Brocade legend

Chapter 388 Casualties

Chapter 388 Casualties
"Sun Quan and Dong Hai?" Lu Bing asked, looking at Yang Sen and Shitou.

"When I killed Shura, it seemed that the fight was over outside." Yang Sen replied.

Lu Bing hurriedly ran to Shimen!

After the stone door was opened... I saw Sun Quan lying on the ground...

The wounds on his body had clotted with blood.

And the knife in Dong Hai's hand pierced through Ma Mian's body... and the serrated knife also passed through his body...

Dong Hai lay on his side without making a sound.

Yang Sen probed Sun Quan's nose with his fingers, and hurriedly said, "Sun Quan is still alive!"

"Bring them in!"


An hour later, Sun Quan finally woke up...

He saw the dead Dong Hai at a glance. He was dozens of years old, but shed tears without any scruples...

"...He defeated Niutou...but I couldn't do anything about Ma Mian...I dragged him down...I was forced by Ma Mian, I couldn't dodge, I was stabbed twice...I was about to die by Ma Mian Dao I fell...he pushed me away, and I hit the stone wall... fainted..."

From Sun Quan's narration, Lu Bing knew the cause of Dong Hai's death...

Obviously, when Ma Mian's knife entered his body, he also sent the knife in his hand into Ma Mian's body...

Lu Bing, Yang Sen, Shi Shi and Sun Quan placed Dong Hai's body in the Hall of Yama and chased after it along the passage that Yasha left.

It's been a long journey...

Two hours later, Lu Bing and his party finally passed through the passage.

"We meet again." A familiar person was waiting for them: "Welcome to Da Chi Tian."

"It's you?" Yang Sen was surprised: "Who are you?"

"I'm Feng Delu, nicknamed Yanshi." Feng Delu, who was supposed to stay in Baizhan, appeared in the last three days.

"Then your identities are fake?" Yang Sen asked again.

"The identity is not fake." Yanshi said with a smile: "I do have official status, but before I had official status, I was already a Yanshi of the White Lotus Sect."

"Since you revealed your identity, you have something to say." Lu Bing said.

"There is nothing to say, I just want to stop you." Yan Shi said.

"It's up to you?" Sun Quan sneered.

"Of course I'm not the only one." Yanshi clapped his hands, and more than ten people rushed in!

A dozen people of different shapes turned out to be the generals of the twelve zodiac signs!

Yanshi didn't wait for Lu Bing and others to react, he dodged and went to the next level.

The gods of the zodiac will kill them immediately!Surround Lu Bing and others.

These twelve people can be regarded as first- and second-rate masters, Lu Bing and others dare not be careless.

After fighting for a while, Youji was the first to die under Yang Sen's throwing knife.

Then the fat and bloated Haizhu with extraordinary strength was slashed by the stone with a knife, and half of his head was cut off.

At the same time, Wei Yang, who used two prongs, was also killed by Lu Bing.

Zishu with two daggers died under Sun Quan's dagger.

Maotu also failed to escape Yang Sen's throwing knife, but in order to cover Yang Sen, Shi Shi was pierced through the thigh by Si Snake's short spear.

Then Si Snake was killed by a stone with a shield.

Then, Wu Ma was also beheaded by Lu Bing.

Immediately afterwards, Xugou also died under Yang Sen's flying knife.

Sun Quan's face was pale at this time, he was already exhausted, and Shi Shi's thigh was bleeding profusely.

In desperation, Stone protected Sun Quan, and fought while retreating.

Yang Sen saw that Shitou and Sun Quan were in trouble, so he rushed to help.

Yang Sen's throwing knife and Shishi's shield are the best partners, so they can stabilize their footsteps.

With the cooperation of the two, the ugly cow died tragically.

At this time, Lu Bing was besieged by Yinhu and Chenlong.

Shenhou, who is small and nimble and wielding a monkey stick, made it hard for Yang Sen and Shitou to deal with it.

Both Yinhu and Chenlong are excellent in boxing and kicking, and they are exactly the same as Lu Bing.

Yinhu's tiger-claw boxing is like a tiger's wind, and Chenlong's back-swinging legs are like a dragon wagging its tail.

But in the end, it was still Lu Bing who was superior, and broke Yinhu's fist head-on, and kicked Chenlong's knee.

After Lu Bing killed Yinhu and Chenlong, he went up two steps, grabbed Shenhou's neck fiercely, and slapped him against the wall.

All the gods of the twelve zodiac signs were killed, and Lu Bing and others were exhausted.

At this moment, Yanshi's voice sounded: "My lord, please move to Yu Yutian, someone has been waiting for you for a long time."

Lu Bing, Sun Quan, Yang Sen, and Shitou exchanged glances with each other, and headed towards Yu Yutian boldly.

As soon as he entered Yu Yutian, Sun Quan was shocked!
I saw that Huang Lian'er was suspended in the air by ropes, but below her was a stone pit covered with sharp wooden stakes.

Yanshi held a dagger in his forehand and stood beside the rope.

Seeing Lu Bing, Sun Quan and others coming in, Huang Lian'er wanted to speak, but she was unable to express herself because her mouth was blocked by a cloth.

Huang Lian'er looked anxious and whimpered, as if she wanted to say something.

Yanshi laughed maniacally and said: "Sun Quan, I heard that your master's lightness kung fu is world-class, and that you and your husband have mastered the true teachings... I don't know, is it your speed? Or her falling speed?"

"You dare!" Sun Quan yelled angrily, his eyes bloodshot: "If you dare to hurt her, I will cut you into pieces!"

"Hahahahahaha." Yan Shi laughed wildly, "If I was afraid of death, would I still be standing here?"

Lu Bing heard something in Yanshi's words, and frowned.

At this moment, Yanshi actually cut the rope with a single blow!
Lu Bing, Shitou, and Yang Sen all took a step back and could only watch Huang Lian'er fall...

But Sun Quan, who had been staring at Yanshi, rushed out the moment Yanshi swung his knife and cut it down!

Just when Huang Lian'er was about to be pierced by the wooden stake, Sun Quan first stepped under Huang Lian'er!

The momentum of Huang Lian'er's fall was all added to Sun Quan's skill...

Sun Quan stared wide-eyed, gritted his teeth, was stabbed from behind by a wooden stake, and died immediately...

Until his death, Sun Quan still clung to the wooden stake with his hands and feet, stiffening his body...

The tip of the stake pierced through and stabbed Huang Lian'er, but not enough to kill her.

However, at this time, Huang Lian'er burst into tears, more painful than death...

At this time, Yang Sen had already captured Yanshi, and with hatred, he stabbed Yanshi into the belly...

Yanshi laughed wildly: "Hahahahaha! None of you can leave! None of you can leave! All passages will be sealed, and you will all be trapped here!"

"Then you can't live!" Yang Sen roared.

"From Xiaoxitian, what use is my Yanshi!" The distressed expression flashed, and Yanshi still laughed: "Go, go! There are still people waiting for you in Qingweitian! If you want to survive, hurry up!" go!"

At this moment, there was a burst of explosion and impact, shaking the earth!
Lu Bing and the others were shocked. In order to kill themselves, the White Lotus Sect actually wanted to destroy the carefully constructed Xiaoxitian!

"They won't all be buried with us!" Lu Bing shouted: "At least their so-called Holy Master won't! Go! There must be an exit above!"

(End of this chapter)

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