Chapter 34
Wanxin was standing next to the second lady, seeing her complacent look, a bad premonition arose in her heart.The second lady wants to bring down the eldest lady, and then take the opportunity to take the position.

According to the second lady's scheming, I'm afraid it's not as simple as just wanting to sit in the main room, right?Looking at her greedy action just now, could it be...

Wanxin didn't dare to think about it, although she didn't have any feelings for this Ye Zhai, but this was her home after all.She can't see others destroying her home, so she will definitely find a way to stop the second lady.

In just one day, the Ye family changed, the eldest lady fell into a coma, and Ye Wanyue was divorced by the Bai family.Now the whole Yunshan Town is waiting to see the Ye family's jokes and see how the Ye family collapses.

But everyone also knows that with the Jin family around, the Ye family might not collapse so easily.Although the Ye family's business is different now, it is a big family after all, and the heritage accumulated over the years is still there.As the saying goes, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. It has not been a day or two since the Ye family has been standing in the Yunshan Town shopping mall. Those who want to take advantage of the Ye family will not do it rashly.

There are two days left before the wedding, but Wanxin, the bride of this wedding, didn't take this matter to heart at all.She always felt that this wedding was a joke, and maybe it would be over in two days.

"Miss, the master asked you to come out to buy the dowry, but you haven't bought anything yet." Wu'er followed Wanxin and carefully reminded her.

"It's not that I don't buy it, it's that I didn't like anything." Wanxin said a few perfunctory words, this wedding was not what she wanted at all, as for the dowry, she didn't care at all, "Let's go, I'm tired, let's go back go home."

"Miss." Wu'er looked at Wanxin in embarrassment, "But..."

"Okay, let's go." Wanxin still had a faint expression on her face, she felt that her facial expression was numb now, and she looked indifferent to everything.

The two were walking on the street, Wanxin was not at all interested in the dazzling array of commodities.Now she likes to be quiet, to be alone, and she doesn't like to talk to people.

"Miss, he..." While walking, Wu'er suddenly stopped and pointed at the person who blocked their way.

Wanxin also raised her head, and after seeing the person standing in front of her clearly, she was stunned.

"Wanxin..." Bai Shaoqiu looked at Wanxin foolishly with grief and love all over his face.

He was so excited that his shoulders were shaking.Now that he finally got rid of Ye Wanyue and regained his freedom, now he can be with Wanxin freely.This time, he will definitely hold her hands tightly and never let her leave again.

"Wu'er, let's go." After a brief astonishment, Wanxin just said this coldly, and then she was about to pass Bai Shaoqiu and run away quickly.

However, Bai Shaoqiu didn't intend to move away, just when Wanxin passed by him, he suddenly reached out and grabbed Wanxin's hand.

"What are you doing? Let me go." Wanxin's face was pale, struggling hard.

"Follow me." Bai Shaoqiu dragged Wanxin away without any unnecessary explanation.

"Let go of me quickly, I'm going to call someone."

Seeing Bai Shaoqiu's serious look, Wanxin knew that he was serious this time.Although she reminded herself over and over again that there was no possibility between her and Bai Shaoqiu, but when her hands touched his skin, there would be bursts of excitement in her heart.

It's just that there are so many people on this street, and countless pairs of eyes are staring at her.She can guarantee that it won't be long before there will be rumors in this town again.

It's not that Bai Shaoqiu doesn't know the consequences of doing so, but he doesn't intend to let go at all. On the contrary, he also hopes that the more violent the rumors, the better.In this way, the Jin family will divorce the Ye family, and he and Wanxin will be together forever.

Just as the two were tugging, several noble ladies passed by them.A young woman who was about the same age as Wanxin was the first to see Wanxin.

"Auntie, look at that fiancee who knows how to be a big brother." She pointed at Wanxin and said angrily.

A luxuriously dressed woman in her 40s was also looking at Wanxin and Bai Shaoqiu. Compared with the ridicule in the eyes of the women around her, what she reacted the most was anger.

"let's go!"

After a roar, the group of women left in a lively manner, but the words they said along the way were quite unpleasant.

"He's not married yet, and he's flirting with men on the street. If he enters the door from now on, he won't be able to cuckold Shixiu."

"Yes, yes, and I heard that she was engaged to the young master of the Bai family, and almost got married. Later, for some reason, Bai Shaoqiu married the second young lady of the Ye family. No, we only got married for two months He was divorced. Now it seems that this young master of the Bai family just turned a corner and divorced Miss Ye Er, just to get involved with her. "

"I really can't see it. A woman who looks soft and weak has such a vicious heart. She even wants to snatch her brother-in-law. It's too shameful."

This group of women is the mighty wives of the Jin family. The eldest lady was ashamed and wanted to hide in the cave when she heard the three women chattering endlessly.

"Big sister, don't blame me for not reminding you, you go back and ask Shixiu to call off the marriage. If you really marry this woman and come in, I promise, our Ye family will definitely become a joke in this Yunshan town." Three Madam lost no time in fanning the flames in front of Da Furen.

The third madam said, and the fourth madam quickly agreed: "Yes, elder sister, such a woman really cannot be married."

People on this side are changing their ways to say bad things about Wanxin, but Wanxin has not shaken off Bai Shaoqiu yet.He grabbed her hand tightly, unable to shake it off.Even though she had stepped on his feet a few times just now, the man just didn't respond at all.

Jin Shixiu had been busy outside all day, and when he got home at night, he was called into the room by his mother before he had time to eat dinner.The relationship between mother and son is very alienated, mainly because Jin Shixiu has lived abroad alone for so many years, so he really has no impression of his so-called mother.

After coming back for such a long time, there are not many opportunities for mother and son to talk together. Seeing her in such a hurry to let her go, there must be something important.

Jin Shixiu's maiden name is Wang, and her first name is Mei'e. Before marrying the master of the Jin family, she was a lady from a small family, and her family background was not bad.For so many years, Wang Mei'e was really lonely in the Jin family's deep house.

Seeing her son coming, Wang Mei'e smiled with satisfaction. Fortunately, she still has such an excellent son.

"Shixiu, my mother came to you to talk about your marriage." Wang Mei'e tried to slow down her tone, she knew that her son was out of her control, especially this marriage was settled by him after trying everything possible. He gave up, it was hard.

(End of this chapter)

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