lady of the family

Chapter 6 Resurrection

Chapter 6 Resurrection (1)
the next day.

Feeling uneasy, Wanxin finally sneaked out of the door of the Ye family, looking back at the family she has lived in for 20 years, although she still has a little bit of reluctance, but she will not miss it.In this family, no one regards her as family, she is like an outsider.

Now that she has the opportunity to escape from here, she will never regret it.

Turning around, he left without a trace of nostalgia, with a happy smile on his face.No matter how bumpy the road ahead is, she will go on bravely.

Standing under the archway, Wanxin's heart was full of anticipation.It was pitch black in the town at night, and I couldn't see my fingers.Wanxin is usually most afraid of the dark, but today she feels nothing at all.Looking eagerly at the direction of the Bai family, she has always firmly believed that Shaoqiu would definitely take her out of here.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the night was getting deeper and deeper, but in this quiet street, there was nothing else except for the occasional few birdsong.Wanxin's heart couldn't help but hang up, and a deep fear enveloped her.

Suddenly, a light came from the place in front of him, accompanied by the roar of something.Wanxin was overjoyed, thinking it was Shaoqiu coming, she hurriedly ran towards the light.Only, when she walked in, she realized that it was a car.The black car looks darker and darker in the night, looking eerie.

There is no family in Yunshan Town with a car, so it must be a foreign visitor.She hurriedly stood aside to make way for the other party.The car passed by her, and a pair of bright black eyes could be seen through the window.Under the indirect reflection of the headlights, a fresh and refined woman stood there quietly with her head buried in a terrified face.

Heiliang eyes did not stare for long, turned his head, closed his eyes to rest his mind, and left quietly.

Wanxin has been waiting under the archway until late at night, but she didn't find Shaoqiu's person, her heart died.She has always trusted Shaoqiu so much, no matter what he said, she believed it.But today, why did he lie to her?
The originally broken heart was ruthlessly torn into pieces by the claws of the night. She was like an abandoned cub, struggling to keep the hope of survival alone in the endless desert.

It's all over, Shaoqiu doesn't keep his promise, he abandons her.

Wanxin didn't cry, she knew that even if she cried all her tears now, it wouldn't help.Looking up at the dark night without any stars, he laughed at himself.

Ye Wanxin, what are you looking forward to?

From childhood to adulthood, you have always been the one who was not taken seriously, the one who was abandoned, weren't you?
Dragging her mutilated body back step by step, she only hoped to sneak back home again, as if this had never happened.However, when she was about to go back, a group of people suddenly appeared in front of her.Each of them had a sullen face and stared at her fiercely.

"Ye Wanxin, you are so courageous!"

Ye Rongguang's voice came out from the crowd. At this time, the torches in everyone's hands were lit up, illuminating the originally dark archway.

"Father..." The burden in Wanxin's hands fell to the ground quietly, her body softened, and her legs knelt on the ground weakly.

"You shameless woman, you actually want to seduce your brother-in-law, and even want to elope with him, my Ye family's face has been humiliated by you. Come, someone, take her back to me, the family law will serve you! "

"Yes, sir!"

Wanxin didn't beg for mercy, she knew it would be useless even if she yelled and broke her throat.In her day and age, it was a serious crime to elope with someone. Maybe tomorrow she would be dragged into a pig cage and endured the ridicule of the whole town.

There was a cold sneer on the corner of her mouth all the time, her fate was doomed from the beginning, so there is nothing to complain about until now.Now her heart is ashamed, and she really wants to die like this, never to see this dirty world again.

Wanxin was tied up with a rope by the servants of the Ye family, and they dragged her back to the Ye family just like that.She was thrown into the courtyard, and everyone was holding torches, and the flames hit her eyes, forcing her to close them.

Ye family.It's so late, but they still haven't slept. The eldest lady, the second lady, and even Wanru are still there.Ye Rongguang held a leather whip in his hand, which was used by the Ye family to enforce the family law.Being whipped by that whip, the skin and flesh will burst open.

"Father, you should just forgive Eldest Sister this time, after all, you were the ones who were wrong in this matter first." Wanru knelt in front of Ye Rongguang and begged bitterly, tears streaming down one by one.


The second lady hurried over to grab her, and yelled, "It's none of your business, you go back to the room quickly."

Wanru pushed her mother away, came to Ye Rongguang on her knees, held his clothes with both hands, and begged again, "Father, please, please let Eldest Sister go, she has been wronged enough."

"Shut up!" Ye Rongguang couldn't listen to the persuasion of outsiders now, and pushed Wanru away with a grim face, "Whoever dares to plead for her again, I will fight together."

When the second lady heard this, she hurriedly asked someone to pull Wanru away, this matter had nothing to do with them, she couldn't bear to have her delicate daughter beaten.

Wanxin, who was kneeling in the yard, was moved when she saw Wanru pleading for her.However, she didn't want to hurt her sister.

"Wanru, thank you. You go back, don't be implicated innocently."


In the silent yard, the sound of the whip being whipped on the flesh resounded one after another, and it hit Wanxin's body harder and harder.The clothes on her body were all torn, and the exposed parts were all bloody.But no matter how painful it was, Wanxin didn't make a sound, she clenched her teeth tightly.She did nothing wrong and would never beg for mercy.It was them who were wrong, her so-called family members.

"I'll kill you shameless, let's see if you dare to run away in the future."

Ye Rongguang beat and scolded, and the words he scolded were quite unpleasant.Hearing these insults, Wanxin suddenly raised her head, her cold eyes in the dark night were as cold as light, she asked herself over and over again.Are these people in front of her really the family who gave birth to her and raised her?
The eldest lady was not idle either, when Ye Rongguang beat her, she scolded, "You are too shameless to even seduce your own brother-in-law. How could our Ye family raise such a white-eyed, shameless woman like you. If I don't break your leg today, I will definitely run with other men in the future, and my Ye family will be too embarrassed to stay in Yunshan Town any longer."

Wanxin gritted her teeth, enduring the humiliation.Her eyes were wide open, bloodshot eyes were already appearing inside.No matter how painful, no matter how bitter, she must endure, must endure.Now she doesn't want to die, and she can't die.She was going to question Bai Shaoqiu, why did she lie to her, why?
(End of this chapter)

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