lady of the family

Chapter 230 The Grand Finale

Chapter 230 The Grand Finale (6)
He gestured to the subordinates behind him, and all the people guarding the door stepped aside and opened the door.

Wanxin took a deep breath, looked at the door, and walked out with firm steps.For some reason, Wanxin was sure that Bai Shaoqiu would never force her.Although Bai Shaoqiu has changed now, a person's disposition will not change.

Bai Shaoqiu looked at Wanxin's figure without a trace of nostalgia, and a wry smile appeared from the corner of his mouth.In just half a year, did they already have feelings for each other?
Doesn't their eight-year relationship mean nothing to her?

"Second Master, she's gone."

Seeing Bai Shaoqiu's sad look, Ah Guang was really startled.I always thought that the second boss was ruthless, and no woman could impress his letter.But he didn't expect that there was a woman living in his heart.Although Ah Guang felt that Wanxin was not the kind of woman who would make people's eyes shine, after watching her for a long time, she felt shocked.

"Go back and proceed as planned."

Even though Wanxin said so much just now, Bai Shaoqiu still won't give up.No matter what happens, he will not change his original intention.

"Yes, Second Master."

Wanxin came out of the teahouse, her footsteps were a little anxious and she wanted to go home quickly.He was intercepted by Bai Shaoqiu on the street just now, and I believe many people saw it.Although she is not considered a celebrity in Yunshan Town, most people still recognize her.What's more, those old guys in the family are still there now. If this matter gets to their ears, rumors and rumors will probably spread all over the sky.

Just when Wanxin wanted to go home with all her heart, a person suddenly appeared behind her. The person didn't disturb her, and directly punched her on the back of the head.

Wanxin only felt a blackness in front of her eyes, and then lost consciousness.

When Wanxin opened her eyes again, she was already in a dark room.She was tied to a chair and a cloth was stuffed over her mouth so that she could not make a sound.

I moved my stiff body, looked at the dark room, and felt my heart beating loudly.What is this?Kidnap?

Wanxin thought about it left and right, but she couldn't figure out who would tie her to this place.She would not doubt Bai Shaoqiu, because she believed in his character, if he really wanted to do this, he would not let her go when he was in the teahouse.

But besides Bai Shaoqiu, who else?
Rao Xueqin?
It's not impossible. Rao Xueqin's methods are insidious and insidious. It's not surprising that she would do such a thing.

While Wanxin was still meditating hard, the door opened, and there were waves of footsteps.When she raised her head and saw the person coming, she opened her mouth wide in shock.

The visitor ripped the thing out of her mouth, threw it on the ground, and looked at her provocatively.

"Wanru?" Wanxin cried out in surprise.

That's right, the person who came was Ye Wanru.At the beginning, Ye Wanru left Yunshan Town with the second wife, and later went to Linshan Town, and settled there.Now Ye Wanru is married and married as a wife.

Ye Wanru looked at Wanxin with a sneer on her face and said: "I thought you are so forgetful, you have forgotten me a long time ago, I didn't expect you to remember."

For Wanru, Wanxin doesn't know how to evaluate her.How should I put it, Wanru wanted to marry Shixiu back then, if Shixiu hadn't exposed their trick in advance, Wanru would be Shixiu's wife now.Later Wanxin had to realize that Wanru had always liked Shixiu all the time, and she was worried about her marriage with Shixiu.Coupled with what she did to Ye Rongguang and their mother and daughter later, Wanru hated her.

"What do you want? What do you want me to do?"

Wanxin still maintained her composure, looking at Wanru's gloomy eyes, she felt a little scared in her heart.Once a woman becomes ruthless, she is more terrifying than a man. She feels deeply about this.

Ye Wanru moved a chair and sat opposite Wanxin, looking at her with a victorious attitude.She always had a faint smile, but it seemed that there were countless knives hidden in that smile, which were mercilessly inserted into Wanxin's body, which made her feel painful.

"You caused me to lose my home, let our mother and daughter wander around, and even snatched away my beloved man. What do you think I will do to you?"

"I just took back my own home. As for Shixiu, I was the one he wanted to marry from the beginning. It was just wishful thinking of you and Ye Rongguang."

If it was the past, Wanxin might still have a glimmer of hope for Wanru, thinking that she is still the kind and simple woman before.But now Wanxin knows that everything can't go back.Wanru is no longer the Wanru she used to be. Now her heart is full of hatred, and she only wants revenge.Wanxin is no longer the scheming Wanxin she used to be. She knows that after a person has changed, she will never come back.

"Hmph, I don't care why you did this, I just know that my misery and fate today are all caused by you. Why should I live on the street, but you live the life of a wealthy wife with good clothes and good food? Is this fair? Ye Wanxin, let me tell you, if you fall into my hands today, then you don’t even think about getting out of here alive.”

Ye Wanru has been waiting for this opportunity for a long time, now that Wanxin finally fell into her hands, how could she give up?

When we were on the street just now, many people saw Ye Wanxin leaving with Bai Shaoqiu.Now Jin Shixiu probably thinks that Wanxin is still in Bai Shaoqiu's hands, and he is leading someone to ask for someone.

Although she liked Jin Shixiu very much before, he was a ruthless person, especially the humiliation to her at that wedding, which she would never forget for the rest of her life.So she wanted to take revenge, and those who made her feel uncomfortable, they themselves should not think about it.

Ye Wanru was right, at this moment, Jin Shixiu was indeed sending people around to inquire about Wanxin's whereabouts.Ouyang Chen said that Wanxin went out with Rao Xueman, and after that only Rao Xueman was sent back by Rao's family.After Xueman woke up, she said that Bai Shaoqiu had left with Wanxin, and now Wanxin must be missing with Bai Shaoqiu.

This is terrible, just now on the street a few people who knew Wanxin saw her leave with Bai Shaoqiu with their own eyes.This news has already spread to the Jin family. Those old fellows in the previous family hadn't left yet, and when they heard about this, they immediately broke out.

A group of them rushed to Shixiu's yard as if they were going to raise a teacher to inquire about their crimes, and roared aggressively: "Shixiu, that Ye Wanxin is really unruly and promiscuous woman, she is already a married woman, and she is still here!" It's really outrageous to chat with people on the street. Our Jin family's face was completely humiliated by her. "

"Yes, such a woman is really not worthy of entering our Jin family's door. Shixiu, if you continue like this, you will be cuckolded sooner or later."

(End of this chapter)

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