lady of the family

Chapter 111 Find out the truth

Chapter 111 Find out the truth (1)
Therefore, Wanxin would not be so naive as to think that Ye Wanru is still the innocent and kind third sister before.

"It's good to know, people who have nothing to do with us don't have to think so much."

Jin Shixiu gently embraced Wanxin's waist, and said softly.What he was thinking at this moment was how could Wanxin's hands smell like medicinal herbs.Where did Wanxin go before looking for him!
After dinner, Wanxin and Jin Shixiu sat in the yard for a while, and then they were ready to rest.It's just that Wanxin knows that Mama Liu will come later, so what to do with the bowl of soup is still a problem.

Now that she knows that the soup is poisonous, shouldn't she just bite the bullet and drink it?

"I'm so preoccupied with what I'm thinking about, you can't even hear me."

Jin Shixiu found out when he came back just now, Wanxin has been depressed all the time.And there was fear in his eyes, as if he was afraid of something.

"Shixiu, let me ask you, if, I mean, if, I can't have children in my life, what will you do?"

Wanxin has been thinking about this question all afternoon, and it is finally time to ask it.

"No if." Jin Shixiu's heart skipped a beat. Wanxin is not a person who worries about the sky, nor would she ask such hypothetical questions for no reason.

Combined with the smell of medicine in her hand today, Jin Shixiu became inexplicably worried.

"There is nothing absolute in this world. I'm just assuming it. You just answer it. There are so many words."

Wanxin complained with a bitter face, really, this man is not good at all.Accustomed to controlling everything in his own hands, he really thought he was in heaven.

"If you were dead now, I'd be chasing you right away. Are you going to ask me such a stupid question now?"

Jin Shixiu suppressed the worry in his heart, and asked back with a serious expression.

"What kind of nonsense are you talking about? I'm not dead. I'm still alive and well." Although Wanxin's mouth was talking about other things, her heart was warm.

In this world, how many people can live and die with you?

"Okay, don't say those stupid things anymore. Don't worry, there will be no such ifs. Even if there are, it's no big deal. I don't like children because they are so annoying. Besides, Once you have a child, don’t you put all your thoughts on the child, and there is no place for me.” Originally, you don’t have much place in your heart that belongs to me. If half of it is divided by the child, then I will only have Too much to cry?
Jin Shixiu didn't say the latter words, but just murmured silently in his heart.He can control everything, but he cannot control Wanxin's heart.Only in front of Wanxin would he be so unconfident.

Hearing his words, Wanxin's hanging heart seemed to let go suddenly.No matter what the future holds, she felt that it was enough to hear what he said.

While the two were chatting, Mama Liu came over, holding a decoction in her hand.Every time Mama Liu came, she would watch Wanxin drink it, and then she would leave.

It is precisely because of this that Wanxin is worried.Knowing that it is poisonous, I still drink it, that kind of struggle is really uncomfortable.If you don't know anything, you can accept it, but now, what should she do?
"Master, young mistress."

Mama Liu continued as usual, bringing the soup in front of Wanxin and waiting for her to drink it.Because the old lady said that the medicine was bitter, Mama Liu was afraid that the young people would not have the willpower to drink it, so she asked Mama Liu to guard it.

Wanxin looked at the bowl of steaming soup and herbal medicine, a deep fear rose in her heart.If it was just the poison, she might not be so afraid, but this medicine can also make her sterilized.Wanxin couldn't overcome the fear on this point.

Sitting aside, Jin Shixiu frowned slightly seeing the panic in Wanxin's eyes.Looking at the soup again, I instantly understood what it was.

"Mother Liu, put it aside for now. Wanxin just drank a big bowl of red bean porridge greedily, and she will be holding on to it. She probably won't be able to drink it anymore. Later, when she is going to sleep, I will heat it up for her. Just drink it. Don't worry, I am more anxious than you about this matter, and I will definitely urge her to drink it."

Mama Liu saw that Wanxin was really embarrassed, and thinking about Jin Shixiu's words, she felt right.Besides, after drinking for so long, Wanxin has never said anything, so it is impossible to stop drinking today.

"Okay then, the young master remembers to remind the young mistress that this medicine is a course of treatment every month, and it must not be stopped."

"Okay, I'll remember."

Jin Shixiu and Liu Ma respect each other very much. This old lady has always taken good care of his grandma. For this alone, he should respect her.

After Mama Liu left, Wanxin let out a sigh of relief.

"Okay, can't you stop drinking it? I'll pour it out."

Jin Shixiu said calmly, picked up the bowl of medicine and walked out.It's just that he didn't pour the medicine, took it out and handed it to Amu who was still guarding the door, asking him to take it to the pharmacy and ask what was in it.

When she came back, Wanxin had already adjusted her emotions, she smiled a little and said, "It's all right now, I don't need to drink such bitter medicine. It's just that it's impossible to make this excuse every day. Tomorrow, Mama Liu What if you bring it back?"

"I'll tell grandma tomorrow, don't worry about it."

Wanxin was so worried that she was more sure of Jin Shixiu's thoughts.It seems that there is really something wrong with the medicine. He hopes that it is some minor problem. If he finds out that someone dares to poison Wanxin, he will definitely not let it go.

"It's late, and you've been tired all day, so go to bed early."

Wanxin was afraid that Jin Shixiu would notice something, so she quickly changed the subject.But, she was still worried.Ever since she found out about this, her heart has been in suspense, and she can't calm down no matter what.

The two hugged each other to sleep, Wanxin lay in Jin Shixiu's arms, although the embrace was warm, but she couldn't fall asleep no matter what.She stared at the bed curtain with wide eyes, thinking wildly.

It's not that Jin Shixiu didn't know that Wanxin wasn't asleep, and he couldn't sleep either.Originally, he wanted to ask her directly, but this matter was only his guess after all, and he didn't want to be self-defeating.

If nothing happened, asking her so abruptly would scare her.

At night, Wanxin had a nightmare and broke out in a cold sweat.She screamed and sat up on the bed, her hair drenched with sweat.

Jin Shixiu opened his eyes, and held her in his arms worriedly, "Did you have a nightmare? It's okay, it's just a dream, nothing happened."

Wanxin hugged Jin Shixiu tightly, panting heavily.Just now she dreamed that she was pregnant with a child, but the child was cut open by Wang Mei'e alive before the child was less than a month old, and the child was taken out.The child was covered in blood and kept crying, and the blood was all over her body.

(End of this chapter)

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