lady of the family

Chapter 190 Poisoning

Chapter 190 Poisoning (2)
"You didn't? Then who do you think put the poison? Madam Liu brought the Anshen Decoction. Mama Liu is loyal to the old lady. She is absolutely impossible to harm the old lady. The old lady also drank this Anshen Decoction so much." It's been a long time, and it's been fine, why did you get poisoned when you came here today? Don't you think it's too coincidental? Now that the evidence is in front of you, don't you still want to deny it?"

The fourth lady was so aggressive that she couldn't even say a word that Wan Xin was stuck in.The matter is indeed very strange, she decided to come to see the old lady on a temporary basis today, and she didn't notify anyone at all, so there is no such thing as someone deliberately trying to frame her.

Who is the murderer?

When the others heard what the Fourth Madam said, they all cast suspicious eyes on Wanxin.Because she is the biggest suspect in this matter, she cannot get rid of the responsibility until the real murderer is found.

Wang Mei'e also spoke at this time, "Fourth Madam is right, you are the most suspicious of this matter. So I will lock you up as Mrs. Jin's and accept investigation."

"I said that I didn't harm grandma. Her kindness to me is as great as a mountain. Why should I harm her? You keep saying that I poisoned you. What is the evidence?" Wanxin was also anxious. The real murderer is on the loose.

Wang Mei'e said: "We will find the evidence. Come, someone, arrest the young lady and put her in the woodshed. No one can visit, especially the young master."

Wang Mei'e spoke, but no one dared to move.The Jin family is now headed by Wanxin and Jin Shixiu, who dares to touch her.What's more, this matter is just a suspicion, there is no confirmation that Wanxin is the murderer at all, no one dares to move forward at this time.

"You all turned against each other. She is a murderer now. Do you still dare to cover her up?" Seeing that the servants ignored her words, Wang Mei'e became even more angry.

What did she, the eldest lady, become in the eyes of these servants?You can't even order the servants, can you?

"Who said she was a murderer?"

After finishing talking with Ouyang Chen, Jin Shixiu pushed open the door and walked in, his heavy steps made a crisp sound on the ground.He went straight to Wanxin's side, protected her behind him, and scanned the crowd aggressively.

"Wanxin is the young mistress of the Jin family, and she is also the head of the house. Who dares to touch her? I will investigate the matter of grandma, and you all give me peace of mind. If anyone dares to make trouble again, don't blame me for being rude." .”

Jin Shixiu's sonorous words reached everyone's ears, and everyone couldn't help secretly glad that they didn't do anything just now, otherwise they would definitely be beaten to death by the young master.

Everyone is a discerning person, who knows who in this family should listen to and who should not be offended.Especially this young mistress, she is a master who can't do it without a hair, who dares to offend her.

Wang Mei'e knew that Jin Shixiu would stop her, so she had nothing to shy away from at this time.This son never regarded her as his mother, why should she care about this son?In the face of interests, all feelings are false, and one's own interests are the most important.

She walked forward with a cold snort, and said sarcastically, "Shixiu, I know you love your wife, but it is an eternal truth to kill someone for life. The old lady is poisonous now, and her life and death are unknown. As her The only grandson should find out the murderer and give her justice. Look at you now, you cover up the murderer, which is equivalent to an accomplice. If anything happens to your grandma, you are also one of the murderers. "

"Whether Wanxin is the murderer or not, I know better than you. As for who poisoned it, it's not difficult for me to find out. Arsenic is highly poisonous. Every pharmacy doesn't buy much every year and every month. Every pharmacy has it." Register in detail. You can quickly find out who bought the arsenic as long as you go to investigate. Are you afraid of something in such a hurry to lock Wanxin up?"

Both mother and son are unwilling to give in, their eyes are facing each other, and they are the closest people, but at this time they seem to be enemies with deep hatred, and they are extremely jealous.

"Shixiu, I'm your mother, did you talk to your mother like this? You are really unfilial. Isn't what I did for the Jin family?"

Wang Mei'e's heart has been cold for a long time. When Jin Shixiu resisted her again and again and broke her heart again and again, she gave up on this son.

Similarly, Jin Shixiu also had the same idea as her.This mother has always been so selfish, she has always only cared about her own feelings and her own interests.In her eyes, his son has always been just a tool to use.

"As an elder, if you want the younger generation to respect you, you must first be worthy of respect. I have made it very clear that this matter has nothing to do with Wanxin, and I will find the murderer. I warn you, if you let me listen again When someone says Wanxin is wrong, I will never let her go."

The wives were so intimidated by Jin Shixiu, no one dared to speak.Especially the Fourth Madam, she was trembling with fright.What should we do if we really find out about her?
Because the old lady was seriously poisoned, she couldn't wake up for a while, and Ouyang Chen also told Jin Shixiu just now that she didn't know if the old lady could survive this time.After being poisoned in the Great Buddha Temple last time, the residual poison has not been completely eliminated, and the old lady is old and her resistance is weak.The poison this time is probably more ominous than good.

Only Wanxin and Jin Shixiu were left in the room, and they were quite distressed seeing the old lady like this.Especially Wanxin, although she was not the one who poisoned her, she has been blaming herself all the time.I always feel that this matter still has something to do with myself.

"Wanxin, don't blame yourself, it's none of your business. I've sent someone to investigate. Everyone in the house is suspected, and I won't let anyone go."

Jin Shixiu gritted his teeth. The old lady is his dearest person. Someone tried to kill her again and again. This time he will find the murderer at all costs.

"I'm worried about grandma. She is not in good health. Now she has..." Wanxin couldn't help crying as she spoke. She has never been loved by anyone since she was a child. Worry.

"Grandma, she is auspicious and has her own natural appearance. She will be fine."

Jin Shixiu's words were just to comfort Wanxin, but he was actually terribly afraid.Grandma left, and he really didn't even have a relative by his side.As for that mother, can she really be regarded as a relative?

Mama Liu has been heartbroken ever since she found out that the old lady had been poisoned. This happened to the old lady just after she left, so of course she blamed herself.However, apart from being sad, she couldn't help blaming Wanxin a little bit.Why did something happen to the old lady when she came?

Fortunately, Mama Liu is not that impulsive person, so she took advantage of this meeting to discuss this matter with Bo He.

(End of this chapter)

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