Brocade legend

Chapter 393 Murder is imminent

Chapter 393 Murder is imminent

Among the common people, there are able-bodied people, but they also make various excuses and evasions, and do everything possible to hope that they can operate around and avoid commercial labor.There were even family members who fled to other counties.

For a long time, in the capital and Zhili, the wealthy households gradually became rare, and then the middle households were affected, and then the middle and lower households were affected. The streets were depressed, and even if they had riches, they were also worried.

So during the incident, Wei Yuanji went to the evacuation, saying that the merchants were tired, and asked to make up for the undisclosed merchant price with Taicang silver.

On March 37, the 27th year of Jiajing, Shizong took what Wei Yuanji said was true, and ordered to sympathize with the merchants in the capital.

However, due to the urgent need for border salaries, it is often difficult to supply Taicang silver, so although there is an edict to save sympathy, the business is still struggling.

The situation in Daming has stabilized slightly, and the dispute between the two sides has heated up again.

This time Yang Lin made the first move...

On March 37, the 28th year of Jiajing, Wu Shilai, under the secret instruction of Yang Lin, once again impeached Yan Song for embezzling money and accepting bribes.

He said: "Yan Song has been in power for 20 years, civil and military officials have been promoted and stayed, and all of them have been handed over. He also secretly ordered his son Yan Shifan to enter and leave the forbidden place, to criticize chapters, to call for power demonstrations, to instigate ministers, to enslave generals, to embezzle and accept bribes. The accumulation of goods is never enough. Employing people on cronyism, every time they do a deed and promote an official, they must first report to Yan Shifan and then play. Your Majesty only knows how to discuss ministers, but you don’t know that this is all the private intentions of Yan Song and his son! Many upright courtiers all resent Yan Song The minister thinks that getting rid of the evil is the root of the problem. Today’s poor situation is due to the army’s poverty, the military’s poverty is due to the evil officials, and the officials’ evil is due to the good goods of Yan Song and his son. If you don’t go to Yan Song and his son, the situation on the border cannot be saved.”

On the same day, under the suggestion of Yang Lin, Zhang Chong and Dong Chuance, the directors of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, went to impeach Yan Song respectively.

Zhang Chong said: "Since Yan Song came to power, four out of ten people from the state gave money and food to the border, and six out of ten people bribed Yan Song. Yan Song's wealth has already exceeded hundreds of thousands, and the wealth of Yan Song's family can be seen."

Dong Chuance said: "Yan Songtian doesn't know the rules. One day in office, the whole world suffers one day. He corrupts side affairs, sells officials, wastes the country's use, uses sinners, disturbs the post, and harms talents. He must be eliminated immediately."

After Wu Shilai and the three of them went to the shuffle, Yan Song suspected that Chujie was the mastermind behind the scenes, and secretly reported to Emperor Jiajing.

Emperor Jiajing suspected that Xu Jie, Lu Bing, and Yang Lin had colluded in private, believed what Yan Song said, and immediately sent Wu Shilai to prison to investigate the mastermind.Zhu Liu, who has mastered the power of the prison, hopes to lead the signs to Yang Lin's side during the interrogation.

But Wu Shilai and the three refused to admit it until their death, saying that Emperor Taizu Gao taught them.

Emperor Jiajing was helpless, but still angrily proclaimed an imperial edict, and sent all three of Wu Shilai to the remote smoke guards into the army.

As Yang Lin's capable general, Wu Shilai fell from power.

After that, Yan Songshu asked to retire.

Although Emperor Jiajing comforted him, but thinking that Yan Song's strict party members had always been a gap in Yang Lin's attack, and they had become his own weakness, he felt a little tired of Yan Song in his heart.

On the 37th day of April in the [-]th year of Jiajing, the Ministry of War was ordered to adjudicate the affairs of post delivery in the province: "In the early days of the country, post delivery was used to publicize the king's order and fly to report military information. Today, the method has been changed and the waste is ten times greater. The existing red boat station , and additional official and private boats; both rated horses and donkeys, and additional horses; Enter the official with its fee. Except for the dry post horse and donkey, except for the two capitals, each post will be reduced by three tenths, and the non-important land will be reduced by five tenths. The number of husbands and horses can only be dealt with. All other disadvantages such as division, reversal, borrowing, reform, and additional laying out, feeding, and discounting, etc., are internally listened to by the department and externally. Half of the money and food saved by the localities will be lost to the border."

Emperor Jiajing's imperial edict allowed it to go, and under Zhu Liu's deliberate actions, Zhu Liu's subordinates controlled most of the post stations.Gradually cut off the connection between Lu Bing and Jingzhong, so that Lu Bing could not get the latest information from the post station.

And the connection between Yang Lin and the south was almost severed.This made it more difficult for Yang Lin to deploy manpower and implement the plan.

On April 37th, [-]th year of Jiajing, the Ministry of Household Affairs asked Yushi Zhongyi to use both bank and money: in addition to lightly transported food and silver, any remaining items, such as salaries, banknotes, interrogation, and paper redemption, will be paid to the palace and officials. All have both money and money.In its folk trade, the old money of the past dynasties and the Hongwu and Jiajing systems are used concurrently. If there are rich people who stop destroying and casting money and utensils, the law will be strictly enforced.

Almost all of Lu Bing's effective means of raising money were affected.

After that, Zheng Xiao, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, strictly prohibited the yamen from accepting lawsuits on their own.

First, Feng Yue Shangshu, Shangshu of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs of Nanjing, said: "Recently, the number of prisoners in Fuzhou and counties is large, because the yamen abused the people's words and did not send them to the judiciary for questioning. .Please strictly prohibit officials from invading officials and disrupting the law.”

On the third day of June in the 37th year of Jiajing, Zheng Xiao, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, etc. took this as an excuse and said: "As usual, in Beijing, the military and civilians file lawsuits, all go to the General Administration Department to appeal, and send them to the Judiciary for questioning. , not self-determination. Recently, the power of affairs has been different, and the various divisions have received their own speeches, and they will no longer stand for election. Some people even use private papers to redeem for profit, interrogate, detain, torture at will, and reverse the law. Fraud. Please affirm the regulations of the "Hui Dian" so that all yamen can abide by it, so that the powers of affairs are unified, and there will be no malpractice for personal gain."

Shushang, since Emperor Jiajing ordered the army and the people in Beijing to file lawsuits, all yamen and patrolling city censors are not allowed to accept the case by themselves, and those who violate it will be punished.

With this decree, the influence of power in Yang Lin's hands fell to the bottom.

After that, Ma Senzuo asked Jiangxi to resume eating Huai salt.

First, Jiangxi province sent 39 citations of Huaiyan salt, and later Nan'an, Ganzhou, and Ji'an prefectures switched to using Guangdong salt, but Nanchang and other prefectures still used 27 citations of Huaiyan salt.

As a result, smuggling prevailed. The three prefectures of Yuanzhou, Linjiang, and Ruizhou smuggled Guangdong salt, and the three prefectures of Fuzhou, Jianchang, and Guangxin smuggled Fujian salt. As a result, only 16 yuan was used for Huai salt, and the national economy was greatly reduced.

On the seventh day of June in the 37th year of Jiajing, Ma Senshang, governor of Jiangxi Province, spoke extremely harmful words, please build a bridge and set up a customs in Xiajiang County, prohibit the road of smuggling from Guangxi and Fujian, restore the old quota of Huaiyan salt, and please increase it to 47 citations, tax collection, normal price, trade with the country.

Emperor Jiajing issued an edict to allow him to play.

The income of the Salt Administration has nothing to do with Yang Lin's side...

At this point, Zhang Mo said to Zhu Liujin: "The time to kill Yang Lin...has come...."

Zhu Liu was silent for a while, and finally nodded...

Zhang Mo then arranged it.

Yang Lin, who was dealing with the entire Ming Dynasty with his own strength, was in a state of desperation at this time, so naturally he didn't know that the murderous intent was approaching.

However, Yang Lin, who is rigorous and meticulous in his work, has never neglected his own safety.

Ever since Zhu Liu killed Xue Yang, he had never had less than ten guards by his side.

He knew the importance of his own life. If he died, neither Liu Biao, Zhou Bin, nor Tietou would be able to deal with Zhu Liu's offensive.

(End of this chapter)

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