lady of the family

Chapter 114 Find out the truth

Chapter 114 Find out the truth (4)
Jin Shixiu was startled for a moment, then laughed.Holding Wanxin's hand, fingertips gently flicked on the back of her hand.

"I'm fine. I've been fine since I met you."

Wanxin's voice was choked with sobs, it was from her heart, the emotion that had been suppressed for a long time finally broke out at this moment.In the past, she had always rejected him and closed her heart.But before she knew it, she found that the closed door of her heart had been pried open by him before she knew it, and Jin Shixiu's figure was still living in it.

"Then you have to be better forever, forever. If you get hurt again, I will never forgive myself."

"Of course I will always be fine. With you here, how can I be fine?"

"Remember what you said today, if you dare to forget, I won't let you go."

He held her hand tightly, feeling her soft body sticking to his body, until the warm body temperature spread to his skin, he could truly feel that she was still in his arms around.

The maids in the yard couldn't help laughing when they saw the warm scene.The happiest one is Xiaolian, she has always loved Wanxin very much, and feels that a beautiful woman like her should be happy.

"The relationship between the young master and the young mistress is really good. Our young master has always been cold, and he only laughs when facing the young mistress."

"Yes, young mistress is really lucky to find someone as good as our young master."

"Stop daydreaming, it's never your turn."

"You dare to make fun of me, see if I don't slap you..."

At the gate of the courtyard, the maids were laughing happily, and the whole courtyard was filled with a warm atmosphere.It's just that the figure under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree was so lonely, she stared at the man and woman who were hugging together, and the anger in the corner of her eyes was about to spray out.

"Xiao Tao, why are you here?"

Xiao Lian's eyes were sharp, and when she turned her head suddenly, she saw Xiao Tao hiding under a tree, walking over and asking fiercely.

"It's just passing by, and there is no rule that you can't pass here." Xiaotao said very bluntly, in short, she and the maids in the golden house did not get along well.

"Since it's a pass, why didn't you go there all this time? I'm warning you, Xiao Tao, don't try to get the young master's idea, and don't look at who you are, so stop daydreaming."

Xiao Lian is a straightforward girl, she can say whatever is on her mind, and she doesn't know how to turn a corner.It was her temper that offended many people.

"It seems that after being with the young mistress for a long time, you have learned to bully others. Xiao Lian advises you, keep your mouth shut, otherwise you won't know how you will die in the future."

After scaring Xiaolian, Xiaotao turned around and left.She was holding a medicine bag in her hand, with Yunji Pharmacy vaguely written on it.

"Hmph, who is bullying others? Are there not many people in our house being bullied by you? Toads don't look in the mirror first if they want to eat swan meat."

Xiao Lian is also an unforgiving master, she yelled angrily at Xiao Tao's leaving back twice, and then she felt relieved and went back.

In the afternoon, Jin Shixiu took Wanxin out.Wanxin didn't know where he was going, so she didn't tell him when she asked him, with a mysterious look on her face.

When she arrived in front of a medical clinic, Wanxin stopped in her tracks, "Why did you bring me to the medical clinic?"

"I'm worried about the poison on your body, I'll take you to check again."

Hearing this, Wanxin stared straight at him, and finally asked her doubts, "How do you know?"

"If I hadn't found out by myself, were you planning to keep it a secret? I really don't know what was going on in your mind. You dare to hide this kind of thing. You have to know that this is a matter related to the two of us. Do you still want to hide it?" Is it impossible to carry it alone? Fortunately, you discovered it early, and there is still a chance to save this matter, if..."

Jin Shixiu didn't continue talking, he really couldn't imagine what the consequences would be if this matter continued.

"Didn't you say that you are not allowed to say if? Why did you say it yourself?" Wanxin actually still had lingering fears, but because he was by his side, she was not so afraid.

"Okay, don't say if, don't meddle in this matter, let me handle it. The most important thing now is to clear the toxins in your body and take care of your body. As for other things, you don't have to think about anything."

Jin Shixiu gently stroked her beautiful hair, and murmured that he wanted to protect Wanxin under his wings and prevent her from being blown by the wind and rain.However, until now, he has not done well enough.

"Well, I just listen to you."

Wanxin knew that she couldn't intervene in this matter, she believed that Jin Shixiu's inner struggle was the same as hers.After she knew the truth, she still had a nightmare.

"That's good, all right, let's go in."

Jin Shixiu showed a rare smile today, and walked in holding Wanxin's hand.This is a Western medical center, the instruments inside are all shipped from Shanghai, and all the medicines are Western medicines.

After entering the medical hall, before Wanxin had time to take a closer look at the Western medical hall, she was startled by the people who came out of it.

"Ouyang Chen? Why are you here?"

Wanxin looked at him and let out a voice of astonishment.These two people are really a couple, they escaped marriage and fled together.Jin Shixiu was right, he really could only come to Yunshan Town.

Ouyang Chen had the most charming smile, wearing a white coat, he looked much more refined.

"I'm the boss here, if I'm not here, where are I going?"

"Are you the boss? Here?" Wanxin looked around the medical center, and then she understood, but the question came again, "You don't want to fight here for a long time, do you?"

Ouyang Chen spread his hands, smiled slightly, and said, "Why not? I like Yunshan Town."

Wanxin laughed twice, and said, "Of course."

"Don't talk so much nonsense, give Wanxin a quick check, she has been poisoned."

Jin Shixiu didn't have the intention to greet Ouyang Chen, and now he only thought about Wanxin's body.

Hearing that Shuo Wan was poisoned, Ouyang Chen was also taken aback, "Poisoned? What kind of poison has it been? How long has it been?"

Ouyang Chen asked so many questions, one by one more eagerly, people who didn't know thought he cared about Wanxin.

"Check first before talking, don't talk so much nonsense."

Jin Shixiu glared at him, signaling him to pay attention.Wanxin belongs to him alone, no one else can get involved.

Seeing his stingy look, Ouyang Chen couldn't help shaking his head and sighing, this man must be too stingy.

(End of this chapter)

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