Brocade legend

Chapter 281 Years

Chapter 281 Ten Years
At this time, the servant reported that Yang Xuan asked to see him.

"He dares to come!" Mr. Zhai was furious: "Drive him away!"

"Wait!" Zhai Luan stopped his son and said, "Don't be too extreme in doing things... Don't mention the matter that you promised him to come to the mansion to be an aide, give him some silver, and let him find a place to live... Just tell him that the matter of releasing it is a bit troublesome, and then go to him after it is done in a few days."

"Father..." Mr. Zhai was puzzled.

"Lu Bing and that woman have a deep relationship, and this Yang Xuan is the only male in that woman's family. With that woman around, who knows if Lu Bing will forgive him in the future?" Zhai Luan calculated wisely: "We don't want to do that." Too bad, or you will make enemies for nothing. Give him some silver taels, stabilize him first, and see Lu Bing's attitude before making any plans."

"Father is still considerate." Mr. Zhai admired: "My son has been educated!"

Mr. Zhai ordered his servants to prepare 50 taels of silver and send them to Yang Xuan, and also explained how the servants should reply.

The servant took the silver, walked out of Zhai's mansion, and said to Yang Xuan who was waiting at the door: "My young master is meeting with the master and has no time to meet, so I specially asked you to send me 50 taels of silver, so you can find a place to settle down and wait for the outsider When the matter is done, I will let you know."

Yang Xuan was a little disappointed that he didn't see Shoufu, but when he received the money, he rekindled his confidence: "Master Shoufu is busy with business, and I am just a small Jinshi, so there is nothing wrong if I don't meet him in person." He weighed the money in his hand, smiled, and thought to himself: "It seems that Lord Shoufu and Young Master still value me, otherwise why would you give me so much money?"

Yang Xuan brought books and luggage to an inn to stay, and then went to Zhai Luan's mansion to hand over a note, stating his address, and then returned to the inn with peace of mind, waiting for the good news from his parents.

He didn't know that his note was never handed over to Zhai Luan and Mr. Zhai...


Leaving aside how Yang Xuan was having trouble sleeping and eating while waiting at the inn, Miss Meng, who was so angry with her younger brother, was standing beside a clear river, staring at the river in a daze.

When she heard her brother's words, it was as if her heart had been torn apart. The huge capital city seemed to be squeezing herself desperately, making her feel extremely suffocated, as if she would be suffocated to death if she didn't escape. inside.

"You don't need to be too sad." Lu Bing said softly: "He didn't mean to be like this...just...just bewitched by others."

Miss Meng smiled bitterly. She has been in the world for many years and has watched too many performances. How can she not see that her brother is acting?
Miss Meng knew in her heart...Brother Lu said it was a bewitchment...just to comfort was not a was a was voluntary!
For the sake of acting, he did not hesitate to stab his relatives, and he did not hesitate to be ungrateful. This is the most painful thing for Miss Meng... The younger brother she raised was actually taught by her to be like this... She felt guilty, ashamed, and ashamed. See dead parents...

Miss Meng is very angry. She is angry that her younger brother knows where the pain is the most in the past ten years, but he is desperately stabbing her the most pain...

Miss Meng raised her head and glanced at Lu Bing beside her... It's been ten years...

Ten years ago, one of them was the commander of Jin Yiwei, and the other was the courtesan in the dust.

They met in a place full of pirates and swarms of Japanese pirates, corrupt officials everywhere, and power running rampant everywhere.

She is not reconciled, but there is nothing she can do...

For the sake of her younger siblings and survival, she could only let go of her figure, her reservedness and shame as a girl...

The only thing she sticks to is not to be a concubine!
Therefore, she would rather receive poor scholars than dignitaries.

Unexpectedly, the simple reason of not wishing to be coerced and looked up to, actually achieved her reputation and attracted more literati and poets to pursue her.

The more you can't get something like a man, the more you want it... Hehe...

But then, she met him...

He redeemed her body, helped her take care of her siblings, and sheltered her under his wings.

Ten years later, her younger brother was admitted to Juren, and her younger sister married a scholar from a wealthy family.

But they are still the same as ten years ago...

Every time he finished those bloody and disgusting imperial errands for the emperor, he would come to her small courtyard, eat a bowl of wontons in chicken sauce made by her, listen to her play and sing.Then leave before the hour.

Before he met her, he already had a wife...a dead wife...

She knew that he couldn't forget the woman he once loved, she could see...she could even see his family's nostalgia and respect for the happiest woman in the past.

She heard about the virtuousness of that woman, the beauty of that woman, and the bravery of that woman!
She is ashamed of herself, she feels that she is not worthy to be his wife... But, she doesn't want to be a concubine either!

So she is always alienated, and he never oversteps.


Girl Meng leaned against the willow, staring blankly at the ripples on the lake.

Lu Bing came to her side and looked at her delicate profile, long eyelashes, tall nose and pink lips.

The breeze caressed her delicate body and disturbed her temple hair.

He took off his embroidered cloak with black face, red background and gold thread and silver thread, and put it on her shoulders.

She clutched her lapel and folded her arms tightly.

"I know, you are not willing to be a concubine, and I don't want to blaspheme... You have been with me for ten years... Let me help you find a good family!" Lu Bing hesitated, a little bit reluctant... But remembering what her brother said just now With those words, he felt that he could not continue to be selfish...

Shocked, she lowered her head and chuckled.

"In the past ten years, who in the world does not think that I am your woman? Who would dare to accept me?" Miss Meng sighed and whispered.

"I, I can recognize you as a righteous sister, and then..." Lu Bing looked at Meng girl's slightly frowning brows, and his brain got hot, and he actually said.

She turned her head sharply to stare into his eyes, and Lu Bing took a step back in panic.

"Even if I don't marry all my life, I don't need you to help me find a man!"

She looked at the man who had protected her for ten years, with a short three-inch beard on his chin, and light lines around his eyes.He is only in his 30s, but his temples are already graying.

Ten years ago, when he appeared in front of him for the first time, that heroic noble son, the one who easily brought him out of Wei Guogong's mansion, that young hero who helped him beat up the powerful nephew... is also in his twenties now. .

Back then, his star-like eyes that glared at treachery were now as deep as a dragon's abyss.The sword eyebrows that towered into the temples also seemed to have restrained their sharpness.

Looking at him now, thinking about him in the past, she couldn't let herself continue to speak cruelly.

(End of this chapter)

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