lady of the family

Chapter 117 As long as she is happy

Chapter 117 As long as she is happy (3)
To be honest, Wang Mei'e is also a poor person.I have been oppressed for so many years, and I have been waiting for the opportunity to stand up.But seeing that the old lady was getting old and was about to lie down in the coffin, a daughter-in-law suddenly appeared.This daughter-in-law seemed to have fallen from the sky, directly snatching her position as the hostess, keeping her bad breath stuck in her chest, and she couldn't get her way.

However, even after hearing her heartfelt voice, Wanxin still couldn't forgive her.

She looked at Wang Mei'e and said solemnly: "I don't want to be in this family. What's more, grandma just had this idea and didn't announce it in public. So you are just chasing rumors. No one knows until the final step." What will happen, won't it? You are my mother-in-law, Shixiu's own mother. I really don't know what kind of mood you have in poisoning my soup. If a woman can't have herself in this life What a cruel thing that is. You are also a woman, why can't you understand my feelings? From the day I married into the Jin family, I told myself that I must respect my elders and be my own daughter-in-law I never thought of disobeying you and being your enemy. From the very beginning, I respected you, and I never disobeyed what you said. But I didn't expect that my carefulness paid It turned out to be like this."

"You think you are wronged, don't you?" Wang Mei'e looked at Wanxin with a sneer, a sneer slipped from the corner of her mouth, "I feel the same way as you, and I feel wronged too. Ye Wanxin, you think you are a good person, yes Victim, but have you thought about it from someone else's standpoint? Don't you want to know why I hate you? Well, I'll tell you the reason. Before you were married to Shixiu, you were already engaged. Who in Yunshan Town doesn't know about your marriage to Bai Shaoqiu? Although you didn't marry him in the end, I know that you never let go of your heart. I saw you flirting with Bai Shaoqiu on the street that day. Obviously, the old relationship is over. Do you think you are fair to Shixiu? Shixiu is my only son. Although my mother and son have not been together for so many years, my mother's love for my son is true. All these years , I was guarding the courtyard of Nuo Da alone, and I survived only by thinking about my son. It can be said that no one can match my feelings for Shixiu. So, when I saw my son When the woman who worked so hard to marry actually has another man in her heart, do you think I will like you?"

Wang Mei'e said that tears came out of her eyes at the end. These are the most real feelings deep in her heart, and she has never mentioned them to anyone.

Leaning weakly on the back of the chair, he sighed heavily, and continued: "On the wedding day, the Ye family wanted Li Daitao to be stiff. I was actually very happy to accept that Ye Wanru. At least she is still a blank sheet of paper. It's also easy to train. But Shixiu disagreed, he insisted on marrying you. After getting married, for you, Shixiu disobeyed me again and again, and contradicted me. He didn't see me as a mother at all. Existence. In addition, the old lady wants you to be the head of the family. My dislike for you is getting stronger and stronger. In the end, I even hope that you will die. But I am afraid that Shixiu will be sad, so I can’t kill you. In desperation, I can only do this, only if you can't give birth to a child, you will be left out in the cold, and the old lady will not let you be the head of the family. Even Shixiu will gradually hate you, and in the end you will be completely You don't exist. In the end, I can drive you out of Jin's house, and I will never see you again in this life... "

Wanxin listened to Wang Mei'e's accusation quietly, feeling pain in her heart.She didn't expect Wang Mei'e to hate her so much.

By now, she knew that what she said was useless.The source of resentment in Wang Mei'e's heart is not her, but the entire Jin family.And she just happened to be a tool for Wang Mei'e to vent her inner grief and anger, and it would be the same if it was someone else.

Wanxin picked up the handkerchief and handed it to her, and said, "Actually, if you want, our family can get along very well."

Hearing this, Wang Mei'e sneered, raised her head and looked at Wanxin with gloomy eyes, and said angrily: "Why do you pretend to be a good person now? I made you almost infertile, and I have been embarrassing you for a while. , secretly harming you, don’t tell me that you don’t care, you are willing to forgive me, and continue to respect me as a mother-in-law.”

"As long as you are willing to let go of those obsessions, why not? Although what you have done has caused me a lot of harm, to be honest, the moment I learned the truth, I really hated it. You can hurt me , but you can't deprive me of my right to be a mother. I don't care if you sneer at me and deliberately make things difficult for me on weekdays, but I can't forgive you for this alone." For those who do everything possible to harm themselves, who can have such a big heart to forgive them?

"It's just..." Wanxin looked at the gray sky outside the window, with a hint of happiness in her cold eyes, she murmured, "Because you are Shixiu's mother and his closest relative. So, I have to Forgive you. Shixiu is my husband and the only one I can rely on. I don’t want to see him being difficult. Every time I see Shixiu arguing with you, I feel very sad. It's uncomfortable, he just never shows his feelings in front of people."

Wan Xin's words moved Wang Mei'e a little.It was the first time she looked at Wanxin seriously, seeing Wanxin's faint smile when she mentioned Jin Shixiu, and her consideration for him everywhere, all of which shocked Wang Mei'e.

She always thought that Wanxin's heart still loved Bai Shaoqiu, and she was just perfunctory to her son.But today, when she saw Wanxin's subconsciously expressed feelings for Jin Shixiu, she was a little at a loss.

At this moment, she realized that she didn't seem to understand Wanxin at all.From the very beginning, she had a feeling of resistance to her, and she had always been nitpicking. Because of the resistance, whatever Wanxin did was wrong in her opinion.

Until now, Wanxin's words made her have to re-examine Ye Wanxin.

Wanxin said that this is not to influence Wang Mei'e's heart, but because she really thinks so.She just wanted to do something for Jin Shixiu, so that she could feel at ease.Ever since he met Jin Shixiu, Jin Shixiu has always been paying for her, never expecting anything in return.Even if she said she didn't love him, he still didn't care, silently guarding her side.Because of him, Wanxin survived those setbacks.She thought, if she hadn't met Jin Shixiu, Ye Wanxin would probably be a walking corpse, a puppet without a soul, desperate to live.

Both of them fell into silence, as if saying anything at this time was superfluous.Wanxin just didn't want Jin Shixiu to be so embarrassed, she knew that Jin Shixiu would do anything for her.Even his biological mother, he might deal with it.However, if he was really allowed to deal with his mother, would he feel better?
(End of this chapter)

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