Brocade legend

Chapter 338 Little People Big Heroes

Chapter 338 Little People Big Heroes
"..." Zhu Liusu said, "I really don't know, you can tell me and let me know."

"They are just little people." Xia Zheng lowered his head slightly, and said, "If you don't see it with your own eyes, of course you don't know."

Xia Zheng raised his head again, but he didn't look at Zhu Liu, nor did he look at any of Hu Zongxian or Zhang Mo. His eyes passed through these three adults, through the courtyard wall, and through time, as if he saw Zhoushan and that A scene etched in my mind forever.

"In the 32nd year of Jiajing, General Yu Dayou and General Tang Kekuan were ordered to pacify the Japanese invasion in Ligang. As soon as General Yu's warship entered the waters of Ligang, it was entangled by the cables set by the Japanese pirates. It is difficult to get out, the advantage is not there, but it has become a burden and a shackle... General Yu is in danger, and the soldiers on board are in danger...".

Xia Zheng murmured, but in the silent hall, it was extremely clear. The peaceful voice echoed and became louder: "At this critical moment, Ye Qi, a soldier from Zhoushan, took the initiative to stand up regardless of personal safety. He jumped out and jumped into the sea to cut the cable. Seeing this, the pirates attacked Ye Qi together. Ye Qi was stabbed seven times on the head and body, bleeding profusely. In pain, I insisted on cutting off the cable... In the end, General Yu's warship escaped, but Ye Qi died heroically due to excessive bleeding..."

Xia Zheng's eyes slowly withdrew, looked at Zhu Liu, Hu Zongxian, and Zhang Mo one by one, and then continued: "That day, I was also on the boat...I watched with my own narration...not good, I I can’t tell you how tragic and bloody that scene was. However, I still want to tell the adults how brave he was. His blood came out one by one and drifted in the water until he was tight The clenched lips changed from bright red to bloodless pale... From the beginning of his roaring, screaming, to the final clenching of his teeth, he just cut the cable, one knife after another, silently chopping the cable..."

The hall was silent, and Zhu Liu, Hu Zongxian, and Zhang Mo stopped talking.

"The army praised Ye Qi as a 'true hero', and General Yu called him a 'true martyr'." Xia Zheng said with a sad smile: "In fact, he is just an ordinary soldier. Soldiers whose military salary of two qian silver a month is not enough, and they are not ranked among the top during training, and they don’t even know a few big characters... I was even laughed at by me. But at that moment, I felt that I was the joke... …what's the use of calling him a hero when he's dead?"

"But!" Xia Zheng's eyes showed fierceness: "But my Daming's coastal defense is supported by them, these ordinary soldiers! If I die, if a few more Ye Qi can survive, I am willing to die! "

"Well said!" Hu Zongxian clapped his hands and exclaimed in admiration.

Zhu Liu and Zhang Mo looked at each other silently.


In the end, it was confirmed that the commander Xia Zheng was taken as a hostage to replace Wang Zhiqian.

Xia Zheng bowed silently and then took his leave. He wanted to go back and bid farewell to his family.

He is not a soldier, but a commander.

But just like Ye Qi was an ordinary soldier to him, to Hu Zongxian, Zhu Liu, and Zhang Mo, he was just a small man.

But little people also have family members, relatives and friends...

This trip is destined to last indefinitely, he is going to see those reluctant people for the last time.

Daming's coastal defense was supported by soldiers like Ye Qi.

The world of Daming was supported by a small person like Xia Zheng.


"We can't let him die in vain." In the silence, Zhang Mo first said: "We have to imagine, what if Wang Zhi makes another request? What if he still refuses to go ashore?"

Zhu Liu and Hu Zongxian looked at each other and smiled wryly.

I've tried everything I can, if it doesn't work, then there's really nothing I can do.

Just when the three of them were at a loss, someone suddenly reported that someone was looking for Mr. Zhu.

Zhu Liu went out and came back a while later with a smile on his face.

Zhu Liu smiled and said: "I just received the news that my big brother... Lu Bing, asked me to be in charge of Jiangnan's affairs, and asked Wang Zhi what he was doing when he came back."

Hu Zongxian and Zhang Mo were overjoyed!

"In this way, you can justifiably contact Wang Zhi!" Hu Zongxian said happily.

When Zhu Liu heard this, he couldn't help sighing: "Confused, if I met Wang Zhi and he was arrested, how would I explain it? In this way, Lu Bing will definitely realize that I have a problem."

"That's right." Zhang Mo agreed with Zhu Liu's words, and said, "Now is not the time to be exposed."

"Then it's useless for you to get this news!" Hu Zongxian said disappointedly.

"Of course it's useful." Zhu Liu chuckled and said, "I can't go, but I can borrow this name!"

"That's right!" Zhang Mo quickly formed a feasible plan in his mind: "We don't need Mr. Zhu to contact Wang directly. We just need to pretend that Mr. Zhu will be in charge of contacting Wang directly on behalf of Lu Bing, and pretend to disclose to him inadvertently." Wang Zhi will do."

"As long as Wang Zhi thinks that I will be here and carry the mission entrusted by Lu Bing, then he will definitely come here." Zhu Liu said confidently.

"So, it's safe!" Hu Zongxian laughed loudly.

The three looked at each other and laughed at the same time.


On the second day, Xia Zheng came to Wang Zhi's boat.

When Wang Zhi and Ye Zongman saw Xia Zheng and heard Xia Zheng say that he would stay on the boat as a hostage, they were all dumbfounded.

"Captain Wang." Xia Zheng said frankly: "We have known each other for not a day or two. I think Captain Wang knows what kind of person I am, Xia Zheng. I have always admired Captain Wang. I know that Captain Wang is a hero, a real man. So, I came alone, without a single soldier, unarmed, and voluntarily stayed on board as a hostage. Captain Wang should be relieved!"

"Quick! Show Master Xia a seat!" Wang Zhi stood up and greeted himself: "Quick, Master Xia, please take a seat! Come on! Serve tea, serve good tea!"

When Wang Zhi waited for Xia Zheng to sit down and drink the high-quality tea in a leisurely manner, Wang Zhi bowed his hands and saluted, and said in admiration: "Master Xia is a real hero and a real gentleman. I, Wang, am a villain. I am really ashamed, I am very ashamed..."

"Captain Wang, you don't need to be too polite." Xia Zheng smiled and said, "We are old friends too. I am here today to reassure Captain Wang. Now that Captain Wang has seen me, go see Mr. Hu as soon as possible! Hu Your Excellency is looking forward to the arrival of Captain Wang, it can be said that you can't see it!"

"Okay! I'll change my clothes now and prepare presents! Go ashore immediately!" Wang Zhi laughed loudly, and responded immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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