lady of the family

Chapter 64 The End of the Ye Family's Warm Moments

Chapter 64 The End of the Ye Family's Warm Moments (4)
"Get out of the way." Wanxin didn't want to embarrass these servants, but her voice was extremely cold.

The two maids were also timid, seeing Wan Xin's frightening appearance, they quickly wiped their feet and disappeared.

At this time, Ye Rongguang was anxious like an ant on a hot pot. He had indeed thought of a way, but the problem was that the person who could save him hadn't rushed back to Yunshan Town yet.That's why he asked the eldest lady to delay time outside, he didn't expect her to be so useless, Ye Wanxin found her so quickly.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Ye Rongguang simply pretended to be dead, pulled the quilt over his head, and decided to beat him to death without opening his mouth.

But he has Zhang Liang's plan, Wanxin also has a wall ladder, it doesn't matter if Ye Rongguang doesn't talk, she has plenty of ways to make him talk.

"Have you figured it out? Should I tell the truth or move out of Ye Zhai?"

Wanxin was not in a hurry, she moved a chair and sat on the side like yesterday, and asked slowly.

Ye Rongguang didn't dare to move, pretending he didn't hear it.Wanxin smiled coldly, and said slowly, "Since you have already made a decision, then don't blame me, a daughter, for turning your face and denying others." She stood up, walked to the door and faced the guard in the courtyard. The person ordered: "Immediately go and urge the people in the house to move out within an hour. Remember, except for personal clothing, the rest of the things are not allowed to be taken away."

"Yes, young mistress!"

After finishing the order, he walked back into the house and said, "You have raised me for 20 years, no matter what, I still remember your kindness, so let me send you out personally today."

After finishing the words, without waiting for Ye Rongguang to react, he went to the wardrobe and opened the door to help him pack his luggage.But it was just a few changes of clothes for him, nothing of value.After tidying up all these, he went to the bed and lifted Ye Rongguang's quilt without hesitation, and threw it on the ground.

"This place is not yours anymore, you can leave. By the way, the jade pendant on your body seems to belong to the Ye family's property. Take it all away." Wan Xin frowned, pursed her lips and stretched out her hand to hold Ye The jade pendant around Rong Guang's waist was held in his hands as soon as he pulled it.

This time, Ye Rongguang couldn't keep silent anymore, he jumped up and shouted, "That jade pendant is my family heirloom, not the Ye family's."

"Why isn't the family heirloom of the Ye family not the Ye family's? Huh?" Wanxin felt something strange in this sentence, and asked along with it.

Ye Rongguang knew he had said something wrong, so he didn't fall for it anymore, "Anyway, that jade pendant has nothing to do with the Ye family's business, so return it to me."

"Actually, why do you do this? If you say it, nothing will happen? Is it so difficult to tell the truth? Or was my biological parents killed by you, and you are afraid of going to jail, so you just Don't say it?" Wanxin's tone finally increased a lot, and the momentum in her words forced Ye Rongguang into a corner.

"Who, who said that?" Ye Rongguang's vest was dripping with sweat, he didn't expect Ye Wanxin to have such vigor, it really opened his eyes.

The coldness at the corner of Wanxin's mouth slowly reached the bottom of her eyes, and a ruthlessness erupted from it in an instant, "This is the last chance, should I say or move?"


Ye Rongguang was about to die of anxiety at this moment, his eyes were looking outside, why didn't Jin Shixiu come back?
Seeing that Ye Rongguang seemed to be waiting for something, Wanxin didn't dare to waste any more.She doesn't like procrastination, if she doesn't seize the opportunity to drive them out now, she may not have this opportunity in the future.

"Get out now!"

The resolute figure turned around was reflected on the ground, and the morning light projected on her body through the gap of the gate, giving people a feeling of being out of dust.

Seeing Wanxin like this, Ye Rongguang felt ashamed, even if Jin Shixiu came back, so what?Could it be that Jin Shixiu would still help him?

Since he is dead anyway, he will also hold Jin Shixiu on his back!
"Okay, since you want to know so much, I'll tell you..." Ye Rongguang finally figured it out after being aggrieved for so long.Now he is covered with injuries, he has not been kicked out of Ye Zhai, and what awaits him is death.

Therefore, he simply went all out and dragged Jin Shixiu to die together!

Hearing this, Wanxin turned around, then slowly turned around and said, "Say!"

"Your parents were..."

"Master Ye!"

Just as Ye Rongguang spoke, the door suddenly opened.The rising sun outside instantly poured in with the opening of the two doors, covering the whole room with a layer of golden light.

When Wanxin heard this voice, she was stunned, staring straight at Jin Shixiu who was standing at the door in the morning light, unable to say a word for a long time.

"Master Jin..." Seeing Jin Shixiu who suddenly appeared, Ye Rongguang seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw. He wanted to say something excitedly, but was stared back by Jin Shixiu.

"Why are you back?" Wanxin opened her mouth slowly after she calmed down. She always felt that there was something wrong with Jin Shixiu's coming back at this moment, but she couldn't tell.

"Shixuan sent someone to tell me." Jin Shixiu's eyes instantly became tender when he saw Wanxin.Those deep eyes were full of pampering, and the corners of his mouth curled up in a beautiful arc as he came in front of her, "Look at you, I've only been away for a day, and you've made such a big fuss. "

"Is there?" Wanxin looked at him suspiciously, probably not many people know about this, right?

"The mayor is alarmed, do you think the movement is small?" Jin Shixiu stretched out his hand to scratch the tip of her nose, that intimate gesture made people jealous.

Hearing Jin Shixiu mention the mayor, Wanxin suddenly realized that the rescuer Ye Rongguang was looking for was the mayor?But why did the mayor help him?
"Master Ye, I have negotiated with the mayor. If you are willing to obediently tell the truth about what happened to Wanxin's biological parents back then, you can continue to live in this Ye residence. It has been 20 years, and you want to Make good memories and don’t miss any important details.”

Jin Shixiu embraced Wanxin, and said calmly.That proud temperament made Ye Rongguang shudder again.

The husband and wife are both so strong, doesn't it mean that he has no way out?
But if he had to choose between Wanxin and Jin Shixiu, then there was no doubt, he would not dare to offend Jin Shixiu.

"Yes, I must remember it well, and I will never remember it wrong."

Jin Shixiu has made it so obvious, if Ye Rongguang doesn't understand, then he is going to kill himself.He scratched his head and inadvertently lost a lock of hair, but he didn't notice.

"Wanxin, I'm not afraid to tell you now. In fact, my surname is not Ye. I used to be your father's servant. Twenty years ago, the Ye family encountered an unprecedented economic crisis, and the whole family was about to perish. At that time, you Regardless of family objections, my father insisted on going to Shanghai Bank for a loan. Although the money was raised at that time, your father was seriously ill on the way back and died before returning to Yunshan Town. At that time, I was the only one with your father Beside, after your father died, I returned to Yunshan Town with that money. I was blinded by profit, so I didn’t take out the money, but told your mother that your father didn’t raise any money. That’s it, your mother Because of worrying about your father's death and the crisis in the family business, he eventually died of illness. Just after your parents passed away, I took the money to pay off the Ye family's debts, and took the opportunity to occupy the Ye family. For myself. At that time, you were just a newborn baby. I didn't have the heart to do anything to you, and because I felt sorry for your parents, I decided to raise you. All this is my fault, I am greedy for money, Killed your mother. Today I have such an end, and it is also my retribution."

(End of this chapter)

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