Chapter 163
The old lady had heard from her Ama before that in fact, Prince Zhe also loved that Han woman back then, but because she was a brother's woman, she had no choice but to bury that love in her heart.When Prince Zhe passed away, he repeatedly asked his descendants to take good care of the woman's family.It's just that too many things happened later, and so long passed, so they lost contact.

The last time I saw the Guanyin statue was 20 years ago.The young grandmother of the Ye family took this Guanyin statue to the Great Buddha Temple for the consecration, and the old lady was there at the time.When she saw this Guanyin statue, she was very excited.After some inquiries, I found out that the young mistress of the Ye family was a descendant of Prince Yishen.Thinking of Prince Zhe's entrustment before his death, the old lady also has great love for the young mistress of the Ye family.At that time, the young mistress of the Ye family had just given birth to a daughter, so she heard that she came to pray for her daughter.

At that time, the old lady had the idea of ​​marrying the two families, but before she could say this, the young lady of the Ye family died of illness.Afterwards, the Ye family changed hands, and the newborn child also disappeared.Although the old lady also inquired about it back then, there was no result.Over the years, she has not given up, and has been looking for that girl, but 20 years have passed, and she still has nothing.

Sighing heavily, the old lady put away the Guanyin statue.The Guanyin statue that has been passed down from generation to generation for so many years has no other meaning. It is to remind the descendants of the Guanyin statue to remember one thing, that is to find the descendants of the Han woman and take good care of them.

When the Avalokitesvara statue was passed on to the old lady, they were found, but before they had time to say a word, they passed away.This is something the old lady has always cared about. Now that she is getting older, the more she wants to find that child back then.If not, how can she explain to her ancestors when she dies in the future.

But the sea of ​​people is vast, and it is so difficult to find a baby.Besides, we don't know if the child is still alive, so the old lady doesn't have much hope now.Maybe this is fate!
The second lady put all her energy into looking for Jin Shixuan in the past few days, but she sent people to turn over Linshan Town, but they couldn't find anyone.She even suspected that Wang Mei'e had lied to her, but she only dared to think about it in her heart, and it was impossible to question her.

In fact, Jin Shixuan is really in Linshan Town at this time, it's just that she is hiding in a place that the second wife can't even dream of.

Qian Chengxuan was the first to know about Jin Shixuan's escape from marriage, and now they are living in the Qian family's house in Linshan Town.After learning of Jin Shixuan's escape from marriage, Qian Chengxuan found them immediately, and very willingly let them stay.The reason is simple, he doesn't want to get married either, so if Jin Shixuan made such a move, he would naturally help.

Now the two of them were sitting in the yard, leaning on each other, with worried expressions on their faces.Although it is safe to live here now, it is impossible for them to live forever.

"Amu, where are we going next? My mother's people have been staying here for the past few days. I'm afraid she will find us sooner or later. I don't want to be separated from you..."

Jin Shixuan was really scared and hugged Amu tightly. At this moment, she was like a frightened bird.

Amu hugged her tightly, with soft eyes, and said firmly: "I have already made plans. Let's go to Nanyang. There is prosperity there. If you want to get ahead, that's the best place to go."


It's not that Jin Shixuan doesn't know where Nanyang is, but she always feels that the place is too far away. She has never traveled far when she grows up.

"If you don't want to go, we'll think about other places." Amu didn't want Jin Shixuan to be embarrassed. After all, she was a pampered young lady before, and now she came out to sleep with him, and he felt guilty.

"No, let's go to Nanyang." Jin Shixuan shook her head and said, she is a strong woman, since she has made a choice, she will never look back for a long time.

The road ahead is still long and difficult, but she has already made all preparations.Anyway, in this life, she has decided to follow Amu, no matter the ends of the world, she will be with her all the way.

The two hugged each other tightly, enjoying a rare moment of peace.As for what tomorrow will look like, no one knows.

Qian Chengxuan stood behind them, and seeing the lovers get married, he was really happy for them.In fact, he doesn't hate Jin Shixuan, he just doesn't like it.Love depends on feeling, two people who have no emotional foundation are together, it is doomed to be a tragedy.

At the same time, he also knew that the Jin family was in a hurry now.Without the bride, how should the wedding be held in the next few days?
There was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, looking at the two people who were deeply affectionate, Qian Chengxuan had no choice but to be a good person to the end this time, sending the Buddha to the West.

Qian family.

Dr. Qian is furious because Qian Chengxuan wants to divorce.This Jin family is not an ordinary family. Can you just quit the marriage contracted with their family?
"Don't get angry, this marriage can be withdrawn if you can. If you are afraid of offending others, I will go." Qian Chengxuan said calmly, he knew in his heart, this marriage, the Jin family is now looking forward to it Can return.

"What are you talking about? Who do you think the Jin family is? If you say you will quit? If you offend them, we will wait to close the door." Doctor Qian said bitterly. In fact, he himself I really want to marry the Jin family.

"Anyway, don't worry about it, I have my own way."

The young man is not so wordy, anyway, he has already made up his mind, and he is too lazy to talk so much nonsense with the old man.He got up and went directly to Jin's house. He would call off this marriage no matter what.

Otherwise, the two families will be ashamed at that time, so it's not worth it.

The old lady was very happy when she heard that Qian Chengxuan had come to withdraw the engagement. To be honest, she was very happy.Now that the wedding is coming, and they haven't found Jin Shixuan yet, the Jin family will lose face by then.But the old lady is also an ordinary person, and she always feels that Qian Chengxuan's visit this time is not that simple.

Because the second wife is not here, the decision should be made by the old lady.Invited Qian Chengxuan to sit down in the front hall, and asked solemnly: "I heard that you are going to divorce?"

"The old lady is asking the question knowingly. Although outsiders don't know that Jin Shixuan is no longer in the Jin mansion, I do know it. There are still four days until the eighth day of the lunar new year. Can the old lady guarantee to find someone within four days?"

Qian Chengxuan didn't beat around the bush, and directly explained his intention to the old lady.Because only by explaining clearly, the marriage can be retired smoothly.

Hearing this, the old lady looked at this junior without changing her expression.In this Yunshan town, he is probably the first one who dares to talk to her old woman like that.

"Hehe, the outside world has rumored that Young Master Qian is gentle, gentle and refined. When I saw him today, I knew that the rumors were really just rumors and were not credible."

(End of this chapter)

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