lady of the family

Chapter 58 Not Their Children

Chapter 58 Not Their Children (2)

As soon as the eldest lady said this, Wanxin shot her cold eyes straight at her, "Did you just raise me for 20 years? Hehe, since I am not your own, why have you always refused to admit it and lied to me?" me for so many years?"

"How could I have given birth to a daughter like you? If I were really your mother, I would have strangled you when I gave birth to you. Things have come to this point, and I'm not afraid to tell you that you are not me at all." Born. Your father is not Ye Rongguang, you are just a little bastard, a wild child that no one wants..."

Before she finished yelling, the second lady quickly pulled her away.The revelation of Wanxin's life experience at this time is undoubtedly adding fuel to the flames. Previously, Wanxin might have cared about family affection and let them continue to live in Ye Zhai, but now it seems that they will have to move soon.

"Whatever you ask me to do, I'm telling the truth. After so many years, I've had enough. I'm an irrelevant person, but I still have to act like a loving mother. Why should I. "As soon as the eldest lady got anxious, she would speak incoherently, regardless of the consequences, she would say whatever came to her mind.

The atmosphere suddenly fell into a dead silence, Wan Xin's cold gaze was still fixed on the Da Furen's body, her body seemed to have stiffened.It turned out that her guesses were all true, and she was really not their child.In the past, she wished that it was just her worrying too much, but now that she heard Da Furen say that, her heart was broken in an instant.

Ye Rongguang and Da Furen are not her parents, so who are her parents?Where are they now?

"Who are my parents?" Wanxin suddenly lost control, rushed to the Da Furen, stretched out her hand to grab her clothes, and asked loudly.

Seeing Wanxin's appearance, the eldest lady couldn't help feeling frightened.She suppressed the fear in her heart, pretending to be calm and said: "You are a little bastard, who knows who your parents are."

Hearing this, Wanxin's eyes turned red, and the depths of her soul began to tremble.It turned out that she was just an unwanted child who didn't even know who her biological parents were.Now I can finally explain why the Ye family has treated her like this all these years. It turns out that she is really inferior to a servant.

With a biting coolness in the corner of his mouth, he let go of the lady's hand, and said stiffly, "Get lost..."

"Sister-in-law, are you alright?" Jin Shixuan stepped forward and asked with some worry. Wanxin must be feeling uncomfortable when she just learned about her life experience, that's why she asked this question.

Wan Xin shook her head, raised her head and let the tears flow back.She is not a fragile person, but few people can bear such a thing.It's pretty good that she can still keep her cool now.

"It's okay, you go and ask the workers to go in and start working, and give other orders. From now on, idlers are not allowed to enter the embroidery room casually."

"Okay, I'll go right away."

"Waiting for others?" The second lady and the eldest lady said together, "Ye Wanxin, no matter what, the Ye family has raised you for 20 years. Are you so ungrateful?"

"Of course I will repay the 20 years of nurturing grace, but I have the final say on how to do it. Now you leave the embroidery room for me immediately, or don't blame me for turning my face and denying people."

Wanxin suppressed the surging arrogance in her heart and said, things have come to this point, if she continues to be weak, then only herself will be hurt.Since she is an orphan that no one wants, she should love and protect herself even more.As for other things, we will slowly make plans later.

Seeing Wanxin's stern look, the eldest lady and the second lady kept their mouths shut. Today is different, and now they still rely on Wanxin to live, so they can only hold back their breath.Although he was unwilling, there was nothing he could do in the end.

"Hmph, Ye Wanxin, just wait, this matter is not over yet..."

The eldest lady had no choice but to drop this cruel sentence, and then left angrily.

Wanxin gritted her teeth, trying her best to calm herself down.She doesn't want to worry too much about her own life experience. She has been here for so many years, so why should she care so much.

After straightening out her mood, she walked into the embroidery room. She is very familiar with the Ye family embroidery room, but now it's just a change of workers.But even though she just came in, Wanxin found something different.The embroidery of these workers is not traditional Suzhou embroidery. Although their stitches are still Suzhou embroidery stitches, their embroidery methods are completely different from Suzhou embroidery.

"What kind of embroidery is this?" Wanxin picked up the embroidery drawing of one of the workers and asked suspiciously.

"Back to young mistress, this is the new embroidery method that young master brought back from abroad, double-sided embroidery."

"Double-sided embroidery?" Wan Xin turned over and looked, and was shocked all of a sudden.

This double-sided embroidery is really amazing. In normal embroidery, only one side is the front picture, and the other side is full of stitches.But it is embroidered with beautiful pictures on the front and back, and the pictures on the two sides are different.If you want to embroider this kind of embroidery, you will definitely not be able to do it without a little knowledge.

"Young Mistress, we are all taught by the Young Master himself. This time, the Young Master asked us to work in the Ye family's embroidery room just to help you." The embroidering lady is a hearty person who talks a lot. He looked a little complacent and opened his mouth.

Wanxin handed her the embroidered picture, and smiled slightly, "Thank you for your hard work. Please don't take what happened just now, I promise everyone, it will never happen again in the future."

After reassuring the workers, Wanxin walked out of the embroidery room. The Ye family also had many shops, some selling embroidery pictures, needlework, cloth, and all kinds of businesses related to embroidery.Wanxin also took care of Ye Rongguang for a while before, so it is actually very easy to get started.

"Sister-in-law, everything has been arranged here, where are we going next?"

Seeing that Wanxin seemed to be fine, Jin Shixuan felt relieved this time.She was really angry that the eldest lady treated Wanxin like that just now. She originally wanted to go forward and teach her a lesson, but she held back thinking that it was Wanxin's mother.It's just that she didn't expect such a result in the end, Wanxin is not a child of the Ye family.It's rare for Jin Shixuan to care about someone so much, she is heartless, she didn't expect to have only been with Wanxin for a few days, and she would treat her as a relative.

"Go to Ye Zhai." Wan Xin replied without the slightest hesitation.

That's right, she is going to Ye's house now.Since the eldest lady doesn't know who her parents are, then Ye Rongguang must know.So now she has to go to Ye Rongguang, no matter what the result is, she has to try.

"Okay, but I need to invite a few people to go together." Jin Shixuan was still a little scared, after all, Wanxin and the Ye family are in such a tense situation, if they come to a dead end, it will be terrible.

(End of this chapter)

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