Brocade legend

Chapter 279

Chapter 279
Wang Luxiuying has been Lu Bing's daughter for 12 years. When her daughter's marriage was finalized, Lu Bing suddenly remembered the woman who had been with him for ten years.

Xueyan is also pregnant now. Except for Zhu Liu, Shitou, and Liu Biao in the Thirteenth Taibao, they all have families. Huang Lianer and Sun Quan have a son and a daughter. Huang Duxian is old now, but he enjoys Family fun.

Yang Sen's family told him about a marriage, and he also had a son, who was seven years younger than Yang Lin's son.

Zhang Ju and Dong Hai have long had children in groups, and the house is full of wives and concubines.Zhou Bin also married a wife and concubine. Ever since the Queen Mother passed away, he took Honglian out of the palace and came to live in the mansion. He respected Honglian very much, and since then Honglian has been counted on.

Tie Tou and Xue Yang had married wives a long time ago. After Xue Yang became disabled, Xue Yang's wife still never disliked him.

Before Shitou's mother passed away, there was still someone who worried about Shitou's marriage every day.Later, the nanny died, and when Shitou returned to Beijing, he could only see a handful of loess... After that, Shitou became more silent, except for joking with Yang Sen, most of the time, he just followed Lu Bing silently and gave Lu Bing care home.

Lu Bing suddenly wanted to see Miss Meng very much. He thought of Miss Meng's younger brother, Yang Xuan, who also won the honor of being a top three Jinshi in this subject this year.

"It's time to congratulate..." Lu Bing thought so, called Shitou and said, "Come with me to another courtyard."

Yes, I don't know when it started, from top to bottom in the Lu Mansion, the courtyard where Miss Meng lived was called "Bieyuan", and gradually Lu Bing also called it like this.

Seeing that the master was going out, Lu An, the housekeeper at home, hurriedly asked the family bearer to prepare the sedan chair.

Lu Bing was not used to sitting in this sedan chair at first, and felt a little dizzy, not comfortable riding or walking.But when Chao Yipin went out, it was not proper to ride a horse or walk, so he had to sit reluctantly, and he gradually got used to it.

The bearers were all in their prime of life, and their pace was not slow. After a while, they arrived at the "Bieyuan of Lu Mansion" where the nobles in Beijing were discussing privately.

The guard stepped forward to call the door, but the one who opened it was Miss Meng's little sister, Yang Ying.

"Master Lu! Come and see my sister!" Yang Ying greeted her happily when she saw it was Lu Bing. This girl had known Lu Bing since she was a child. Let her have a good life in her natal family and be respected.In this way, I am especially grateful and close to Lu Bing.

"How many times have I told you?" Lu Bing smiled and said, "Brother!"

"Master Lu, don't make things difficult for Ying'er." Yang Ying smiled and said, "My sister has told me repeatedly that you are our family's benefactor, so I should respect you. If my sister hears that Ying'er calls you Brother Lu , I’m going to blame Ying’er again when I come back.”

Lu Bing was helpless, it was this vague distance that made the ten years between them pass like water.

"Why are you here today?" Lu Bing couldn't help teasing and said, "Going back to her mother's house? Your husband-in-law didn't come?"

"Didn't my brother pass the Jinshi exam? He said he was about to be released as an official. Today, I went to the Imperial College to bid farewell to my classmates and teachers, and to bring some personal books and clothes. My sister went to ask him to come back for a reunion dinner." , and also went to help move some things, and specially asked me to come back to make dumplings and watch the door by the way." Yang Ying smiled and said: "Master Lu is really a blessing! Our sisters have finished making dumplings, and I will wait for you to come to the pot gone."

"It's a coincidence that it's not as good as it is! Hahahaha." Lu Bing smiled and said to Shishi: "Today we have a good fortune."

Stone smiled honestly.

Lu Bing looked at the sky and said to Yang Ying: "It's getting late, why don't you come with me to the Imperial College to pick up your sister. I have a lot of people with me, and I can help you move things."

Yang Ying heard that Lu Bing didn't want to make her sister tired, so she was naturally very happy, but she was a little confused: "Is there no one left at home? The pot is on fire..."

"This is easy." Lu Bing said to the two guards: "You two, one stays at home watching the pot, and the other goes to the restaurant to order some good wine and food. Today, I will see the Yang brothers off."

"Yes, my lord!"

The two guards took the orders, and Lu Bing called another sedan chair, let Yang Ying sit on it, and followed the sedan chair of Lu's residence to the Guozijian.

Arriving at the Imperial College, before Lu Bing got out of the sedan chair, he saw Meng's younger brother Yang Xuan striding out of the Imperial College angrily with a package in his arms. Lu Bingzheng was surprised, and then saw Meng's girl Holding a stack of books, he also ran out.

The threshold of the Guozijian is relatively high. It is really inconvenient for Miss Meng to lift her feet with such a stack of books. She accidentally tripped and almost fell.Although he took two quick steps to stabilize his body, the book in his hand was scattered all over the floor.

Yang Xuan heard the noise behind him, turned his head and saw the books on the ground, and said angrily, "Don't come, don't come! You won't listen!"

"Aren't I afraid that you won't be able to take it?" Meng girl licked her hair and knelt down to pick up the book.

However, Yang Xuan seemed to be depressed for a long time, and said loudly: "I told you not to come to the Imperial College to look for me! You just didn't listen! People pointed at me for no reason, and my reputation was ruined! Everyone in the capital knows you! You are said to be from the South. It was bought by Lu Bing! But the Lu family just won’t let you in! I’m a scholar! It’s fine if you get entangled with Jin Yiwei, but I’m also ridiculed for getting involved! I was admitted to Jinshi by myself However, they all said that he relied on Lu Bing's power! I am a scholar! You don't want face, but I want face!"

Hearing this, Lu Bing was filled with anger, but felt a little guilty, before he got out of the sedan chair.But Yang Ying got out of the sedan chair in a panic, ran over, and shouted, "Brother! What nonsense are you talking about!"

Yang Xuan had just received all kinds of strange looks and cynicism in the Imperial College. He was so angry that he didn't care to ask his sister how he got here, so he just continued: "What? Did I say something wrong? Then Lu Bing was so flamboyant, and even The matter of our family has also been revealed! My former classmates have stopped dealing with me. They don’t talk about it, but they despise me in their hearts! Even your husband! !"

When Yang Ying heard this, she was so angry that she wanted to refute, but when she saw her sister squatting on the ground, she closed her mouth for some reason.

Miss Meng didn't seem to hear her brother's words, she just picked up the books on the ground one by one, brushed off the dust, then hugged them up, and said with a weak smile: "It's my sister who is wrong... I shouldn't have come to the Imperial College to look for you ...It's all my sister's fault, I didn't think carefully, if I thought of finding someone to call you, it would be fine, and I don't have to make you feel bad..."

(End of this chapter)

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