lady of the family

Chapter 43: Big Wedding

Chapter 43: Big Wedding (5)
"Every pair of lovers who love each other are strangers before falling in love. You will soon become my elder brother's wife. I hope you can treat him well. My elder brother cares about you very much."

care about her?
Why should he care about her?The two of them had only known each other for a month, so could she believe that Jin Shixiu was in love with her?
Hehe, this is really funny.Now she doesn't believe in that damned love for a long time.The relationship between her and Bai Shaoqiu for eight years can be destroyed in an instant. How can she believe in such an ending?
Seeing that she didn't speak, Jin Shixuan just smiled softly, it was rare to be so calm.She looked at Wanxin's makeup and covered her head before continuing: "Okay, I'll help you out."

Wanxin's face was covered by a hijab, she felt that her surroundings were all dark red.She closed her eyes in despair, and the water from the corners of her eyes flowed out quietly.She desperately wanted to change her destiny, but in the end she was still at the mercy of others.

Clenching her fists tightly, she walked forward with difficulty. Even if she knew that the road ahead was a cliff, she couldn't turn back now.Her life was doomed to be a tragedy from the very beginning, no matter how hard she tried, how hard she struggled, she would never be able to climb out of the quagmire that had trapped her deeply.

At the gate, Jin Shixiu sent people to surround Ye's house, and anyone who didn't want to come in and out at will.His waist was straight, and his tall body stood like a mountain at the door of Ye Zhai.

With the support of his servants, Ye Rongguang tremblingly walked to the door, bowed his head and said, "Master Jin, here, Wanxin has been found, why do you want to send people to surround my house?"

The second lady was also trembling with fright at this moment, this man was really too terrifying, he dared to kill someone.If Ye Rongguang hadn't revealed Wanxin's whereabouts just now, she was sure that Jin Shixiu would have ordered someone to set fire to the Ye residence.

She held Ye Rongguang's arm tightly, for fear that she would accidentally fall to the ground.

"Amu, ask someone to lock them up in the firewood room just now. Without my order, no one is allowed to visit." Jin Shixiu said coldly with his back to the two of them.

He said that he would get back all the pain these people put on Wanxin's body for her.And these are just the beginning...

"What?" Ye Rongguang's fat body was trembling uncontrollably, the corners of his mouth twitched twice, and he said in horror: "Jin Shixiu, this is the Ye family, and it's not your turn to act wildly. Don't think I'm humiliating you I'm just afraid of you, if you get anxious, I will bite people too."

The corner of Jin Shixiu's mouth twitched into a sarcasm, and he still stood quietly at the same place, gently moving his lips, "They are not allowed to eat, not even water."


Ye Rongguang almost carried it back in one breath, clutching his chest and breathing non-stop.The second lady also looked panic-stricken, she helplessly grabbed Ye Rongguang's arm, and cried, "Master, hurry up and find a way, how can we let him act recklessly in our house?"

"Jin Shixiu, if you dare to treat us like this, you don't want to take Ye Wanxin away today. She is my daughter, as long as I don't agree, you don't want to marry her."

Ye Rongguang's voice was trembling, he had never been so useless in his life, being humiliated by a junior riding on his head, it would kill him.

Jin Shixiu finally turned his head, his gloomy eyes burst into scorching light, and his whole body exuded a powerful aura.He walked up to Ye Rongguang, stretched out his hand and patted his fat face lightly, and said grimly: "If I remember correctly, you still have a daughter in my hand. What do you think I'll do with her? Huh?"

Hearing this, the two were also taken aback, how could they have forgotten that Wanru was still in Jin's house.Jin Shixiu is such a despicable person, if he is provoked, he will definitely attack Wanru.

"Take her away, take her away quickly. You can treat us whatever you want, but please don't hurt my daughter, she is still young, this matter has nothing to do with her..." The second lady begged bitterly with tears , no matter how poisonous her heart is, she is always an ordinary mother.

"Don't take it away yet?" Jin Shixiu didn't have the intention to waste time with these two people, he kept looking inside, waiting for Wanxin to come out.

Amu ordered his men to take Ye Rongguang and the second wife into the firewood room and lock them up, and sent someone to guard the door. No one was allowed to enter without the young master's order.

Both Ye Rongguang and the second wife were injured, and after the previous series of fears, they were already physically and mentally exhausted.This meeting was pushed into the firewood room, and then they leaned together and panted heavily.However, both of them were still in shock, feeling that the way forward was blocked.

"Master, what should we do? What should we do now?" The second lady lost her mind and could only hold Ye Rongguang firmly and keep asking the same question.

Ye Rongguang had already been kicked by Jin Shixiu. Although he didn't hurt his vitals, he also suffered some internal injuries.At this time, he only felt that his whole body was in pain, but he still couldn't get healed.At this moment, the second lady was babbling in front of him again, which upset him.

"Go away, this is not all caused by you. You are greedy and insist on marrying Wanru to Jin's family. Now it's all right. You have paid for our whole family. You still have the nerve to come Ask me what to do. You are a bastard, you have caused me trouble."

"Master, how could you treat me like this? Isn't it for our family?" The second lady didn't know that Ye Rongguang would be so angry with her, and she panicked for a while.

"Fart, it's all for yourself, you think I don't know you? Get the hell out of here now, I don't want to see you..."

At this time, instead of uniting to find a way to solve the problem, the two went back to dog bite dog.No matter how vicious the second wife is, she can only play tricks. If she really wants to meet someone like Jin Shixiu, she will have no strength to resist and can only cry.

Here, Jin Shixuan led Wanxin out of the Ye family's mansion. She handed Wanxin to Jin Shixiu's hands and said solemnly: "Brother, don't worry, you will never make a mistake this time. Hurry up and go back to worship, I see you Can't wait any longer."

Jin Shixiu stretched out his trembling hands and slowly held Wanxin.Both hands tightly held her callused palms, and this time the hanging heart relaxed slightly.He, who has always been good at hiding his emotions, unexpectedly showed his excitement rarely.He could no longer control his suppressed emotions, he held Wanxin in his arms, tightly surrounding her body.

"This time, you can't escape..."

Wanxin smiled calmly, she never thought of running away.

"Young master, get in the car, we still have time to pay homage." Amu reminded in a low voice, it was the first time he saw the young master so out of control, and he couldn't help feeling a little worried.

(End of this chapter)

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