lady of the family

Chapter 184 The position of the mistress

Chapter 184 The position of the mistress (2)
How could Wanxin not understand what the old lady meant, Wang Mei'e's parents who forced her to death back then were her enemies.The old lady's warning to her is nothing more than asking her to give up those hatreds and live a good life now.

"Grandma, don't worry, Wanxin will definitely do her best to take care of this house, and she will never let you down."

"Okay, grandma remember your promise today."

Wanxin took a deep breath, seeing Wang Mei'e's resentful gaze, she knew that the battle had just begun.Between her and Wang Mei'e, it is doomed not to live in harmony, and one of them will be injured no matter what happens.

It's just that she knew that it was embarrassing for Shixiu.

The husband and wife seem to have a tacit understanding, and they meet each other's eyes at the same time. The deep meaning contained in them can understand each other's thoughts without using too many words.

Jin Shixiu smiled gently at her, and said softly: "No matter what you do, I will stand by your side."

The meaning couldn't be more clear, he wanted to reassure Wanxin and prevent her from being in a dilemma.He would rather put himself in trouble than let Wanxin have the slightest psychological burden.

"Shixiu, thank you."

Apart from these words, Wanxin didn't know what else to say, she looked down at the ring on her finger, and the corner of her mouth slightly curled up.

Afterwards, the birthday party was tasteless for everyone. Since the hostess has changed to someone else, everyone will be worried about their future.Especially those wives, asking them to bow their heads to Wanxin, a junior, really made them unconvinced.But so what if they are not convinced, they have never had a say in this family.The Jin family was doing their best to provide them with food, lodging and daily expenses. On the surface, they did not dare to make any excessive demands.

After Wanxin took over the affairs of the inner house, she suddenly had more work.The first is to check the accounts in the accounting room, and have a bottom line on all the income and expenses of the accounting room.The Jin family has a large number of servants and spends a lot, so they must be especially cautious in their accounts.

Kim's.The accountant Mr. has been in the Jin family for more than [-] years, and his accounts are clear and clear, which can be understood at a glance.Wanxin also knew about the accounting method before, so after reading the accounts of Mr. He Bo, the accountant, she nodded in satisfaction.

He Bo is over 50 years old this year, unmarried, and now he is alone.In his own words, it is his greatest luck to be able to work in the Jin family in his life, otherwise he might starve to death at some point.

"Young Mistress, these ledgers are for daily expenses, and these are income and expenditure. Please read them over."

"Uncle He, please sit down. I heard that your waist is not good because of sitting for a long time, so don't stand up." Wanxin respects the elderly very much, especially for those who are dedicated to the family, she thinks that she should respect even more .

He Bo had also dealt with Wanxin before, and he knew that she was a person who had no airs and was easy to get along with.She smiled benevolently, and was not polite to Wanxin, and sat on a chair beside her.

During the whole morning, Wanxin stayed in the accounting room to check the account books with He Bo.Although it is only about numbers or something, it is also a test of one's carefulness.Fortunately, Wanxin has always been careful in doing things, so these things are not difficult for her.

When she returned to the courtyard at noon, Xiao Lian hurried out and said anxiously: "Young Mistress, you are back, Da Furen has sent people here several times."

"Did you say what happened?"

"She said it was something she wanted, but she never gave it to her. The person who came spoke very arrogantly, and it was clear that he was here to provoke trouble."

Wanxin frowned slightly, she knew that Wang Mei'e would make trouble.Originally, Wanxin was thinking about Jin Shixiu's relationship in her heart, and didn't want to have too much antagonism with her.Although there is still hatred in her heart, as the old lady said, that is all in the past, and she can't put Shixiu in a dilemma because of the previous things, after all, she also told Wang Mei'e before.But now that Wang Mei'e wants to find trouble for her because of the dispute between the mistress, Wanxin will never back down.

People don't offend me, I don't offend others, she won't let anyone bully her anymore.

"Go ahead, if you send someone later, let her come in and find me."

Wanxin was tired all morning, she didn't even drink tea, so she didn't have the heart to go to Wang Mei'e's place to do Tai Chi with her.Now that she has started to take over the housework, there are a lot of things to do, and the embroidery is about to be delivered, so she has to hurry up to finish it.And her body hasn't recovered all the time, so in the afternoon, she fears that one day the old lady will no longer stand by her side.

Wanxin sometimes thinks, if she really can't have children, will she really have to give Shixiu a partial house at that time, and give birth to a child for the Jin family to carry on the family line?

This question has troubled her for a long time, but she has never made a decision.Anyway, it's time to take one step at a time.

After entering the house and eating a few casual meals, I took out the monthly shopping list I took out to have a look.She had just taken over, so she had to introduce some new regulations, otherwise, if she continued the old lady's style of doing things, she would definitely leave people with something to talk about.

Just took it out, and before I read a few pages, I heard Xiaolian come to report that it was Jin Shichun.Although this girl doesn't have any ties with Wanxin now, she is not very close. She didn't move around during the day.This will suddenly come to her, I'm afraid there is something wrong.

"Let her in."

Wanxin put away her things and got ready, and when she saw Jin Shichun coming in, she smiled a little.


Jin Shichun has also settled down a lot in the past few months. After learning the lesson from the last time, she is also more sensible.

"Shichun, why are you free to come to my sister-in-law today? Have you eaten lunch yet? I'll ask someone to prepare it for you."

"I've eaten. My mother asked me to come."

Jin Shichun had a troubled expression on his face, it seemed that the Fourth Madam asked her to do something she didn't like.Wan Xin saw it, she didn't change her expression, she just asked, "What's the matter with your mother asking you to come?"

"Sister-in-law, don't be unhappy when I tell you. You also know what kind of temper my mother has. She is a person who does things without thinking. Hold on." Jin Shichun was also a straight-hearted person, he couldn't hide his words in his heart, and before he said what was going on, he was in a hurry.

Seeing this, Wanxin could only persuade her, "Don't worry, let's talk about it first. If sister-in-law can help, please help as much as possible."

"My mother said that I am not young anymore, and it's time to prepare the dowry. She also said that you are in charge of the house now, and she is afraid that you will embezzle my dowry in the future, so you should prepare my dowry for me now. Sister-in-law, I know my mother-in-law It's really too much. I didn't come here before I died. But you also know that I'm just a child, and I have to listen to my mother's words. It's a bit embarrassing for you, so don't take it seriously. I just Come to pass a message, there is no other meaning, you must not misunderstand."

(End of this chapter)

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