lady of the family

Chapter 180 Alienation

Chapter 180 Alienation
Walking on the road, listening to the discussions among the servants, there was a trace of sneer in the corner of Wanxin's mouth.There are too many people making trouble in this family, let's use these people to vent their anger this time.Anyway, now she is full of indignation, and Zhengchou has nowhere to vent.

Xiao Lian followed behind Wan Xin, listening to the words of the servants, her mouth was pouting, Lao Gao said angrily: "These gossips really want to tear their mouths apart."

"The mouth grows on other people's bodies, so they can say whatever they want. Don't you feel curious, Xiaolian?" Wanxin turned her head to look at Xiaolian and asked.


Xiao Lian lowered her head and did not speak. In fact, she was also curious, but this is the master's private matter, how dare she ask.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Wanxin didn't force her to ask, she turned around and continued to walk forward, and said slowly: "The truth is always cruel, so sometimes I would rather not know anything."

If she doesn't know the cruel truth, maybe she is still the same gentle heart as before, calm as water, and just wants to grow old with Shixiu.But now, she doesn't think so.

She wants to be the mistress of the Jin family, and she wants to shut the mouths of these people.She wants no one to hurt her, anyone she cares about.As for Wang Mei'e, she will resolve the grievances between them in her own way.At that time, she will no longer be so scruples, some debts must be repaid.

Raising her head, she looked at Wang Mei'e who was walking towards her. Wanxin's footsteps were not full at all, and the corner of her mouth still curled into a sneer. Now she looks a little scary.

Wang Mei'e is also, when she sees Wanxin, she can't help being a little frightened, and she is always afraid of seeing her.It's just that everyone is in the same house, and they are both mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. It is absolutely impossible not to meet each other.

Although Wang Mei'e is still unable to confirm Wanxin's identity, it is almost the same.So when I saw Wanxin, I was a little cautious.

Wanxin doesn't know what to call Wang Mei'e now, she originally thought that the relationship between their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law would improve, so that everyone would get along better in the future.But I didn't expect such a thing to happen just after the relief. It seems that they are destined not to get along peacefully.

"Hi Ma'am!"

Xiao Lian is a servant who naturally wants to say hello to Wang Mei'e first. She stands behind Wan Xin respectfully, feeling that the atmosphere today is a bit strange.

Wanxin just nodded to Wang Mei'e, as a greeting.

"Wanxin, your complexion seems to be very bad recently, have you seen a doctor?"

Wang Mei'e still greeted Wanxin pretendingly, but in fact she just wanted to test Wanxin's reaction.Normally, when Wanxin saw her, she would greet her first no matter what, but today it was as simple as nodding her head.

"I haven't slept well recently. I've already read it. I'm sorry to trouble you."

A few simple words, but also reveal Wanxin's alienation from her, no matter how you listen to these words, you feel that they are too polite.

"Hehe, I heard that tomorrow is your birthday, and I have ordered people to make arrangements. You should come here early tomorrow."

"I'm really sorry, I'm going out with Shixiu tomorrow, and I made an appointment with some friends."

This is obviously slapping Wang Mei'e in the face, but Wanxin actually did it on purpose.When celebrating my birthday, I just want to relax and keep myself away from these annoying people and things, so naturally I don't want to spend it with Wang Mei'e.

Hearing Wanxin's words, Wang Mei'e smiled awkwardly, "Hehe, it's okay, you young people also have your own way of life. It's just that grandma said that she wanted to cheer you up, so I'll tell her the truth." No need, I'm rushing to my grandma, I just need to explain to her myself. Then I'll go first. "

Without giving Wang Mei'e a chance to speak, she just left.

It is rare for her to be able to talk to Wang Mei'e calmly now, don't expect her to be as respectful to her as before, then she will never be able to do it.

Seeing Wanxin's resolute figure, Wang Mei'e's smile disappeared immediately, and her ominous premonition became stronger and stronger. It seemed that she had to find out her identity as soon as possible.

When Wanxin arrived at the old lady's place, the old lady was holding the Guanyin statue in a daze.The involvement that started from the previous generation has continued until this generation. It has to be said that God is punishing them on purpose.


Wanxin walked in, her gaze was attracted by the Guanyin statue.She remembered that she had seen this Guanyin statue when she wanted to seize the Da Furen's property.At that time, it seemed that it was taken away by Jin Shixiu. As for where it went later, she didn't know.Looking at it now, it turned out to be at the old lady's place.

Seeing Wanxin coming, the old lady hurriedly packed up the Guanyin statue, and said with a kind smile on her face, "You're here."


Wanxin hurriedly stepped forward to help her old man slowly walked to the chair and sat down, both of them felt very heavy, they didn't even know how to speak.

In the end, Wanxin spoke first, "Grandma, I want to tell you about my birthday tomorrow. I want to go outside tomorrow."

"Been outside?"

The old lady originally wanted to take the opportunity of Wanxin's birthday to officially announce that she had started to take over the affairs of the family.Anyway, this family will be handed over to Wanxin sooner or later, it's better to let her get started as soon as possible.

"Well, you also have your own favorite ways, but you have to come back for dinner tonight, and grandma has something to announce."

"it is good."

Wanxin didn't want to know what it was, anyway, she would know when the time came.However, looking at the solemn eyes of the old lady, my heart became heavy instead.She couldn't help being suspicious, did grandma already know about that?Both of them fell into silence, and it was not that the old lady didn't realize that Wanxin had become estranged from her a lot now, she spoke very concisely, and refused to say a single unnecessary word.

"Wanxin..." The old lady suddenly wanted to say something, but she didn't know where to start.

"Grandma, if you have anything to say, you can just say it."

Wanxin still felt a little sorry for the old lady, after all, this matter has nothing to do with the old lady, it's just that she was a little bit blocked in her heart.She knows that grandma is a person who treats her well from the bottom of her heart, and she shouldn't have this attitude.

After hesitating for a while, the old lady said, "Your mother has been preparing for your birthday for a long time, and she will be very sad if she knows that you are going to live outside. People other than Xiu are good, so, do you want to go with her..."

"Grandma, I've seen her when I came here just now, and she already knows about it. So don't worry, grandma, I've already taken care of it."

"She already knows?" It's not that the old lady is ignorant of Wang Mei'e's temper. Wanxin is deliberately ruining her kindness. It's really strange why she didn't respond at all.

(End of this chapter)

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