lady of the family

Chapter 182 Birthday

Chapter 182 Birthday (2)
"Wanxin, I love you, forever..."

In that era, it was still very shy to say such explicit words in front of outsiders, and the other women dining in the restaurant looked at the two of them with blushing faces.It's just that although I feel a little embarrassed, the women are all sentimental, and they are all moved by such a picture.

Rao Xueman looked at it with envy in his eyes.It is enough for a woman to find such a man who loves her all her life.She looked at Wanxin with envy, and prayed silently in her heart, hoping that the two of them would be well, overcome those hardships as soon as possible, and hold hands and live happily ever after.

Ouyang Chen was also quite emotional, he always thought that Jin Shixiu was the kind of man who didn't understand the style, but he didn't expect that he also had a romantic side.It seems that Ye Wanxin has really captured his sincerity, I hope they can be happy.

Wanxin's heart beat fast, but she still forced herself to calm down.Originally thought that after missing Bai Shaoqiu, she would never love again in this life.Unexpectedly, God sent her Jin Shixiu, a man she had no choice but to love.From the day he met him, he silently stood behind her and paid for her, protecting her from wind and rain.It is precisely because of his existence that she can live such a comfortable life and be so carefree.So even now that she knows that he is the son of the enemy, Wanxin still prefers to forgive.She knows better than anyone else that sometimes happiness is right in front of your eyes, and it depends on whether you can seize the opportunity.She didn't want to be alone, and she didn't want to regret it for the rest of her life.No matter how difficult and painful the process is, she will choose to be strong, just to keep this rare love and rare happiness.

She stretched out her fair hand and gently handed it in front of him. Although she was very shy, she mustered up her courage and said those few words sonorously, "Shixiu, I love you forever..."

The extremely provocative picture, in the eyes of everyone, does not have any immorality, and everyone feels touched.It is easy to love someone, but it is really not easy to keep this love and stick to it forever.

I don't know how many people love each other in this world, but there are very few who can really grow old happily.

Jin Shixiu happily put the ring on Wanxin's middle finger, which means that she is already his wife.In the end, the two hugged each other affectionately, hugging each other, as if they were the only ones left in the world at this moment.

This meal really made Wanxin forget her troubles, she was always smiling, very happy.In her memory, she seldom smiled so happily. This moment of truth will never pass, and time can be frozen in this second.

It's just that the happy time is always short. After laughing, they still have to go back to Jin's house and face the people in the family.Especially Wanxin, now she really doesn't know how to face Wang Mei'e.Tear your face and speak up?She felt that this would only make things worse.But she couldn't have done nothing.Although Wang Mei'e didn't kill her parents herself, they died because of her.Few people can let go of this kind of hatred.

On the way back, Ouyang Chen was driving, and Jin Shixiu and Wanxin were sitting in the back, they kept holding each other's hands tightly and refused to let go.In fact, if they can, they stay away from this place full of right and wrong, and only live their own lives.But, they can't.

Wanxin knew that she couldn't be so selfish, and couldn't let the Jin family lose Shixiu.Shi Xiu is the hope of the Jin family, and she doesn't want Shi Xiu to choose between her and her family.

Therefore, she can only wrong herself, can only let herself compromise.

Back at the Jin Mansion, my mood seemed to become depressed.Jin Shixiu looked at Wanxin with a firm gaze, and said softly, "Don't worry, everything is up to me."


Wanxin also nodded firmly, she never doubted Jin Shixiu's words, as long as it was what he said, she would believe it.

Tonight, the old lady still asked people to make some preparations. After all, it was Wanxin's first birthday in the Jin family, and she couldn't make Wanxin feel that her husband's family didn't take her seriously.Just before Wanxin and Shixiu came back, the old lady learned about Wanxin's life experience.

Although she had been mentally prepared for a long time, she was still shocked at the moment of confirmation.Unexpectedly, the child she had been looking for for 20 years was always by her side.In the past 20 years, she never gave up looking for Wanxin, and she also felt sorry for that child.Originally, Shixiu wanted to marry that child, but after several twists and turns, they finally got together.It seems that some things are arranged by God in the dark. If nothing happened to the Ye family at that time, they would have made an appointment early in the morning.Maybe the two of them will not be as loving as they are now.Everything has a cause and an effect, and every arrangement of God has its reason.

Sitting in the living room watching Wanxin walk in with Shixiu holding hands, a knot in the old lady's heart over the years was also unraveled.Finding Wanxin means fulfilling her long-cherished wish.


The two shouted at the same time, as for the other people in the room, it seemed that they didn't pay attention at all.

Seeing them, the old lady immediately laughed from ear to ear.Standing up hastily, she said anxiously: "Wanxin, come, come quickly, let grandma see you."

No one knew why the old lady responded so enthusiastically. It wasn't Wanxin's first day at Jin's house, and she had never seen her so enthusiastic before.Everyone felt jealous, in fact, the wives had a hunch in their hearts that the old lady might not just celebrate Ye Wanxin's birthday today.The old lady has been in poor health since she was poisoned last time.During this period of time, it was a bit difficult to take care of the housework. Everyone was guessing whether the old lady wanted to take this opportunity to let Wanxin start managing the family affairs.

If this is the case, then it is really infuriating.Especially the second wife, she originally thought that Wanxin would leave the Jin family in a fit of anger after she knew that Wang Mei'e had killed her parents.But I didn't expect her to act like a normal person, she didn't care at all.It seems that the rumors in the house are not strong enough, and there is no one who dislikes any turbulent waves.Now, while the old lady is still alive, Ye Wanxin must be allowed to leave the Jin family, otherwise the family will really fall into her hands.

The old lady took Wanxin's hand and looked at Wanxin carefully. Although she didn't say it, she could tell that Wanxin was really similar to her mother.Because I didn't know Wanxin's life experience before, I didn't have a comparison, but now that I know it, I can see it immediately after such a comparison.

"Grandma, what's the matter?" Wanxin felt her scalp go numb when the old lady looked at her, and she couldn't figure out what happened to the old lady today.

(End of this chapter)

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