but the smile was paler than before.

(End of this chapter)

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