Brocade legend

Chapter 340 The Heart of the King

Chapter 340 The Heart of the King

"Actually, think about the Jinyiwei from 30 or [-] years ago..." Xia Zheng shook his head and sighed pretendingly: "If it weren't for that lord, how would Jinyiwei be where it is today? Of course that lord is the most powerful!"

These words were not taught by Hu Zongxian, Zhu Liu, and Zhang Mo, but by Xia Zheng who had expressed his feelings... Now who is an official in the Ming Dynasty can't help but feel emotional when he talks about these things? Made a big sigh?
"That uncle and his thirteen Taibao were compiled into a storybook by storytellers and preached everywhere! Presumably, Captain Wang has heard of it too!" Xia Zheng continued, and Wang Zhi nodded violently in cooperation. The answer in his heart has already Ready to come out!

"I heard that the uncle sent here is the first and most powerful one among his thirteen Taibao." Xia Zheng said excitedly: "That is Mr. Zhu Liuzhu who is known as Living Yama! Then He is very powerful. I don’t know how many heads of high officials have been beheaded. He was on business in the south of the Yangtze River, and the villain’s official position was humble, so he didn’t have the chance to meet him. But until today, that adult always mentions it in the officialdom of Jiangnan. A big man who will shock the dead. You said he is coming, Master Hu and the others, can they not be afraid, can they not be in a hurry!"

When Wang Zhi heard it, he felt a rush of enthusiasm!
He forced himself to suppress his excitement, but anyone could see the joy that was about to overflow in his eyes.

Brother Zhu is here!Master Lu must have sent him to pick me up!
No wonder there has been no news from my lord, but he actually came to pick me up with Brother Zhu himself... Yes, yes!I'm going back to China, and when the time comes, I'll be an official in the same dynasty as Mr. Lu. It's better not to keep a low profile. It's better not to let people know about my relationship with Mr. Lu. That's why Mr. Lu is so calm...

Wang Zhi quickly thought about what Lu Bing might have thought and why he did this.

Ye Zongman was equally excited, because Lu Bing was also his savior, and he and Zhu Liu had met several times.

However, he was still puzzled, why Master Lu didn't disclose any information before?

Did the news come to you in a hurry?

Or do it in secret.

"Lord Xia, I'll go ashore with you right now!" Wang Zhi said loudly.

Ye Zongman, who hadn't figured it out yet, grabbed Wang Zhi and said, "Wait a minute! Why don't we wait for Master Zhu... After Master Zhu comes, we'll go ashore to visit again!"

"It's a joke, Mr. Zhu... who is Mr. Zhu? How can we let him wait for us? Of course we are the ones to go ashore to meet him!" Wang Zhi was dissatisfied with Ye Zongman and still stopped him, but the news that he was about to see Zhu Liu soon made him seem to change. The young man who returned to the age of 20 really didn't want to get angry with Ye Zong when he was so happy.

In fact, Ye Zongman couldn't find any conspiracy or loopholes intellectually, but he was framed by Hu Zongxian once and almost died, so his instinct made him feel that he couldn't trust Hu Zongxian.

But... Zhu Liu is coming!
"Lord Xia!" Ye Zongman saw that he couldn't hold back Wang Zhi, so he simply turned around and clasped his fists at Xia Zheng, "May I ask if the news your lord just said is accurate?"

When Xia Zheng heard it, his face darkened, and he said: "What did I just say? I didn't say anything! Even if I said something, it was just gossip. I'll just talk about hearsay."

Xia Zheng put on a posture of Ye Zongman, you really don't win, you can't teach a child.

Wang Zhi hurriedly pulled Ye Zongman away, not letting him ask any more questions.

"What are you still worried about?" Wang Zhi asked, frowning.

"... Sigh." Ye Zongman was silent for a while, then sighed, "I can't say, I always feel that something is wrong."

"Okay, don't think too much." Wang Zhi saw that Ye Zongman was really worried about him, and the dissatisfaction in his heart disappeared, and he patted Ye Zongman's shoulder with a smile.

Ye Zongman obviously couldn't let it go, he still frowned and sighed deeply in deep thought.

Wang Zhi looked at the old brother, and simply said what he really thought in his heart.

"No matter how much you stop me, I'm going." Wang Zhi looked into Ye Zongman's eyes and said, "I know what you're worried about, but I'm also worried, no matter how they promise, how to put it... In the end, Our pirates and the government are still natural enemies. If the cat tells the mouse not to eat it, will the mouse not be afraid?"

"Since you know, then you still..." Ye Zongman didn't understand.

"So, if we want not to be afraid, we must become cats! Become their kind!" Wang Zhi said firmly: "So, this opportunity is the best opportunity, we must not let it go!"

"...Actually, we are not between cats and mice, but birds and fish." Ye Zongman said another way: "Flying birds may also rush into the water to eat fish, but not often, let alone every time We all have harvests, and... we are not ordinary fish, we are mackerel, we are tiger sharks! A bird passing over the sea can catch at most small fish and shrimps, but they can't catch us, they may be A petty annoyance of ours, but not fatal...'.

Ye Zongman's tone was full of determination: "However, if we go ashore, it will be treated as a knife and a fish, and it will be regarded as the largest sea fish in the sea. Even if it can flick its tail in the sea and create huge waves, it will land on the beach. In the world, isn't it just letting others slaughter you without the slightest power to fight back? And... no matter how difficult it is to return to his world... it will be too late to regret it by then!"

"Do you think we will die if we go ashore?" Wang Zhi and Ye Zongman exchanged glances, hoping to convince each other.

"Death is certain." Ye Zongman said bluntly, affirmatively.

"But, we are not fish or mice, we are human!" Wang Zhi raised his head and said, "And I am not an ordinary person!"

Wang Zhi smiled, looked at Ye Zongman and said, "Do you still remember? I am a lone star from heaven!"

Ye Zongman understood what Wang Zhi was talking about, what Wang Zhi was talking about was the innate vision when he was born.

According to the local legend in She County, when Wang Zhi was born, his mother Wang dreamed that a big star fell into her arms from the sky, and there was a crowned figure beside the star. Yu Hu and not Yu Hu." After that, the snow fell heavily, and the vegetation was frozen.

Later, this matter was also spread in the sea, saying that Wang Zhi was the man of destiny, which is one of the reasons why Wang Zhi became king.

Wang Zhi once said to the left and right: "The stars in the bosom are extraordinary wombs; the grass and trees are ice, and soldiers are like elephants. Did the general order me to use martial arts?"?
Therefore, Wang Zhi became king very smoothly.It is also because of this that many people follow Wang Zhi sincerely.Because there are not many people who wander in the sea who do not believe in God, and few do not believe in fate.

Ye Zongman shook his head and sighed, "That vision...can't help you block swords and guns."

But Wang Zhi made a final conclusion: "Anyway, I will go ashore for a walk, and you have listened to Xia Zheng's words. If I still dare not go ashore, I will really have no face to be king again!"

"Are you doing it for face?" Ye Zongman sneered, "Speaking of which, you are just a pirate... Do you remember when we first left She County? Remember when we first joined Xu Dong? We lowered our heads, We made the best of it! At that time, we all knew each other that our face would have long since been thrown into the sea and lost!"

Wang Zhi pursed his lips and said nothing, his expression was stubborn.

"Actually... I know...." Ye Zongman sighed: "As soon as he mentioned that lord, I knew that you would definitely go ashore. You believe him, you want to follow him, you are not afraid of losing face, You are afraid of losing his face..." Ye Zongman looked at Wang Zhi: "Because when Xia Zheng talked about him, Xia Zheng admired him, because that lord is the most powerful lord in the capital city of Ming Dynasty!"

"Yes, as his brother! I dare not go ashore! What a joke!" Wang Zhi loudly admitted his thoughts.

His voice shook Xia Zheng, but no one saw the smile on the corner of Xia Zheng's mouth.


Wang Zhi was about to land, the Japanese envoy was very happy, and the leader of the envoy, Miao Shan, happily prepared gifts for the nobles of Ming Dynasty.

"I'll take Wang Fu, you stay on the boat." Wang Zhi said with a smile to Ye Zongman: "If something really happens, you can take care of me."

Ye Zongman, who sent Wang Zhi off the boat, was very angry. Although he was inexplicably angry, he didn't want to talk.

Wang Zhi looked at his old brother sulking there, grabbed Ye Zongman's shoulders, stood on the huge boat, leaning on the railing, looked at the distant sea and the coastline, and listened to the huge waves crashing on the shore from afar. He shouted: "In the past, Gao Xie Yu Hongmen of the Han Dynasty, when the king would not die, let Hu Gong seduce me, what can I do!"

Ye Zongman looked at the arrogant old brother, who had always been rational and scheming, suddenly felt a strange but familiar blood welling up in his heart!
When they left home, they wanted to conquer their own world!
At that time, they were young and passionate!
However, the sea wind blew out their passion, the waves extinguished their blood, and the sea washed away their passion.

In the setbacks and tribulations, some people become more courageous as they get more frustrated, and they become more profitable as they get stronger—such as Wang Zhi.

Some people have broken their bones and lost their heads—such as Xu Weixue.

There are also people who have lost their edges and corners and polished their brilliance—such as Ye Zongman

So many years of swords, swords, and bloody winds have made Ye Zongman more and more rational, more and more accustomed to thinking more, thinking twice before acting, and planning before acting...

He has long since lost Wang Zhi's pride...Of course, he has always felt that Wang Zhi's pride is silly and irrational.To be precise, that is called impulsiveness.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt that he was not as good as Wang Zhi... The reason was that he had lost his aggressiveness and energy, lost the willingness to fight a gamble, lost the ability to go all out, and lost everything. courage and determination!

Wang Zhi compared himself to Liu Bang, the great ancestor of the Han Dynasty. He said that Liu Bang could survive the Hongmen Banquet because he could not die as a king.

Wang Zhi is also the king now, so he believes in his luck, even if Hu Zongxian really lied to him and wanted to kill him, there is nothing he can do.

(End of this chapter)

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