lady of the family

Chapter 199 Shichun is Missing

Chapter 199 Shichun is Missing

The past has passed, and Wanxin will not hold grudges against anyone.Even if Ye Zhifeng really said that back then, so what?He was also dazzled by love, and he would do that only because the love was too deep.Wanxin is not the kind of person who takes things out of context and doesn't know right from wrong, so she doesn't blame Ye Zhifeng at all.

Ye Rongguang knew that Wanxin would never give up until he got the whereabouts of He Caiyun today, but he didn't intend to say anything.He planned to rot this secret in his stomach for the rest of his life, and finally brought it into the coffin.

"You go, even if you kill me now, I still say the same thing, I don't know." "Why are you hiding my mother's whereabouts? She is dead, and there is only a grave left, why can't you Let me pay homage to her with all my filial piety?"

Wanxin finally couldn't help it, and roared out of control.

"Tell me, what do you want. As long as I can do it, I will satisfy you. Tell my mother's whereabouts, tell me."

"I don't want anything, I will never tell you. Wanxin, I know that I am sorry for you Ye family and you in this life. I have done too many stupid things, but before I die, I want to do Good thing. Believe me, it’s not going to do you any good. Sometimes it’s a good memory to not know anything.”

"What do you mean?"

Wanxin suddenly felt a sense of fear, she always felt that Ye Rongguang's words contained too much meaning.Or, there is a shocking secret in it, which she never knew.

Ye Rongguang refused to say anything about He Caiyun again, no matter how Wanxin and Ye Zhifeng asked him, he stopped talking.

In the end, they had no choice but to leave, but they were still unwilling.

"What is he hiding? With his current state, he would not even offer money as a condition to exchange with him. A powerful person like Ye Rongguang shouldn't be."

Wanxin was puzzled, she was always unwilling to find out the whereabouts of her mother's grave.

Ye Zhifeng was also puzzled. It stands to reason that there should be no friendship between Ye Rongguang and He Caiyun.Why did he push himself to the brink of death in order to conceal the whereabouts of He Caiyun's tomb?
I can't figure it out, I really can't figure out the reason for this.

Because he found Wanxin suddenly, Ye Zhifeng planned to stay in Yunshan town for two days.Wanxin invited him to live in the Jin family, but because of the grievances between the Ye family and the Jin family, Ye Zhifeng still didn't want to go to the Jin family even after so many years had passed.In the end, Wanxin was not good at forcing others to do her best, so she opened a room for him in the inn in the town, and then went to go home with Jin Shixiu and his wife.

Hearing Wanxin talk about Ye Rongguang's concealment of the whereabouts of He Caiyun's tomb, Jin Shixiu was also very surprised.Everyone thought about many possibilities, but they were all rejected, because none of them seemed to fit Ye Rongguang's personality.

"Okay, this matter can't be rushed. I think Ye Rongguang must have some purpose, maybe he will come to the door in a short time." Jin Shixiu saw that Wanxin had been brooding all the time, so he had no choice but to persuade her , I hope she can relax.

"It's the only way to do it now." Wanxin was also tired all day, and felt that her body was a bit overwhelmed.I yawned and got ready to go to bed to rest.But before she had time to wash up, she heard Xiao Lian rushing in and said out of breath, "Young Master, Young Mistress is not well, Fourth Miss is gone." "When did it happen?"

Shichun has been in a bad mood since the fourth wife was sent to the patrol room.The child was originally a very lively person, but now he doesn't say a word for ten and a half months.Especially for Wanxin, who didn't even say hello when they met.

"I went out in the afternoon. I thought I was just going out for a stroll, but I haven't come back until now. The maids have searched everywhere but can't find anyone. There is really no other way, so I can report to you."

"What are you doing in a daze, send someone to look for it quickly."

Jin Shixiu ordered coldly, although the behavior of the fourth wife was outrageous.But this has nothing to do with Shichun after all, she is a child of the Jin family, and as the eldest brother, he should protect his younger sister.

"Go and inform everyone, we must find Miss Fourth." "Yes!"

At this moment, the Jin family dispatched everyone to look for Jin Shichun's whereabouts in the town, almost turning the entire Yunshan Town upside down.

Wanxin and Jin Shixiu were not idle either, they drove to a place farther away to look for them.But it was late at night, and there was still no news.

"Shixiu, where do you think Shichun will go? This child was hit because of her mother, and now she suddenly disappeared. It's really worrying." Wanxin's face was full of anxiety, her eyes looked at the dark outside. In the dark night, there is always a bad feeling.

Jin Shixiu also said worriedly: "Don't worry, there are so many of us, we will definitely find it. She has always wanted to see her mother, do you think she will go to the police station?"

"That's right, why didn't I think of that. Let's go and have a look." Jin Shixiu reminded the dreamer, and the two hurried to the police station.It's just that it's late at night now, and the people in the patrol room have already gone home from get off work.But fortunately, Jin Shixiu's face was great, and the captain of the patrol room heard that it was Young Master Jin who had come, so he quickly got up from the bed, and fortunately, he was treated with tea.

"Young Master Jin, don't worry, we have already sent people out to look for it, and I believe we will find it soon." The Jin family is a big family in Yunshan Town, and the relationship between the Jin family and the police station has always been good, so the captain is very kind to Jin Shixiu. Quite polite.Now that Miss Jin's family is gone, they are actively helping to find this person.

"Captain Deng really troubled you. I will definitely come to thank you in the future." Jin Shixiu didn't know why Captain Deng was so polite to him, and he just wanted to gain some benefits from the Jin family.

"Hehe, Young Master Jin, you are being polite. There are so many people in our patrol room, it can be said that your Jin family supports them. Now that the Jin family is in trouble, our patrol naturally has to come out to help as soon as possible. Young Master Jin, Mrs. Jin, you first Sit here for a meeting, I'll go out and ask if anyone has seen Fourth Miss coming this afternoon." "Okay." Wanxin and Shixiu sat in the patrol room feeling uneasy, the gloomy inside the patrol room always makes people feel uneasy. There is a feeling of fear.Because the patrol house has high ceilings and is located in a relatively quiet place, it feels very quiet at night.And just in the backyard of the patrol house is the cell where the prisoners are held. Some prisoners are unwilling to be locked up and always like to make some scary noises at night.

For example, at this time, there was a woman's wailing.The voice was like that of a female ghost in a horror movie, very shrill.

Wanxin couldn't help shivering, leaned towards Jin Shixiu, and hugged his body subconsciously.

(End of this chapter)

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