lady of the family

Chapter 55 Farce

Chapter 55 Farce
"You and your elder brother have a good relationship." Wanxin couldn't help saying this when she saw her talking to her elder brother and calling her very affectionately.

It's just that Jin Shixuan immediately reacted fiercely to this, and explained excitedly, "Sister-in-law, don't be jealous, my elder brother and I are brother and sister, nothing compares to the deep love for you. You don't even know, I am still the first It’s the first time I saw my elder brother being so attentive to a girl.”

Wanxin looked at her sullenly, and then realized that she had said the wrong thing, but she didn't bother to explain, she shook her head and said with a smile, "Hehe, let's go, I'll go to say hello to grandma first, and then I'll go out."

"it is good!"

For the Ye Family Embroidery House, Wanxin is still worried.Although Ye Rongguang didn't let her help in the embroidery room before, but she grew up there since she was a child, and she has developed a deep relationship for a long time.It can be said that her childhood was spent in the embroidery room.It carried the best memories of her childhood and recorded everything about her.

just now...

She looked at her hands that would tremble at any time, and felt extremely sour in her heart.As an embroiderer, it is cruel for her to be unable to pick up a needle and thread to embroider the pattern she likes in her whole life.

Kim's.In the Buddhist hall, Mrs. Jin was still chanting.The first thing she does when she wakes up every morning is to come to the Buddhist hall to recite sutras and chant the Buddha, which is her daily homework.When Wanxin and Jin Shixuan arrived, Jin Shiwen, the third miss of the Jin family, and Jin Shichun, the fourth miss, also came to say hello to the old lady.

This is the first time Wanxin has seen these two sister-in-laws. Jin Shiwen is 15 years old this year. She looks very delicate and looks very quiet.After all, Jin Shichun was still young, he didn't seem to wake up, and kept yawning.

Seeing Wanxin coming, Jin Shiwen didn't see her at all, and didn't even say hello.Wanxin doesn't care about this, although she doesn't care about herself, but as a sister-in-law, she can't lose her manners.

Jin Shixuan had already introduced to her when she came in just now, so she was walking over to say hello.But before he could speak, Jin Shichun, who was still yawning, spoke first.

"Second sister, when did you ask for a new maid again? There are no rules at all, and you don't have to teach her well."

Hearing this, both Wanxin and Jin Shixuan were stunned. Is this what a ten-year-old child said?Look at the contempt and disdain in her eyes, the maturity on her face doesn't match her age at all.

Perhaps Jin Shixuan was used to seeing Jin Shichun's old-fashioned look, so she quickly reacted and replied angrily: "You girl is getting more and more unruly, this is sister-in-law, why don't you hurry up and call someone."

"Sister-in-law?" Jin Shichun's small body jumped up and down in front of Wanxin, still looking arrogant, and after looking at Wanxin from head to toe, he spoke again. "I don't deserve our elder brother at all. She looks so ugly, and I heard that she is someone who is no longer in the Bai family. Such a person really doesn't know how elder brother let her into our house."

"Shichun, be presumptuous!" Jin Shixuan was completely irritated by her, walked over and grabbed her little arm, and sternly reprimanded: "Who taught you to say this? You are not afraid of big brother punishing you. Let me tell you, Now Wanxin is our sister-in-law, you have to respect her like a big brother, you know? If you let me hear your nonsense again, I will beat you."

"Hmph, why should I respect her? I respect my elder brother because he worked so hard to support our family, and we all depend on him to support our family. What did she do for our family? Marrying in is just a waste Food."

Jin Shichun didn't buy it, and the more he said it, the worse it sounded.It's astounding that a ten-year-old can say these things.But Wanxin didn't take it seriously, Jin Shichun was just a tool used by others, those people didn't dare to criticize her in front of her, so they encouraged a child.It seems that the Jin family is not peaceful, and I'm afraid there will be more and more troubles in the future.

Jin Shixuan is impatient, and Wanxin naturally lost her temper when she heard her sister say that.He casually pulled Jin Shichun over, slapped him, and shouted angrily, "Who taught you to say these things? It's really outrageous. Shut up!"

"Wow wow wow..." After being slapped, Jin Shichun roared and cried, pushed Jin Shixuan away and sat down on the ground, and began to swear, "You dare to hit me, my mother has never hit me, you dare to hit me, I Tell grandma to let her beat you..."

Wanxin never thought that Jin Shixuan would hit someone, and she knew that the beam would be tied.She hurriedly bent down to pull Jin Shichun to get up, who knew that girl would be angry, seeing Wanxin come to help her, stretched out a fist and hit Wanxin on the face, and pushed her by the way.

"Go away, anyone who asked you to help me beat me because of your second sister, I hate you, I hate you to death..."

"All right!"

At this time, Jin Shiwen, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke.Her originally quiet and delicate face now showed impatience, and she looked at Wan Xin with disgust.She walked to Jin Shichun's side and helped her up, and reproachfully said to Wanxin: "Shichun is right, it's all because of you, otherwise this would be nothing. In the future, you should stay away from her, lest she Being young and ignorant offended you, and even caused trouble for myself."

These words made it clear that all the faults were blamed on Wanxin, Wanxin didn't understand, she didn't say a word since she came here, how could she offend these two young ladies?It is obvious that they deliberately found fault and blamed others. These two sisters are really good at turning black and white.

Jin Shixuan has a straightforward temper, and she can't hide her words in her heart.Hearing that the two sisters pushed Wanxin so hard, they were naturally unconvinced.She pulled Wanxin away, and said unfairly: "Shiwen, it's fine for Shichun to be young and ignorant, but why are you making fun of me? It's the first time my sister-in-law has met you, how did she offend you two? You are doing too much."

"It's your business that you have a good relationship with her. Anyway, we just don't like her. The Ye family made our Jin family lose face at the wedding. They laughed at us when we went out. It's no wonder Who is she to blame? Since she never thought about getting married in the first place, why did she still enter the gate of our Jin family? Do you know how much money their Ye family received from our Jin family? "

Jin Shiwen looks gentle, but her temperament is completely opposite.Tricky and mean, but also unreasonable.

"Those things are not your business. In short, you two should respect sister-in-law in the future."

Jin Shixuan didn't bother arguing with them anymore, she supported Wanxin and said, "Sister-in-law, I'll take you to see grandma, don't worry about them."

Wanxin's cold face was as calm as Wang Qingquan, and she heard clearly every word that the two sisters said just now.Dare to feel that they are worried about her because of changing brides at the wedding, and there must be someone behind the scenes to add fuel to this matter and expand it, otherwise why would they care so much?

(End of this chapter)

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