lady of the family

Chapter 172 A Bet With Fate

Chapter 172 A Bet With Fate (1)
Wanxin listened to his words in a daze, she was stunned, she really couldn't believe all this, why did fate fool her like this?
If Wang Mei'e is really the murderer who killed her parents, is she admitting that the thief is her father?

"Miss, I know you feel uncomfortable, but she is really the murderer who killed the master and madam. Both master and madam are good people, but they just met her, a poisonous woman. If it weren't for her, your family would still be dead. Happily together."

"I...I don't know what to do..."

Wanxin was really confused, it is estimated that everyone would be confused about this matter, this is really too torturous.

Seeing Wanxin's pained look, Zhou Sheng didn't know what to say.He is a person who hates evil like a vengeful person. He has been thinking about revenge all these years, but he is helpless now that he is old and has no such ability.Now that he found the young lady, he wondered if he could revive the Ye family, but unexpectedly, the young lady married the son of the enemy.God is really playing tricks on people.

"I'll go back first. Take care of yourself."

When the matter developed to this point, Wanxin didn't know what to do, she was too confused now.

Go back and say a few words to Wang Mei'e briefly, and then go back to the golden house.Now back to this house, Wanxin actually feels like she is in a cage.

Jin Shixiu has been waiting for her, he has decided that today he will have a talk with Wanxin no matter what.It's not good for the two of them to keep fighting like this, especially Wanxin, she has endured too much pain alone, and he can't bear her to be sad.

"Wanxin!" Wang Mei'e suddenly stopped her when she was about to leave, "You really don't know who your parents are? Did Ye Rongguang tell you?"

"Ye Rongguang and I are like enemies. Naturally, he won't tell me about my parents. Why did mother suddenly ask about this?"

Wanxin naturally knew that Wang Mei'e was afraid, but in fact she was also afraid.

"Hehe, it's okay, I just asked casually. You are my daughter-in-law, and as a mother-in-law, I naturally have to care about your affairs. Well, you have been shopping for so long, and you are also tired. Go back and rest quickly .In the evening, I will have someone stew some supplements and bring them to you."

"Okay, thank you...mother."

Now Wanxin thinks that calling 'mother' is very awkward, the person in front of her is the one who killed her own mother, but she still calls her mother, it's really funny to think about it.

Wang Mei'e smiled stiffly, always feeling that the way Wanxin looked at her was terrifying.She is very guilty, always unreliable, she always feels that Wanxin seems to know something, but she doesn't say it out.

Seeing Wang Mei'e walking away, Wanxin walked back to her yard. Jin Shixiu was waiting for her in the yard. When she saw her coming back, she jumped up and hugged her.

Wanxin didn't struggle, she really wanted to find a shoulder to lean on.It's just that this shoulder is really ironic to her.

"I heard that you took your mother to Ye's house."

Jin Shixiu has always sent someone to follow Wanxin, but in fact he was just worried about her comfort.

"Well, it's gone, do you have any questions?" Wanxin let go of him, raised her head, her eyes were forced into his eyes.

"You know everything? Including mother's affairs?"

Jin Shixiu's heart was having difficulty even breathing, and things became more and more complicated, to the point where he could not control them.

In fact, at this point, things have become clear.So Wanxin didn't intend to hide it anymore, she nodded generously and admitted, "Yes, I know everything, I know that your mother killed my parents, I know that it was your mother who made me an orphan, and it was your mother who made me an orphan. For the past 20 years, my life is worse than death..."

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry..." Seeing Wanxin in such pain, Jin Shixiu's heart was dying of pain, even though this matter had nothing to do with him, he still couldn't help apologizing.

"You don't need to apologize to me, it's not your fault. Shixiu, I know your difficulties, I don't want to embarrass you, and I don't want to make you sad. But, I really can't care less. You're not me, so I can't understand I realized how traumatic this incident has brought to me. I was really ecstatic when I learned that my biological parents were someone else for a child who was never seen since childhood. However, God is so cruel to me. They left me early in the morning, making me unable to experience the warmth of my family in my life. I am really glad that I met you. I thought God was fair to me and brought you to By my side. But now..."

"I know, I know everything. I know the pain in your heart, I know your embarrassment, all of this is God's torture to us. Wanxin, let me make up for the harm my mother caused you? Then After all, it's the grievances of the previous generation, we can't let those affect our husband and wife, can't we? I know it's hard for you, but I beg you, don't leave me. Do you know? I really can't live without you ..."


Wanxin couldn't bear it any longer and stretched out her arms to hold him tightly, she also couldn't bear to leave him.But, can she still stay now?
The old lady just found out who the entrusted person was. When she learned that the person was actually Amu's father, she suddenly felt that this was simply God's arrangement.If that person is not Amu's father, maybe no one will know this secret for the rest of his life.

"Old lady, that Zhou Sheng has already gone to Ye's house. I heard that the young lady picked him up in person, saying that she was helping to take care of the Ye family's mansion. The eldest lady and the young lady also went to Ye's house today. After returning, the eldest lady It seems a little out of control. I guess, Zhou Sheng recognized the eldest lady, and they said something in the Ye residence."

When Mama Liu talked about this, she also had a worried expression on her face. She always felt that something big was going to happen, and she was restless.

The old lady also thought the same, stood up and grabbed Mama Liu's arm, and said tremblingly: "Come on, let's go to Mei'e, I must find out about this matter."

As soon as the two of them reached the door, a girl came to announce that the eldest lady had arrived.It seems that Wang Mei'e also had something to tell the old lady, so she came to her door herself.

"Let her in!"

Wang Mei'e is worried now, and she is naturally uneasy when she has done something wrong.Walking into the old lady's room, before the old lady could speak, she said, "Mom, I have something to tell you."

"Did you go to Ye's house today? Wanxin took you there?" The old lady naturally knew what she was going to say, she sat calmly, her tone was still indifferent.

Wang Mei'e didn't care how the old lady knew about it, anyway, she was very anxious now.He glanced at Liu Ma, meaning that he didn't want her to be there.

"If you have anything to say, just say it, Mama Liu is not an outsider."

(End of this chapter)

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