Brocade legend

Chapter 335 Wang Zhi's Huge Boat

Chapter 335 Wang Zhi's Huge Boat

After Zhu Liu asked Hu Zongxian to invite Lu Tong, he said that he would persuade him personally, but Hu Zongxian and Zhang Mo were inconvenient.

Both Hu Zongxian and Zhang Mo were people with winks. Seeing Lu Tong's complex expression, they naturally avoided him quickly.Walking out of the room, the two looked at each other, and Hu Zongxian said first, "Do you really believe that Zhu Liu is going to deal with Lu Bing?"

"I don't believe it." Zhang Mo shook his head, and continued, "But as long as he participates in dealing with Wang Zhi, there will be no more trust between him and Lu Bing."

"Will there be fraud in this?" Hu Zongxian still felt uneasy.

"Are you thinking, could this be a game played by Wang Zhi and Zhu Liu?" Zhang Mo asked with a smile.

Hu Zongxian nodded, but Zhang Mo shook his head and said, "Whether it's a game or not, it's a fact that Zhu Liu is sitting here today, and it's also a fact that we set up a game with us to catch Wang Zhi, and that's enough."

"What do you mean by what Mr. said?" Hu Zongxian didn't understand.

"The embankment of a thousand miles collapsed in an ant's nest." Zhang Mo said with a confused look, "What Zhu Liu said just now is good. Things need to be done bit by bit, and meals need to be eaten bite by bite."

Zhang Mo turned his face to look at Hu Zongxian and said, "Zhu Liu and Lu Bingen have known each other for decades, and they have a deep relationship. It is impossible for us to let Zhu Liu break up with Lu Bingen all at once. This...hehe, none of us will believe it. But , as long as there is a crack between him and Lu Bing, we can expand the crack little by little until the two of them are completely broken, and then the break between them will become an ant nest on the embankment of a thousand miles of Jin Yiwei. With this ant nest Jin Yiwei will be finished, and Lu Bing will be finished. As for whether you are worried about whether this is a conspiracy set up by Zhu Liu and Lu Bing, just use the plan..."

Zhang Mo smiled confidently: "Actually, why don't we use countermeasures and tactics? As long as Zhu Liu gets involved in this quagmire, I have the confidence to make him sink deeper and deeper. Because it is a fact that he dealt with Wang Zhi. It's a fact that he was in muddy water... When he was covered in mud... As the saying goes, if the yellow mud falls into the crotch, it's either shit or shit... So, this time, Wang Zhi must die!"

"Mr. Zhang is really clever!" At this time, Hu Zongxian's doubts were all swept away, and he smiled in admiration: "As long as Zhu Liu's hands are stained with Wang Zhi's blood, then Zhu Liu will never be able to wash it off. Even if Lu Bing can tolerate him, they [-] Guards and suspicions will also arise among the Taibao! Hahahaha! Mr. Zhang's methods are really clever, brilliant! Really brilliant!"

Zhang Mo smiled reservedly, and said, "I didn't do anything, I just pushed the boat along with the flow."

"No!" Hu Zongxian still smiled and said: "Following the trend is the kingly way. Mr. Zhang knows the three flavors in the art of war!"

The two complimented each other a few words, and when they heard the doorbell, they looked back and saw Lu Tong, the chief soldier, walking out expressionlessly. Lu Tong and Hu Zongxian looked at each other, their eyes were quite complicated, and Hu Zongxian sighed, A trace of shame flashed across Lu Tang's face.

On the second day, Lu Tong took Hu Zongxian's personal letter, Xia Zheng and Fang Dazhong, and went to Zhoushan again.

When you see the dotted islands, you will arrive at the Zhoushan Islands.

Zhoushan is located in Hangzhou Bay, with the sea strangling the three rivers, leading to Fujian and Guangdong in the south, and connecting Jianghuai to the north. It claims to control the whole of Zhejiang and move the three Wus.

There is a local saying in Zhoushan, which says that when a fishing boat enters Shenjiamen, it is like entering a house, and when entering Cengang, it is like getting into a warm bed.

Zhoushan is the hardest-hit area for Japanese infestation, and Wang Zhi made his fortune here back then.The Zhoushan Anti-Japanese War was no less than dozens of times.The most important ones occurred in Shuangyu, Putuo, Xiepu, Ligang and Cengang.

Shuangyu Port is located on Liuheng Island in the southwest of Putuo Mountain, across the sea from Xiangshan Mountain in Zhejiang Province.During the Jiajing period, Portuguese and Japanese pirate merchants colluded with Chinese pirate merchants Li Guangtou and Xu Dong to occupy Shuangyu.Shuangyu became an important port for maritime smuggling trade at that time.

In the 19th year of Jiajing, Wang Zhi rose to prominence. Four years later, Wang Zhi joined Xu Dong, and Shuangyu Port once prospered five or two times.

At that time, the Portuguese built barracks, prepared warships, and set up institutions in Shuangyu Port. Administrative, legislative, and judicial officials were all prepared. They also built six or seven churches, more than a thousand houses, and two hospitals.

Until the 27th year of Jiajing, the imperial court sent governor Zhu Wan to exterminate the smuggling pirates in Shuangyu.

Under Lu Bing's warning, Wang Zhi stayed away from Zhoushan.

Sure enough, the Ming army fought bravely, the Portuguese pirates and Japanese pirates fled to Fujian, and the Xu Dong Group was also wiped out.Only then did Wang Zhi come back to clean up Xu Dong's remnants, recruit exiles, subdue the Japanese slaves and become the largest pirate organization.

In the end, Zhu Wan offended the powers and traitors in Fujian and Zhejiang because of fighting against the Japanese, and died unjustly in prison.After Zhu Wan's death, almost no one inside or outside the court dared to say that things were banned.The sea ban was loosened, and Zhoushan was gradually controlled by pirates again until today.

Cen Port, like Shuangyu Port and Li Port, also has the ocean surface between the two islands, which is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

When Lu Tong arrived at Cen Port, he could not help nodding and sighing after seeing Wang Zhi's defensive arrangement in Cen Port.He praised Wang Zhixuan's good place in his heart, but sighed, this place is difficult to conquer, if Wang Zhi does not go ashore, with the thousands of elite pirates he brought, it may be really difficult to capture him.

"Meet Master Lu."Hearing that Lu Tong, the famous anti-Japanese general, came to visit in person, Wang Fu came to greet him in person: "The foster father is already waiting for your lord, please come with me."

Wang Fu took Lu Tong, Xia Zheng and Fang Dazhong together, and boarded the boat to meet Wang Zhi.

After the exchange of pleasantries between the two parties, Xia Zheng presented Hu Zongxian's personal letter with both hands.

Wang passed directly and opened Hu Zongxian's letter.

Hu Zongxian is from Jixi, Anhui, and Wang Zhi's hometown is less than a hundred miles away from She County.

In the letter, Hu Zongxian, in the name of a fellow countryman, made sense and moved him with emotion, and repeatedly guaranteed Wang Zhi's safety.

In the end, Xu Guan, as the governor, was in charge of the maritime affairs.

While Wang Zhi was reading the letter, Lu Tong was looking at Wang Zhi's ship with the instinct of a general.

It is often heard that there are hundreds of huge boats in Wang Zhi, "the square is 120 steps, can accommodate 2000 people, the city is made of fences, and there are four gates with buildings and sculls, on which horses can travel."

When I saw it today, it really lived up to its reputation.

Looking at the pirates on Wang Zhi's boat, who are comparable to elite soldiers, Lu Tang had to admit that this Wang Zhi was really not an ordinary pirate. According to Zhu Liu's words yesterday, Wang Zhi's military strength and chassis are not worthy of being called a king. However, even though I am a dignified general, I did not humiliate myself when I came to meet Wang Zhi.

Many years ago, Lu Tong had dealt with Wang Zhi, this Zhoushan was the place where Wang Zhi made his fortune!
In the 19th year of Jiajing, Wang Zhi left Shexian County and went to Nanyang together with Ye Zongman, Xu Weixue, Xie He, Fang Tingzhu and other fellow villagers. He went to Siam and Japan to smuggle silk and nitrate.

Wang Zhi and his gang, who have been traveling overseas for several years, have made some money, but they have not really been able to build up their own armed forces.

(End of this chapter)

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