Brocade legend

Chapter 364 Brocade Crisis

Chapter 364 Brocade Crisis
"I will take back your revenge from them with my own hands." Lu Bing said expressionlessly, "But you must return to you not believe me?"

"Subordinates dare not!" the spy said in trepidation.

"Then listen to me, go back to Beijing immediately, and go back to your woman and child." Lu Bing suddenly smiled and said, "Believe me, as long as you go back to Beijing, you will be cured... my lord's None of the Thirteen Taibaos are vegetarians!"

"Yes... my lord!".The first creed of being a secret agent is to obey; the second creed is to obey Mr. Lu...he can't resist Lu Bing's order.

Lu Bing, Sun Quan and the others watched as several Jinyi cavalry carried the spy on his way back to Beijing.

"Look at your robes!" Lu Bing suddenly jumped onto a boulder, and shouted at the thousands of Jin Yiwei: "Look at your brother robes! He has sacrificed so much, can we let him down!"

"No!" Whether it was the Thirteenth Taibao, or the Jinyi guards and school lieutenants, they answered Lu Bing's question loudly at the same time.

"We want to avenge him!" Lu Bing gritted his teeth and said, "Blood debt!"

"eye for eye!"

"eye for eye!!"

"eye for eye!!!"


In view of the fact that Xiaoxitian of the White Lotus Sect had no way of access to the outside world, and the internal situation was unclear, Lu Bing finally decided to keep the large army outside.

Zhang Ju and Huang Lian'er stayed outside Xiaoxitian. The masters of "Trust in the Mouth" and "Needle on the Tail" each left half, led by Huang Lian'er, and continued to search for possible passages around the mountain.Zhang Ju led a cavalry army of four thousand brocade clothes, and he had to leave troops guarding all the passages that Huang Lian'er found, so as not to let the White Lotus Sect slip through the net.


Following a burst of violent explosions, the stone door that looked like a stone wall was blasted open!

Lu Bing led Shitou, Yang Sen, Sun Quan, Dong Hai, and 150 masters of "belief in the mouth" and "needle on the tail", as well as [-] Jinyi cavalry, and immediately entered Xiaoxitian along the passage they found, and did not give Bai Lian The congregation is left with the opportunity to prepare.

This is the boldness of Yigao people!It is even more because of the unpredictable situation in Beijing, Lu Bing really can't wait!

"When Mr. Li left Beijing, he recommended Mr. Zhang to me. He said that Mr. Zhang was more useful to me at this time. I don't know what Mr. Zhang can do for me?" Emperor Jiajing secretly summoned Zhang under the arrangement of Huang Jin. street.

Seeing this, Emperor Jiajing had a good impression of the personable and gentle Zhang Mo.

Zhang Mo smiled slightly, and said, "Your Majesty, Mr. Li is a superior man, and he does elegant things. The grassroots are ordinary people, so they naturally do common things. Since Mr. Li praised him, the grassroots naturally dare not be negligent. The emperor handles the mundane affairs properly, so that the emperor can practice Taoism with peace of mind and do elegant things."

"Okay, okay!" These few words can be said to have gone to Emperor Jiajing's heart. After saying goodbye, Emperor Jiajing said, "I don't know. Is Mr. Zhang clear about the current actions?"

"Caomin knows it well." Zhang Mo said with a smile, "Caomin's visit this time is to present a great gift to the emperor."

Emperor Jiajing's eyes flashed brightly, and he said, "This great gift...refers to Zhu Liu?"

Zhang Mo saw it in his eyes and heard it in his ears, but said in his heart: "This emperor, it seems that he is not confused!"

Thinking like this in his heart, he replied in his mouth: "The emperor is holy, yes, it is Zhu Liu."

Emperor Jiajing frowned and said, "Do you know how deep the relationship between Zhu Liu and Lu Bing is? When I summoned you today, you asked Zhu Liu to come with you, but I refused. The reason is that if Zhu Liu meets me, Maybe even assassinate him on the spot for Lu Bing!...Aren't you afraid that he's a false surrender?"

"Don't worry, Your Majesty..." Zhu Liu repeated what he said to Hu Zongxian in detail, and then said: "Now that Wang Zhi has been arrested, Zhu Liu is the biggest accomplice, and he can't be cleaned up. Even if Lu Bing can forgive him, Other members of the Thirteenth Taibao will also start to be wary of him. If the emperor orders Zhu Liu to take over Jinyiwei during Lu Bing's absence, the Jinyiwei below will not have any doubts. Because Zhu Liu, as the number two of Jinyiwei, has already It's been a long time, and the guards below have gotten used to Zhu Liu replacing Lu Bing in charge."

Zhang Mo smiled slightly and said: "At this time, let's let out a little bit of rumors... The other eunuchs are not so easy to fool, and they will definitely be suspicious of Zhu Liu... At this time, if we do something in the name of Zhu Liu, it will definitely make people laugh." The other Taibao suspect that Zhu Liu has already betrayed Lu Bing. Don’t worry if they don’t fight at that time, as long as they fight, we will fight to the death. If the conflicts intensify, they will definitely not hold back.”

Zhang Mo clasped his fists at Emperor Jiajing, and said, "As long as the emperor supports Zhu Liu, then most of the Jinyiwei below will stand by Zhu Liu's side. We can label those Jinyiwei and the Thirteen Taibao who refuse to surrender as rebels." ...We will fight together, and before Lu Bing returns to the capital, we will definitely be able to get Jin Yiwei... What's more, whether Lu Bing can come not certain!"

"If Jin Yiwei gave it to Zhu Liu...wouldn't it mean that the front door drives the tiger away and the back door accepts wolves?" Emperor Jiajing still hesitated, and said: "Zhu Liu is more dangerous, crazier, and wilder than Lu Bing."

"Today's Jinyiwei is terrifying because of their unity and centripetal force." Zhang Mo said with confidence, "Don't worry, the emperor, after the Jinyiwei is torn apart, it will never have the centripetal force of today, and Zhu Liu who betrayed Lu Bing, even if some A confidant, it's hard to make a big deal... If Lu Bing returns to Beijing by chance, then Zhu Liu and Lu Bingdou will be kept. If Lu Bing can't come back... At that time, the emperor wants to win Zhu Liu, it will not be a matter of a word ?”

Emperor Jiajing listened and nodded thoughtfully.


Zhu Liu has been back to Beijing for a few days, but he has been missing, and he didn't even go to Lu's mansion to meet Mrs. Lu.

Yang Lin felt strange in his heart, and couldn't help being a little vigilant.

At this moment, Emperor Jiajing suddenly ordered Zhu Liu to be the commander of Jinyiwei, and temporarily take charge of the affairs of Jinyiwei on behalf of Lu Bing.

Zhu Liu, who had been back to Beijing for several days, finally showed up...

After Zhu Liu took over Jinyiwei, he was conscientious, and the Jinyiwei did not resist as Zhang Mo expected.

But for some reason, Zhu Liu only quietly concentrated the power of the Jinyiwei under the emperor's order, but did not immediately take action against the other Taibao, but avoided seeing the old brothers.

Seeing this situation, Yang Lin remained calm, but secretly investigated Zhu Liu.

Yang Lin sent a group of people along Zhu Liu's route to the south.

Another group of people was sent to investigate the people Zhu Liu came into contact with after returning to Beijing.

At this time, the capital is already undercurrents surging, and the biggest crisis of Jin Yiwei is imminent.

(End of this chapter)

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