lady of the family

Chapter 148 The wedding on the same day

Chapter 148 The wedding on the same day (3)
Jin Shixiu narrowed his eyes slightly, and a dangerous breath spread across his face.It was the first time he had seen this second lady's aggressiveness, but no matter who dared to behave wildly in front of him, he would be asking for death.

Seeing that he was about to get up, Wanxin hurriedly grabbed him, and said in a low voice: "We are always at fault for this matter, even if it was brought to Grandma, we would not take it for granted. You go and ask Shixuan and the others to come out, I think There are some things that we should talk about.”

As soon as Wanxin finished speaking, Jin Shixuan and Amu had already walked out.The two of them seem to have strengthened their confidence at this time, and they must break through the obstacles and come together.

"Sister-in-law, I'm sorry to trouble you, I'll just go by myself."

Jin Shixuan didn't want to hurt Wanxin, she knew her mother's temper very well.Pulling Amu, he walked out firmly.

Wan Xin looked worried, she always felt that sooner or later something serious would happen if this went on.The second lady is too snobbish, she probably wouldn't agree to Jin Shixuan being with Amu even if she died.Jin Shixuan also has a stubborn temper, once he identifies a person, he will kill him without looking back.Mother and daughter, this is sparks hitting the earth, something will definitely go wrong.

"Let's go out and see."

To be honest, Jin Shixiu never liked to meddle in other people's business.If it weren't for the involvement of Amu this time, he wouldn't have the leisure to take care of it.Although Amu is his follower, he grew up with him since he was a child, and the two are like brothers.Brother is in trouble, he will naturally not sit idly by.

Wan Xin nodded, and the two followed her out.

At the door, as soon as the second wife saw Amu, she ordered someone to arrest Amu, then walked over to slap her twice, and even spit at Amu.

"What the hell are you? Jin Shixuan is Miss Qianjin. Even a servant like you dares to have unreasonable thoughts about her. You are looking for death. Let me tell you, even if Shixuan becomes a nun in this life, I will not let her marry your……"

"Mother, let Amu go quickly, or I will die in front of you."

Jin Shixuan held the knife originally given to Amu against her neck, her face was determined and her eyes were firm.

Seeing this, the second wife was also startled, but soon calmed down, Jin Shixuan threatened her, and she could threaten Jin Shixuan.

"If you don't put down the knife, then you can collect his body!" The second lady's attitude was also quite tough, and the mother and daughter confronted each other like this.

When Wanxin and Jin Shixiu came out, they were also taken aback when they saw the situation. If things go on like this, if people are killed, what should they do?

"Shixuan, put down the knife quickly, everyone talk calmly, don't use the knife."

Wanxin tried hard to persuade Jin Shixuan, but this girl's temper was really too stubborn.The second wife didn't let Amu go, she was unmoved.

The second lady was also in a stalemate with her, anyway, today she was determined to separate the two.Her daughter knew that Jin Shixuan was just trying to threaten her, and she would never seek death.If she really liked this Amu, she wouldn't watch him die.

"Have you thought about it? Are you going to let it go?" The second lady continued to threaten Jin Shixuan.

"You let Amu go first, then I will let go." Jin Shixuan also refused to give in.

The mother and daughter were in a stalemate like this, watching Wanxin anxiously.At this time, Jin Shixiu finally couldn't bear it anymore. This kind of nonsense made the whole house unsafe.

He stood up with a cold face, and yelled at the servant who was holding Amu: "Let go of me immediately, get out of here!"

With a roar, everyone was too scared to make a sound.Who is the biggest in this family, besides the old lady, is naturally the young master.Although those people are all working in the second lady's yard, they all have to listen to the young master.

"Which one of you dares to move!" The second lady also lost her temper at this moment, she still doesn't believe it today, she is a wife, and she has nothing to do with a servant.

Jin Shixiu sneered, and said in an extremely gloomy voice: "I don't like to say my words a second time, let me go immediately!"

The sound was not loud, but it was full of deterrent force.Those servants let go of their hands in fear, no one in this family would dare to offend the young master.


The second lady finally understands now that it seems that there really is no room for the wives in this family.The only ones these servants are afraid of are the old lady and Jin Shixiu, what they say is nothing.

"Whoever dares to spread this matter to the old lady's ears, I will shut his mouth." Jin Shixiu saw someone trying to sneak away, and cast his sharp eyes directly towards him, and said in a cold voice.

Threatened by his words, whoever dared to report the letter obediently stood still.

The second lady's face was disgraced today, and she felt sorry for it, but she had nothing to do with Jin Shixiu, she could only stare at him resentfully.

"Second Madam, sometimes doing things for others and leaving a way out for myself can be regarded as accumulating virtue for myself. Shixuan is your daughter, and I have no right to interfere in her marriage, but Amu is mine. If you want to touch him , you have to pass me first. Everyone is here today, so I will declare once that Amu is not a servant of the Jin family, and he will not obey anyone in the Jin family. He is my brother Jin Shixiu, who dares to treat him Disrespect is disrespect to me."

Jin Shixiu's sonorous words hit everyone's ears, and everyone knew that the young master was going to help Amu.The second wife has always disliked that Amu is a servant of the Jin family. Today, the young master said that, Amu is no longer a servant of the Jin family, so the second wife has no reason to laugh at Amu anymore.

Amu stood aside, listening to Jin Shixiu's words, the tip of his nose was extremely sour.He had never cried before, but at this moment, he had the urge to cry.

The second wife just sneered when she heard this, "Even if he is not a servant of the Jin family, he can't even think about getting my daughter. I'm going to say this today, even if he has a rich family, I won't let Shixuan marry him! "

After speaking, she pulled Jin Shixuan and left, there was no room for negotiation at all.

The second lady took Jin Shixuan away, and the gate suddenly became quiet.Wanxin walked to Jin Shixiu's side and took his arm, but she could only helplessly shake her head.

"Forget it, we've done what we need to do."

This time it was Wanxin's turn to give up, the second lady was determined, if she really pressed on like this, then she really didn't know what would happen.

Amu stood quietly on the ground, with a few fingerprints on his face, the second lady was really ruthless, and even scratched his face with her nails.

Wanxin handed him a handkerchief and comforted him, "Go back and rest first..."

Wanxin didn't know what to say if it was superfluous.Saying anything at this moment seems superfluous, so it is best not to say anything.

(End of this chapter)

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