lady of the family

Chapter 62 The End of the Ye Family's Warm Moments

Chapter 62 The End of the Ye Family's Warm Moments (2)
Ye Rongguang's wishful thinking came to nothing, so he could only consider the conditions proposed by Wanxin again.He is extremely entangled now, if he told what happened 20 years ago, wouldn't he die even worse?

"Master!" The eldest lady quietly found Ye Rongguang while everyone in the house was asleep. She also had a worried face.

"Why are you here?" Ye Rongguang is quite displeased with the eldest lady, even if he has nothing now, there is still no change.

Regarding his attitude, the eldest lady has long been used to it, sighed and said: "Ye Wanxin is determined to dig out what happened 20 years ago, what are your plans?"

Speaking of this matter, Ye Rongguang couldn't help but soften his face, after all, the eldest lady is also an insider.He twitched the corner of his mouth, and said with some irritability: "If I knew what to do, I wouldn't be unable to sleep now. Her parents were forced to death by Jin Wenliang 20 years ago. I have, I thought this matter would never be brought up, but I didn't expect that it would be forced out by Jin Wenliang's son. I'm afraid this matter can't be kept secret now, she will come tomorrow, we You can only tell it all."

"My lord, you are so stupid. If we tell all about the past, will we still be able to survive? Jin Shixiu has a deep affection for Ye Wanxin. If Ye Wanxin quarreled with him because of this matter, Jin Shixiu would hate us to death? Wasn't he going to settle accounts with us at that time?" The Da Furen hurriedly stopped.

"Then what can we do? If we don't say anything, we will move out of the Ye family's mansion tomorrow. Where will the big family live? Are you willing to part with this house?" Ye Rongguang asked angrily.

Hearing this, the eldest lady didn't say a word.What Ye Rongguang said was reasonable, and now they say it is not true, and they do not say it is not true anymore.

Both of them fell into silence and didn't move for a while.

golden house.

Wanxin sat alone in the new house, which was still full of festive colors.The difference is that she is alone tonight.Now all she can think about is about her biological parents, and she can't figure out what Ye Rongguang wants to hide.She doesn't know if her parents are still alive now, if they are, where are they now?

Her cold eyes looked at the jumping candlelight, and her heart was in a mess.The hands were clenched tightly together, and the white fingers were like onion knots.

"Dong dong dong."

The sound of knocking on the door suddenly sounded in the quiet night, pulling Wanxin's thoughts back.She quickly collected her emotions and asked softly, "Who?"

"Eldest young mistress, the eldest lady wants you to go to her room."

Wanxin recognized that this voice was the voice of Xiaotao, the lady's personal servant girl. This Xiaotao was a typical snobbish person, relying on her being the lady's personal maidservant, she usually flaunted her might among the servants.Although Wanxin has only been married to the Jin family for two days, she can tell that she is not friendly to her.

"Got it, you go back first, I'll go right away."

"The eldest lady ordered me to go there with you." Xiaotao stood at the door and said in a somewhat forceful tone.

After listening, Wanxin just raised the corners of her lips slightly, it seems that it will not be a good thing.This eldest lady is looking for her at such a late hour, so it's impossible to talk to her because she can't sleep.

Without saying a word, Wanxin picked up a coat and put it on, and opened the door.Xiaotao stood at the door and looked around, seeing Wanxin come out, she hurriedly said: "Eldest young mistress, let's go, the eldest lady is still waiting."

"Let's go."

Wan Xin replied coldly, then lifted her foot and left first.The reason why Xiaotao dared to be so rude to her was because Da Furen didn't like her.Presumably the Da Furen often reprimanded her in front of the servants, otherwise how could a servant have the courage to dare to do this to her.But Wanxin's indifferent temperament doesn't care much about these things, as long as she doesn't do too much, beyond her tolerance limit, she won't pursue it.I hope these people won't push forward and think she is easy to bully.

In the lady's room, the lights were still on, Xiaotao knocked on the door, gave a report, and opened the door.

"Young lady, go in."

As soon as Wanxin walked in, Xiaotao closed the door, and there were only her and the eldest lady in the room.Because it was night, Wang Mei'e took off her make-up, put on her underwear, and let her hair down, which seemed a bit gentle.Seeing Wanxin coming in, she just said coldly, "Come over and sit on a stool."

"Yes, mother."

Wang Mei'e was leaning on the head of the bed, holding a Buddhist scripture in her hand, and she only closed the book when Wanxin came in.

After Wanxin sat down, Wang Mei'e said, "Are you going back to Ye's house today?"

Wanxin was taken aback, it seemed that Wang Mei'e had sent someone to follow her, or the old lady had her eyeliner.Otherwise, she didn't go out today, how would she know where she went?

But since everyone knew about it, Wanxin didn't deny it, and generously admitted: "Yes."

"You are getting bolder and bolder. I remember I told you last night that you are not allowed to step out of this golden house without my order. It seems that you didn't take my words to heart. You Do you think that with Shixiu doting on you in the Jin family, you can be unscrupulous and not take anyone seriously? Huh?" Wang Mei'e suddenly became aggressive, her eyes sparkled sharply, as if she was It's as if Wanxin made a huge mistake.

Faced with such a domineering posture of hers, Wanxin was not panicked, her cold eyes remained calm, and she calmly replied: "Wanxin has only been married to the Jin family for two days, and she has not spoken to your mother for more than an hour. No matter when your mother summoned you, Wanxin rushed over immediately and was taught with an open mind. Wanxin didn't understand when she said some disrespectful and unfilial words that made you angry, please ask my mother to remind you. It’s better to change it.”

These words are neither humble nor overbearing, nor arrogant, and completely put themselves in the position that a junior should have.It's just that there is also her own arrogance in her words, she will naturally not admit to things she hasn't done.She is indeed very respectful to Wang Mei'e, filial as she should be, obedient as she should be, and she has never exceeded the rules.

Wang Mei'e didn't expect Wanxin to be able to speak eloquently, and she was at a loss for words.The anger on her face slowly gathered, as if it was about to explode.However, just when Wanxin thought she was going to explode, Wang Mei'e suddenly changed her attitude, lowered her tone, and changed the subject, "I heard that the entire Ye family's property is now under your name?"

Wanxin was no longer curious about how Wang Mei'e knew about this.If she wants to know, there is always a way.

"Just taking care of it temporarily." Wanxin didn't attribute everything in the Ye family to her, because she believed that Wang Mei'e must know that it was Jin Shixiu who took the Ye family's property.

(End of this chapter)

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