just to spoil you

Chapter 121 I Can Get Married

Chapter 121 I Can Get Married

Lu Beixiao put his arms around her and said softly, "If you think about it from another angle, it will make a difference. This is a good thing, not a bad thing. You don't have to think too much about it."

Bellara hesitated to speak: "I understand what you said. Women are more cautious. I worry that I won't be able to see my mother often in the future, and my mother will be sad. And my aunt, aunt needs someone to take care of her."

"Your aunt still needs chemotherapy. During chemotherapy, you can take your aunt to Ye's house, and your mother will live with you for a while. When your aunt doesn't need chemotherapy, they will move back."

"Hey, that's a good idea." Her eyes lit up, "But wouldn't it add chaos to the Ye family?"

"There aren't many people in the Ye family, so how can there be any trouble? Your biological mother wants you to make trouble for her." Lu Beixiao added, "After your mother and your aunt move back, you can go back to your mother's house on weekends and stay with them for one night. If these small things are agreed in advance, there will be no problems in the future."

"Why are you so smart?" Bellara looked at him with a smile, her bright eyes shining like stars.

"I don't even look at who your husband is." He thought dirtyly, if the old man knew that she was the daughter of the Ye family, would he ask him to marry her back immediately.

"My husband is still in kindergarten." She said with a smile, and ran quickly.

However, in the next moment, she became someone's prey.

She couldn't help laughing, "You're getting fat, you'll go to the gym tomorrow."

Lu Beixiao tugged at the shoulder straps of her nightgown, "It is true that we need to plan, but this kind of late-night exercise is more urgent."


"Try the sofa?"

"don't want……"


Then, from the sofa to the bedroom, the space is extended and in-depth communication.

The next day, Bellara could barely get out of bed.

She didn't want to get up at all, but she had to go to work, so she could only hold on with her limp body.

Lu Beixiao rolled her into his arms, and said in a hoarse voice, "It's still early, sleep with me for a while."

"It's seven o'clock, it's getting late." She took his hand away.

"Your aunt won't scold you if you are late."

He kissed her crazily, kissed her out of her body, couldn't find her way, and let him play with her.

Bellara poked her head out and pushed him bitterly, "It's really too late."

"Then ask for leave, anyway, you still have important things to deal with."

"what's up?"

"Go back and see your mother, then go to Ye's house, I will accompany you there."

"So fast?"

"You haven't formally brought me home yet, so how soon?" Lu Beixiao gently dyed her lips.

"That's not what I'm talking about." Bellara felt that she wanted to delay replying to the Ye family for two or three days.

"Okay, I'll slow down and I'll make sure you're satisfied." He snickered like a fox.

"What are you talking about?" She pinched him coquettishly, rippling with his wild movements.

When I arrived at my mother's house, it was almost noon, but fortunately I called in advance.

Bei Lingyu prepared a table of dishes for her daughter and future son-in-law. Bei Yingyu is in good spirits and has a good appetite.

While Bei Lingyu was preparing the bowls and chopsticks, Bei Yingyu said, "Lala, I know you feel uncomfortable, but don't blame your mother, it's not easy for her to pull you up. Besides, she really doesn't know you She is the daughter of the Ye family."

"Auntie, I understand. I didn't blame my mother." Bellara smiled.

"That's good." Bei Yingyu couldn't hide her loneliness.

"Auntie, you will always be my auntie. Even if I can't live with you in the future, I will come back to see you often."

"Well, you're a good boy. I didn't hurt you for nothing."

"The corn rib soup is here, it's ready to eat." Lu Beixiao put a pot of soup on the dining table.

The four of them sat together, and Bei Lingyu warmly greeted a pair of young people.

Halfway through the meal, Lu Beixiao talked about their plan, and Bei Lingyu objected: "It's not good to disturb the Ye family like this. It's okay, I can take care of my sister."

Bei Yingyu also felt that something was wrong, "I have cancer, and it's not a common disease. It's not good to live in someone else's house and let them get sick. Besides, I like quietness, and there are too many people, which will affect my rest. "

Bellara said: "It doesn't matter, the Ye family's mansion is so big, they won't mind."

"That's not okay." Bei Yingyu still objected, "Lala, I know you have filial piety, but living under the same roof will cause conflicts after a long time, just come and see me when you have time."

"Mom, what do you think?" Bellara asked Bei Lingyu.

"Well, after Lala returns to Ye's house, my aunt and aunt will live in my house." Lu Beixiao smiled, "My father is not in good health and needs to be taken care of by my aunt, and my aunt will live with me. The three old people can just be company, and my aunt also You don’t have to run on both sides, which saves effort and trouble.”

The idea was unanimously opposed by all three of them.

He made a final decision: "This method is the best, and it is also the best arrangement for my dad and them. That's the decision. Listen to me."

Bellara secretly thought, the Lu family only has Mr. Lu and his servants, maybe they can get along peacefully.

Moreover, she could go back to meet them with Lu Beixiao, and Madam Ye wouldn't think too much about it.

Bei Lingyu and Bei Yingyu no longer objected.

Bellara and Lu Beixiao had just left when they received a call from Ye Zhuoyu.

He took her mobile phone and said, "Lala and I will go over now."

This time the negotiation went smoothly, as long as she was willing to recognize the Ye family and return to live in the Ye family, Mrs. Ye would agree to anything.

Mrs. Ye kept holding her hand, crying and laughing, too excited and emotional.

Bellara knew she expected to call her "Mom", but for some reason, she just couldn't say it.

"Lala, it's okay, take your time. Your mother is like this, impatient."

Ye Zhuoyu's father, Ye Qin, is the chairman, but he is semi-retired. He was also very surprised to find his daughter, but he was more restrained than his wife.

She nodded.

Ye Zhuoyu said: "Mom has been guilty and suffering for more than 20 years, Lala, you have to be considerate of mom."

Bellara nodded again, and called softly: "Mom."

Mrs. Ye laughed excitedly, and replied in relief, "Hey."

She couldn't help but hugged her daughter and secretly wiped away her tears.

Bellara also hugged her, and suddenly felt that as a mother, she must be in a completely different mood.

Lu Beixiao talked about the arrangement of the Bei sisters, Ye Qin said: "This arrangement is not bad, Beixiao, please."

Mrs. Ye wanted to take the Bei sisters home to take care of her, and wanted to do her best, but Ye Qin stopped her.

Ye Qin understands that there will be no problems in the beginning of a drama with three women, but it will be hard to tell after a long time.

At that time, it will be Bellara who will be caught in the middle.

Ye Zhuoyu said: "Lala, I will get your new ID card done in two days, and then move your things here. If you need anything, just tell me."

Mrs. Ye pulled her enthusiastically, "Lala, I've finished decorating your bedroom, I'll take you to have a look."

Bellara couldn't resist her motherly love, but seeing the pink and tender princess style in the whole room, she had one head and two big ones.

All I can say is, it's good, I like it.

Not long after, Lu Beixiao also came to watch the excitement, and said with a smile, "Auntie, do you think Lala is a six-year-old girl? Lala is 26 years old."

"Huh?" Mrs. Ye smiled awkwardly, "I thought girls like pink."

"It's okay, I really like it." Bellara winked at him.

"My servant and I changed immediately. Fortunately, I listened to Zhuo Yu's suggestion and prepared two sets." Mrs. Ye smiled.

The other set is off-white and simple, looking atmospheric.

Ye Zhuoyu smiled and said: "It's getting late, let's have dinner at home tonight, my mother has ordered the kitchen to cook a lot of dishes."

Bellara looked at Lu Beixiao and nodded hesitantly.

In fact, these are expected things.

The strangeness will always disappear.

During the meal, Mrs. Ye was as enthusiastic as ever, serving her vegetables and soup, and persistently persuading her to eat more.

Ye Qin finally said: "Okay, you restrain yourself a bit and scare your daughter away. It's up to you what to do."

Mrs. Ye was not convinced: "I love my daughter, what's your business?"

Bellara was helplessly silent.

Ye Zhuoyu took the time to ask: "Bei Xiao, you abducted my little sister, my Ye family will not be so cheap to you. What are your plans?"

"You kidnapped my family Yaoyao, what are your plans?" Lu Beixiao counterattacked calmly.

"Yaoyao and I are already husband and wife, I wish you what you love."

"Having said that, you still have to pass my grandpa's test."

"Let's talk about you first. My mother just met Lala, so she definitely won't let Lala get married so early." Ye Zhuoyu raised his eyebrows proudly.

"If Lala doesn't marry, I can marry." Lu Beixiao added calmly, "You can marry for two years first, and then return to my house after two years."


Bellara couldn't hold back and choked on the soup.

Dr. Lu, your integrity is broken to the ground, and you can't stick together anymore.

If Mr. Lu knew you had this plan, would he kill you?

Mrs. Ye agreed with both hands, "It's good to pay attention to this. It's settled like this. You young couple will live here first, and I will get closer to Larado."

As the head of the family, Ye Qin said: "I'll talk about these things later, it's still early. Let's eat first."

After eating, drinking tea, and chatting for half an hour, Bellara bid farewell.

Mrs. Ye was very reluctant and wished she could go with her daughter.

Xia Yutong was about to go to the United States for treatment, and when she received the news that Bellara's biological parents were Ye Qin and Mrs. Ye, she was so angry that she was going crazy.

Unexpectedly, that bitch is the daughter of the Ye family, with an extraordinary background.

No wonder Ye Zhuoyu came to warn her and stand up for that bitch.

What Xia Yutong is most proud of is her background. Now, her only advantage has been lost, and she is even more disillusioned.

Fang Qiao saw her thoughts, and persuaded: "I know what you are thinking, Yutong, turn your back and be right. As long as you take a step back, you will have a brighter future."

Her face was ashen, two lines of tears slowly fell, and she murmured: "Did I really lose?"

"You didn't lose because it wasn't a game."

"Maybe, she never thought of competing with me, comparing me."

"Yeah, everything is caused by your demons. Letting go is the best choice. You will be relieved and start a new journey. Your life will be more exciting." Fang Qiao said seriously, with deep eyes, "Yutong, why don't you try it? You'll know if it works after you try it."

"Okay, I'll try." Xia Yutong suddenly felt very tired, very tired, and the tiredness enveloped her overwhelmingly.

(End of this chapter)

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