lady of the family

Chapter 25 Ye Wanyue's Unlucky

Chapter 25 Ye Wanyue's Unlucky

How could Wanxin not know what her plan was, but she wouldn't touch any of these things.

"Mother, the marriage has not been settled yet, and we can't touch the things of the Jin family, otherwise we won't be able to pay for it."

"What?" The eldest lady screamed, and the expression on her face immediately changed, "What are you talking about? Your father and the Jin family have already discussed this marriage. What do you mean now?"

"I didn't agree to the marriage. I'm the one who wants to marry, so it's up to me to decide. Mom, I've left the Bai family's marriage at your mercy last time. Are you going to do it this time?"

"You... okay, you really think that your wings have grown and you can decide everything by yourself, don't you? I also told you that this time, you have to marry if you marry, or you have to marry if you don't marry. Discuss." After shouting, the eldest lady gave her a glare, turned around and left.It's just that when he left, he took the pearl necklace with him.

At the door, after Wanru heard what Wanxin said just now, her hanging heart immediately let go.She knew that Wanxin would not forget Bai Shaoqiu so soon, so she would definitely strongly oppose the marriage with the Jin family.In this case, maybe she has a chance.

Hearing the eldest lady's footsteps, she hurried away.The face that had been tense all the time showed a little smile.

The lady went out angrily, but saw Ye Wanyue with a furtive face in the yard.Seeing her coming back to her mother's house again, she thought she was losing her temper again, so she immediately yelled at her: "Wan Yue, you are already a wife, can you change your temper? Arguing, how do we go on with this day?"

Ye Wanyue was already annoying enough this meeting, but it was even more annoying to hear the eldest lady scolding her indiscriminately, "Mother, can you stop talking? I have something very important to tell you when I come back today." .”

"what's up?"

"Mother, do you have any money?" Ye Wanyue whispered in Da Furen's ear, "I need five hundred oceans urgently, can you give them to me first?"

"What?" The lady opened her mouth wide enough to stuff a duck egg, "What do you want so much money for?"

"Don't ask, give it to me quickly, or you can wait to collect the corpse." Ye Wanyue was impatient, seeing that the eldest lady was unwilling to give it, she simply threatened and threatened.

The eldest lady was really taken aback, and hurriedly asked worriedly: "What did you do, why did you spend so much money?"

Ye Wanyue knew that if she didn't explain this clearly, she wouldn't be able to get the money, so she could only whisper in Da Furen's ear for a while.Hearing this, the eldest lady screamed again, " are really outrageous, how can you gamble? The wives of the big families in Xifang are all rich and powerful, and they often play cards together , Why do you gamble with them? Isn't this the same as giving them the money directly?"

"Now is not the time to talk about this. I borrowed [-] oceans from Chen Er, and now I have to pay back [-] with interest. If I don't pay back today, they will go to Bai's house to ask for it. If this matter is found out by Bai If the people in my family know about it, then I don’t want to stay in the Bai family anymore.” Ye Wanyue was in a hurry, she was restless all day long, and always felt that something was going to happen.

"Where do I have that much money?" The lady's eyes dimmed instantly, indeed she really didn't have that much money.

The financial power of the family has always been controlled by Ye Rongguang. Even if she is the eldest wife, she only has some pocket money every month.Although she has kept a lot of secrets, five hundred oceans is not a small number, and she really can't get it out for a while.

When she was in trouble, Ye Wanyue's eyes lit up and she saw the pearl necklace she was holding in her hand.When the eldest lady was not paying attention, she snatched it, "The pearls in this necklace are really big. This string of pearls alone is enough to buy five hundred oceans."

"Hey, you can't take that one, it's..."

"Mom, don't hide it. Anyway, you are so old. It's a waste of money for you to wear it. You might as well help me. I'll go first. I'll buy something good and come back later to honor you." Said Regardless of the Da Furen yelling behind her, she ran out quickly.

The eldest lady could only watch helplessly as the necklace she finally brought was snatched away by her daughter, her face turned red with anger.What Ye Rongguang said is correct, daughters are losers, look at her daughter, she doesn't know how much money she has lost.

But no matter how distressed she was, there was nothing she could do about it. After everything was taken away, she could only sigh, and once again turned her gaze to the room where Wanxin's betrothal gift was placed.Anyway, there are so many in there, she still doesn't believe that Jin Shixiu will count them one by one.With a sinister smile, he relaxed and left first.

It's not that Wanxin didn't see that the eldest lady took the necklace away, but she knew she would not come back if she asked. She is very tired now and doesn't want to waste her energy.In this Ye family mansion, even the air was oppressive, which made her almost suffocate.

The wet nurse had just left, and her heart was extremely heavy.Although I keep telling myself to be strong, being strong is easier said than done.

She glanced at the betrothal gifts expressionlessly. Although all the gifts that caught her eyes were gold, silver and jewels, they were worthless in her eyes.Turning around to go back to her room, she saw Wanru standing at the door.

"What's wrong? Why do you have a sour face?" In the Ye family, Wanxin would only smile a little when she saw Wanru.

Wanru shook her head, her face was hesitant, she wanted to say a lot, but she didn't know how to say it.

"Did you get scolded again?" Wanxin walked over and asked concerned.

"Eldest sister, do you really not want to marry the young master of the Jin family?" Wanru finally plucked up her courage and asked this difficult question.

Hearing this, Wanxin smiled bitterly, no one would be willing to marry a strange man who only met a few times.Besides, she couldn't see through that man at all, and she felt a sense of crisis in front of him.

"Do I still have a choice now?" She asked self-deprecatingly, although she repeatedly stated that she would not marry, but looking at the attitude of the eldest lady just now, she really has no choice, unless she leaves this suffocating home right now .

Wanru saw a glimmer of hope in her words, her originally gloomy eyes lit up instantly, as if she had regained her vitality all of a sudden.

"Eldest sister, I know you still have brother Shaoqiu in your heart. It's really too much for father and mother to force you to marry someone else when they know your thoughts. In fact, if you really don't want to marry, it's not..."

"Wanru, what are you doing? Hurry up and go back to my room."

Before Wanru finished speaking, the second lady appeared and interrupted her.The second lady reprimanded her with a sullen face, cast a gloomy glance at Wanru, and hurried over to pull Wanru away, "If you have nothing to do, you can learn more embroidery for me in the room, what are you doing running around when you have nothing to do? You control."

(End of this chapter)

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