lady of the family

Chapter 18 Who to Marry

Chapter 18 Who to Marry (2)

A few servants came forward to drag Wanxin upon hearing Da Furen's orders, but in fact, everyone felt wronged for Wanxin.Everyone in the Ye family knows that this young lady sometimes lives worse than a servant.But they are all servants, even if they feel distressed, they don't dare to talk too much, they can only follow orders.

The bad breath in the lady's heart didn't dissipate until now, and she walked to Wanxin's side gloomyly, looked at her face, looked at her aloof look, and when she raised her hand, she was ready to slap her throw it down.


Ye Rongguang's voice suddenly resounded in the empty courtyard. With a dark face and one hand behind his back, he walked to the lady's side and yelled, "Let her go!"

"Master, Wanyue's face was swollen from beating her. Wanyue came home crying and crying. Do you think she should be beaten? Also, on the street today, she blatantly flirted with Shaoqiu. Damn, shameless, our Ye family's face has been completely humiliated by her." The eldest lady recounted Wanxin's "evil deeds" emphatically, which caused Wanxin to sneer.

There is nothing wrong with the so-called wanting to commit a crime, why bother to justify what she has never done.Anyway, Ye Rongguang definitely believed what she said, no matter how much she defended, there was no doubt about it.

However, to Wan's surprise, Ye Rongguang did not stand on the side of the eldest lady today. Instead, he said with a sullen face, "Enough is enough. Wanyue is your daughter, and Wanxin is also your daughter. How can a mother do that?" Such partiality, if it spreads, you will lose face of my Ye family. It's none of your business here, you go back to your room quickly, don't come out to embarrass yourself if you have nothing to do. "

"Master..." The eldest lady was deeply puzzled, which song was sung today?
When did this master treat Ye Wanxin so well?In the past, he wanted to kill her, but what happened today?
Not only Da Furen was baffled, but Wan Xin was also at a loss.It stands to reason that if Ye Rongguang heard what she was doing with Bai Shaoqiu, he would definitely be furious.But why did you teach the lady a lesson today?

Intuition told Wanxin that Ye Rongguang must have something to ask her for protecting her like this.She knows Ye Rongguang too well, if she is useless, she might have been kicked out of the Ye family mansion long ago.

"Hurry up and get the hell out of me!" Ye Rongguang was also full of anger at this moment, and was worried that he had nowhere to say it, but this lady fell into the gun.

The eldest lady held her breath again, gave Wanxin a vicious look, and then left with anger all over her body.It's just that the look is obviously unwilling, and she will definitely not swallow this tone easily.

But so what, Wanxin didn't care anymore.If you don't care, you won't be sad, you won't be sad.

After the eldest lady left, Ye Rongguang smiled on his face, and asked with concern, "How is it? Your mother didn't hit you, did she?"

"I'm fine." Wanxin was not used to Ye Rongguang's fake kindness, so she involuntarily took a small step back, and asked cautiously, "Father, is there something wrong with you?"

When asked by Wanxin, Ye Rongguang also looked embarrassed.It seems that Wanxin also understands him, knowing that he must ask her at this moment.Although he was also angry, because of Jin Shixiu's words, no matter how much resentment he had towards Wanxin, he could only endure it.

Moreover, I am afraid that there will be no chance to vent in the future.If this Wanxin really married into the Jin family, would he still have a chance to vent his anger on her?

"Wanxin, father knew that I was very sorry for you last time about Shaoqiu. But now this matter has been settled, and it is impossible to change it. Father has always felt ashamed in his heart and wanted to make up for you, but he never had the chance. Now father finally gave You can find a good family, let you marry a good husband, and my father's guilty heart can be a little more at ease." What Ye Rongguang said was true, people who don't know really think how much he is Remorse and remorse.

But Wanxin knew that all of this was just an illusion. At this moment, her heart was hanging high, and she had a very ominous premonition in her heart.Who does Ye Rongguang want her to marry?
Wanxin felt uneasy in her heart, she really wanted to leave this family, but she would not just marry indiscriminately just because she was in a hurry to leave.Especially this kind of marriage where the two of them have never even met, and they are about to get married, makes her even more unacceptable.

"Father, who do you want me to marry?" What Wanxin is most afraid of is that Ye Rongguang will let her marry an old man as a concubine. In that case, she would rather die.

"Jin Shixiu, the young master of the Jin family!" Ye Rongguang was also full of doubts, why did the young master of the Jin family fall in love with Wanxin.

"Young master of the Jin family?" Wanxin's mind was buzzing, she was very familiar with the name of the young master of the Jin family these days, how could a powerful young master like him marry her?
"Father, you proposed this marriage on your own initiative?"

Seeing that Wanxin was also confused, Ye Rongguang became even more curious.It seems that Wanxin doesn't know Jin Shixiu either, but why does he have to marry Wanxin?
I don't understand, I really don't understand.

"These are not your business. Tomorrow, Jin Shixiu will come to propose marriage in person. You should prepare well. You should have a good rest today, and dress up to meet him tomorrow."

Where did Ye Rongguang have so much leisure time to talk to Wan Xin in detail, he was already holding back a bad breath in his heart.Although the Jin family had a great career, money and power, after all, he was threatened to agree to this marriage, so he must feel aggrieved.

In addition, he still doesn't want to marry Wanxin, so he is even more angry.He didn't understand, what's wrong with Wanxin, why Bai Shaoqiu and Jin Shixiu just fell in love with her?
Ye Rongguang walked out of Wanxin's room, and saw the second lady as soon as he left the hospital.Seeing her looking at him eagerly, she said impatiently: "Say what you have to say, don't hesitate."

The second lady is not the eldest lady, she does things without thinking, only knowing to be reckless.She had a tender smile on her face, charming and charming.He held Ye Rongguang's wrist affectionately, and said coquettishly: "I haven't seen the master for several days, I miss you. I just heard that you are back, so I was in a hurry to see you. You are fine, you are right People are fierce."

Ye Rongguang has never been immune to a woman like the second lady, especially when she acts like a baby, it feels like all the bones in her body are going to be crisp.

"Oh, there are too many worries recently, don't take it to heart. Go, go to your room and give me a good massage."

"Okay, I've already had someone brew the master's favorite drink, Longjing, and I'll ask that girl Xiuchun to rub the master's shoulders." The second lady tugged him excitedly, although her face was smiling, But that smile didn't reach the depths.

Taking advantage of Ye Rongguang's focus on walking forward, she suddenly turned her head, a pair of narrow red phoenix eyes looked at the door of Wanxin's room sinisterly, and a sinister smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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