just to spoil you

Chapter 101 The two need to adjust

Chapter 101 The two need to adjust

On Monday, Bellara went to work at nine o'clock and discussed with Su Tingyu that she would no longer be the emerald anchor from nine to six.

Xiaoya and Gao Minhui were on their own to support Jade Live, and she was no longer needed.

She wanted to concentrate on designing, and Su Tingyu listened to her idea and agreed.

"By the way, the Asian Division of the biennial International Jewelry Competition is about to start, and I hope you will participate." Su Tingyu handed her the registration form, "You fill it out, and I will submit your work together with the registration form. Can be shortlisted."

"I've heard that when is the preliminary competition?" Bellara participated in a competition abroad and won the newcomer award.

"More than a month later."

"Okay, I'll get ready."

"Lala, if you win No.1 in the Asian division, you can help the Phoenix brand. I believe you have the strength." Su Tingyu encouraged, "If you need anything, just tell me."

"Okay." Bellara smiled.

"One more thing, about ten days later, the final of the 'Miss Oriental' beauty pageant, you, the design director, will attend the final with me."

Bellara agreed to bring a lot of high-end emeralds to the final scene, and all the beauties will wear them for display. There must be a few staff members busy.

As soon as I got back to the office, Xiao Zhou came in and had something to say.

She remembered an important matter and asked, "Is there any movement from Lao Qin's grandson?"

Xiao Zhou said: "I have been asking people to keep an eye on Lao Qin's grandson. At first, Lao Qin's grandson was in an orphanage and later transferred to a hospital."

"Has the little boy had a bone marrow transplant?"

"No, but I got a good treatment, it seems that I am waiting for the right bone marrow."

"The hospital is not a kind hall. How could it be possible to treat him without paying the fee? Have you found out who paid the medical fee?" Bellara sneered, and sure enough, there was someone behind Lao Qin.

"I used various methods to find out that it was a small company called Guanya who secretly paid the little boy's medical bills, and this company was acquired by Amoi Group." Xiao Zhou said.

"It turned out to be her." She stared coldly, "Xiao Zhou, thanks to you this time, thank you."

"Sure, then I'll go out first." He left.

Bellara hooked her lips playfully, Xia Yutong bought Lao Qin.

He didn't expect Xia Yutong to think highly of her so much and start dealing with her so early.

I really need to be more prepared in the future.

At this time, Xiao Zhou came in with a client, "Director Bei, Mr. Rong said he is your friend and wants to see you."

Bellara stood up to greet her, and said with a smile, "Young Master Rong, why are you here?"

Xiao Zhou went to make coffee, Rong Lingchuan was holding a black brocade box, smiling like a spring breeze, "I came to see you specially."

"Your customized emerald is inlaid, come and pick it up." She saw the brocade box in his hand and guessed it.

"I can't hide anything from you."

The two were sitting on the sofa, he opened the brocade box, his handsome eyes were shining brightly, "Have you seen the finished product?"

Bellara spread a flannelette on the coffee table, and took out the imperial green chain from the brocade box, "I rested on the weekend, and I haven't seen it yet."

The diamond is the bone, the emerald is the flesh, and the imperial green egg noodles are inlaid on the brilliant diamonds, emitting green fluorescence, which is eye-catching.

The light of the diamond does not overshadow the soft luster of the emerald itself.

"Lala, although you are the design director of this company, I still want you to check it out for me." Rong Lingchuan said.

"This is the imperial green chain set I designed, of course I have to check the quality." Bellara smiled and checked it carefully and carefully, "The inlay process is no problem, and the loose stones are also selected according to my requirements, the ice type imperial green It's plump. Rong Shao, let me tell you responsibly, it's completely fine."

"I believe in you." His brows raised his appreciative chuckle, "The biggest problem now is, I don't know if my sister will like it."

"If you don't like it, you can give it to Ling Tang."

"Good idea, my sister doesn't have any presents, let's see if she's still hypocritical." Rong Lingchuan's eyes flashed, "By the way, why don't you help me put it on, I'll take two photos and ask my mother's opinion .”

"No problem." Bellara picked up the chain and put it on.

Originally, he wanted to help put it on, but he didn't expect her to put it on smoothly.

She smiled and asked, "How?"

Rong Lingchuan took three or four photos with his mobile phone, "It looks good, it's beautiful."

She has light makeup, is wearing an ice-snow blue V-neck knit dress, and an imperial green emerald chain. She is an elegant and beautiful princess.

The emotion in his eyes was three points deep, "My sister should like this birthday present. By the way, you must come on my sister's birthday."

Bellara raised her hand to take off the chain, "We'll talk about it later, we may not be free."

Thinking of what Bei Xiao had said about Rong Shao, she felt a thump in her heart, she didn't even get it right.

Rong Lingchuan walked behind her, helped her unbutton, and inevitably touched her hand.

She was startled, put her hand down, feeling weird, "Thank you."

Then, she put the imperial green chain in the brocade box, "Be sure to keep it after you take it home. By the way, today is Monday, why didn't you go to work?"


"Well, is Xia Yutong's leg injury okay? Can't he leave the hospital yet?" Bellara asked, simply asking.

"Her left leg was swollen a few days ago, and the swelling has not completely subsided, and she cannot be discharged from the hospital yet."

"She must be in a bad mood." Although she hated Xia Yutong, she still hoped that Xia Yutong's leg injury would heal as soon as possible.

"Lala, you don't have to pity her, she is doing it on her own." Rong Lingchuan comforted, "She has chosen this path, and she will suffer the consequences."

Bellara nodded, "If you need jade jewelry in the future, please come to me."

He smiled brightly, "Thanks to you, I was able to prepare such a perfect birthday present for my sister. I'll treat you to dinner at noon, and it's just right to go now."

"There are a lot of things to do. Today is really not good. Besides, I took your money and it's a business."

"It's rare for me to take a rest. You should give me a face. Otherwise, I'll be really angry."

"It's really not necessary, let's make an appointment another day when you have time." Bellara politely refused.

Rong Lingchuan no longer insisted, saying that the next time he asks her out, he is not allowed to refuse.

She sent him out, wondering if Bei Xiao would be angry if she knew that she had a private relationship with Rong Lingchuan?

Lu Minghao accelerated the implementation of Qiannuo Jewelry's new product promotion plan, and set a shooting time with Bellara.

Bellara knew that she couldn't hide this matter from her aunt, so she took a chance to tell her aunt.

Su Tingyu was quite shocked, "Are you the amateur spokesperson for Qiannuo Jewelry?"

Bellara explained in detail, "Auntie, he saved me and helped me. I should help him this time. Besides, he has the ambition to be ambitious. It's a good thing. I don't want to hurt him."

"Are you sure he won't hurt you?"

"Probably not in the future."

"It would be a good thing if he can make Qiannuo Jewelry, lest the people in the Lu family think that I made Qiannuo Jewelry into this." Su Tingyu sighed.

"Auntie, why does everyone in the Lu family believe that you are involved in Qiannuo Jewelry?" Bellara asked puzzled.

"I won't mention these old things. By the way, how did Lu Beixiao treat you? Did he bully you?" Su Tingyu laughed.

"After Xia Yutong's matter was resolved, he treated me very well." Bellara hadn't figured it out yet, how would she punish Bei Xiao?
Su Tingyu patted her and smiled, "Lu Beixiao is my uncle, and you are my niece. I didn't expect you to associate with him. This generation is messed up."

Bellara said in embarrassment: "Auntie, I'm with Bei Xiao, will you..."

Su Tingyu smiled and said: "Your mother doesn't object, and of course I don't object. My uncle is good at everything, but he is a little confused. He is a lunatic when he works. He spends days and nights in the hospital, and he will be left out in the cold." Family. Lala, can you bear it?"

Bellara laughed, why was he confused?

"There is a need for adjustment between the two. He is responsible for the patient and is rigorous and serious. I understand and consider him. He should also change something for me. Besides, isn't this just the beginning? Only after we get used to it will we know if it is suitable."

"If you and Lu Beixiao can finally get married, I'll be happy too, because I won't be alone and helpless in the Lu family."

"Aunt, does Mr. Lu still not recognize you? Will you not be allowed to go to the Lu family's mansion?" Bellara asked hesitantly.

"Mr. Lu believes that I broke up Beiqing's family and killed his eldest daughter-in-law. How can he admit me before he hates me?" Su Tingyu laughed cheerfully, "Actually, as long as Beiqing treats me well, others It doesn't matter whether you admit me or not. Also, I hope that my affairs will not affect your relationship with Lu Beixiao, and you don't speak for me in front of Mr. Lu."

She gave a few more instructions, and Bellara went back to work.

Lu Minghao was in a hurry to implement the promotion plan, speeding up every link, and naturally the shooting had to be completed as soon as possible.

On the day of filming, Lu Bingyao specially came to accompany her.

In the studio, Bellara got ready to pose and stood up. Lu Minghao looked at her, his heart fluttering.

The feeling of heartbeat at the beginning still tormented him.

Unfortunately, he has no chance.

She is tall and slender, and she performed a simple little black dress that is all over the country.

But Lu Bingyao frowned, "The eyeshadow is too thick, she looks a few years older, and her hairstyle is too old-fashioned. Let's do it again."

Bellara believed in her vision. She majored in fashion design, and she also has a certain level of cultivation in styling.

The stylist didn't say anything, and made another hairstyle, but the photographer was urging him to speed up.

After another 15 minutes of busy work, it was finally done, this time Lu Bingyao was satisfied.

Bellara was inexperienced, her body was stiff at the beginning, her poses couldn't meet the requirements, and she couldn't even take more than a dozen shots.

Lu Bingyao demonstrated in person and took a few photos together with her. Only then did Bellara find the feeling and successfully complete the task.

Lu Bingyao secretly took a few photos and sent them to Lu Beixiao.

Lu Beixiao took a break from his busy schedule to look at Lala's stunning photos, treasure them up, and admire them endlessly.

Lu Minghao was so busy that his feet didn't touch the ground, Lu Bingyao and Bellara left the studio together, "It's almost four o'clock, let's go to the mall for a while, and then have dinner."

Belara thought that she would ask for leave anyway, so she agreed.

Just about to get in the car, suddenly, a person passed her, rushed to the front, and grabbed Lu Bingyao's wrist.

(End of this chapter)

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