lady of the family

Chapter 152 The wedding on the same day

Chapter 152 The wedding on the same day (7)
"Here, the colors used are a little brighter, and the stitching method is not right." As he spoke, he subconsciously cut off the previously embroidered thread, chose the thread with the right color and threaded it, picked up the needle and embroidered on the embroidery pattern. stand up.

When everyone heard that the young lady was embroidering, they all gathered around to watch.At this moment, Wanxin was so focused on the embroidery that she completely forgot about her own hands.The tiny needle seemed to become very flexible in her hand, going back and forth on the embroidery pattern.

After a quarter of an hour, everyone exclaimed in unison, "Wow, it really looks much better this way, and it feels right."

"Yes, young mistress's embroidery skills are really good, this stitching method makes us feel inferior!"

Looking at the embroidery in her hands, Wanxin finally came to her senses.She looked at her hands in horror, at the hand holding the embroidery needle tightly, she couldn't even speak at this moment.

She just never dreamed that her hands were healed, and she could continue to pick up the needle and thread to embroider the patterns she liked.

"thank you all."

Wanxin wept with joy and thanked everyone, that's right, if the embroiderers hadn't accidentally asked her to look at the samples, she still wouldn't know that her hands were healed.

Handing the embroidery picture to the embroidery lady beside her, she ran out with a smile on her face.Her hand is healed, and the person she wants to tell the most is of course Jin Shixiu.

He ran all the way to Jin's embroidery room, but Jin Shixiu was not there.Wanxin came out a little disappointed, but she was still very happy in her heart.She looked at her hands over and over again, the joy at this moment cannot be described in words.

Since Jin Shixiu was not here, she had no choice but to go back first.At this moment, she was only immersed in the joy of recovering her hands, and everything around her seemed to be ignored.

In the quiet alley, Wanxin hurried home, not noticing that there was someone behind her.By the time she realized it, the man had already walked to her side, and after a closer look, he couldn't help but lose his voice.

"How will you be here?"

Wanxin subconsciously took a step back, looking at the person in front of her warily.

"Are you afraid? I thought you were not afraid of anything anymore."

There was a bit of sarcasm in some yin and yang voices, and he looked at them with sinister eyes, so that one could tell that the visitor was not kind.

Wanxin calmed down, let herself calm down, and said calmly: "I don't have time to talk nonsense with you now, get out of the way."

"Hmph, you've hurt us so badly, do you think I'll let you go? Ye Wanxin, I'm going to die with you today..." As soon as the words fell, the man rushed over, really planning to fight Wanxin desperately.

Wanxin was startled, but she didn't panic, she stepped aside and ran to the side, leaning against the wall.

"Ye Wanxin, stop, I'm going to kill you..."

This voice made Wanxin tremble with fear, the lady is crazy.Look at her appearance at the moment, with disheveled hair and a murderous look on her face, it is clear that she is going to do her best.

What Wanxin didn't know was that the eldest lady had just come out of the patrol room at this time.She was tortured in the inhuman shape and suffered all kinds of torture.In the end, she didn't know why she was released suddenly, anyway, she was released.It happened to be such a coincidence that I saw Wanxin on the street as soon as I came out.Thinking of the pain she was enduring now, Da Furen's hatred surged towards her like a torrent.

Wanxin ran forward desperately, the Da Furen was chasing after with a kitchen knife, cursing non-stop.

In the narrow alley, there were sundries everywhere, and Wan Xin nimbly pushed down the sundries, and the lady was blocked several times because of this.Seeing that she was about to run to the end, the eldest lady threw the kitchen knife in her hand towards Wanxin in a moment of panic.

"Be careful……"

At this critical moment, a voice sounded suddenly, and quickly rushed to Wanxin, hugging her and moving her aside.The kitchen knife whizzed past Wanxin's flying hair, and at that moment Wanxin felt that her heartbeat was half a beat slower.

The Da Furen originally thought that Wanxin would definitely die this time, but she didn't expect that someone would come out to save Wanxin, she suddenly went mad with anger, and rushed over to pick up the knife, roaring angrily.It's just that this time, obviously, she won't be given the chance.

A foot stretched out and kicked the eldest madam, and then wrote down one after another, she was lying on the ground and couldn't move.

Wanxin still had lingering fears at this moment, trembling all over, seeing the eldest lady lying on the ground unconscious, she breathed a sigh of relief.

It was also at this time that Wanxin saw clearly the person who saved her, and when she saw her, she couldn't help but threw herself into his arms.


Wanxin never thought that Jin Shixiu would appear by her side at this moment. At this moment, she only felt that Jin Shixiu was her patron saint.As long as she needs him, he can appear by her side in time.

"It's okay, let's go back."

Jin Shixiu's face was ashen, and his sharp eyes glanced at the eldest lady who was still moaning on the ground. While Wanxin buried her head in his arms, he kicked up the kitchen knife on the ground with one foot. It landed on Da Furen's back, blood splashed immediately.

He said that he would not do murder and arson, but this person dared to kill Wanxin, so he didn't have to stick to any principles.

After walking out of the alley, Amu who heard the news ran over angrily, and asked anxiously, "Master, are you all right?"

"It's okay, clean it up."


Wanxin didn't turn her head to take a look. Although she didn't know what was going on, she also knew that Jin Shixiu would never spare the lady.She is not a saint, and people are killing her with knives, can she still feel compassion?
Jin Shixiu got into the car with Wanxin in his arms, and went straight back to Jin's house.Regardless of the surprised eyes of the people around him, he carried her into the room and put her on the bed.

"What are you doing?" As soon as Wanxin got onto the bed, Jin Shixiu started to undress her, which startled her.

"Check to see if you're injured." Jin Shixiu's voice was eager, and regardless of Wanxin's objections, he resolutely untied her clothes and checked her. He didn't let go until he was sure that she was really not injured.

Wanxin blushed and pulled her clothes back, and said embarrassingly: "I've already said I'm fine..."

"I will send someone to follow you in the future, and you must not go out when you are alone, you know?"

"It was just an accident, I will definitely be careful in the future." Wanxin didn't want to be watched at any time, and she wanted to resist.

Then Jin Shixiu glared at him coldly, and she quickly shut up.

"There is no room for negotiation on this matter. If I hadn't just passed by there today to go back to the embroidery room, I really don't know what would have happened. Wanxin, promise me, you must protect yourself well. If something happens to you, you How do I live?"

(End of this chapter)

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