Chapter 75
However, Ye Wanyue didn't give up, she rushed forward and grabbed Wanxin, she still refused to give up and said: "Give me the bracelet, this bracelet is mine."

"Let go." Wanxin now just wants to go to Jin Shixiu to ask him what's going on, and doesn't want to waste time with Ye Wanyue.

But Ye Wanyue is also stubborn, she just won't let go, "Give me the bracelet, and I'll let you go."

"I repeat, let go."

"Don't let go, give me the bracelet."

Wanxin finally lost her patience, raised her hand and pushed Ye Wanyue, but she didn't use much force, she just wanted to get rid of her.But it was her push that made Ye Wanyue lose her footing, staggered and slid a few steps backwards, and finally fell to the ground.


Ye Wanyue fell hard this time, her face was contorted from the pain.She clutched her stomach, unable to cry out in pain, and could only pant heavily.

Wanxin doesn't doubt that there is him, she just knows to leave her quickly and leave.Who knew that just after walking a few steps, I heard the shop owner shouting inside.

"Come on, hurry up and save people..."

Hearing this voice, Wanxin's footsteps stopped abruptly, and she suddenly remembered that Ye Wanyue was pregnant with her child, and the fall just now, was it...

She didn't dare to think about it, she didn't think about harming anyone, and she didn't mean it just now.She hurried back, and as soon as she entered, she saw Ye Wanyue's lower body was stained red with blood.

The shop owner yelled in fright when he saw this scene. This person happened in his shop, and he had something to do with it no matter what.He couldn't help complaining about the pair of ominous bracelets. It seemed that the bracelets carried evil spirits, otherwise, how could they have caused a bloody disaster?

"Shixuan, quickly call someone and take her to the hospital."

Wanxin walked over to support Ye Wanyue, no matter what, that child is innocent.Although she didn't think about hurting that child, it was because of her that the child had an accident after all, so she felt bad.

Ye Wanyue was so hurt that she had no strength at all, but after seeing Wanxin, she still gritted her teeth and stretched out her hand to pinch Wanxin's wrist, and said fiercely: "Ye Wanxin, if anything happens to my child, I will kill her. your..."

"Don't talk, the child will be fine." Wan Xin endured the pain and comforted her, and didn't avoid it, just let Ye Wanyue pinch her like that.

"You better beg God to bless my boy!"


Wanxin and Jin Shixuan have been waiting outside, she has already sent someone to notify the Bai family, and the Bai family should arrive soon.Wanxin has been very sad in her heart, just now Ye Wanyue's whole body covered in blood really scared her.She kept staring at her hands. If the child was really gone, wouldn't she be a murderer?
Wanxin has never done anything harmful to nature, but this time she actually killed a person. Such a shock is really terrible for her.

When Bai Shaoqiu arrived, the doctor just came out.As soon as Bai Shaoqiu came in, he grabbed Doctor Qian's clothes and asked anxiously: "Doctor, how is my wife? Is the child okay?"

"Young Master Bai, I'm sorry, I can't keep the child." Doctor Qian said regretfully.

Hearing this, Bai Shaoqiu's hands softened, and he couldn't help taking a few small steps back.Although he doesn't like Ye Wanyue, but the child is his, of course he will be heartbroken.

Wan Xin was also taken aback, the child is really gone?

She spread out her trembling hands, which seemed to be covered with blood.She clenched her teeth tightly, unable to speak a word.

"Madam Bai is already awake, go in and see her."

After Doctor Qian said this, Bai Shaoqiu came back to his senses, but he didn't go in.His eyes fell on Wanxin, seeing her self-blaming appearance, he couldn't help but feel distressed.

Slowly coming to Wanxin's side, I really wanted to hold her hand to comfort her, but I couldn't summon up the courage no matter what.

"Don't blame yourself. It's not your fault. Maybe it's God's will. It's destined that I have no fate with that child. You were also frightened just now. Go back quickly. I'm fine here."

Listening to Bai Shaoqiu's words, Wanxin just looked at him in astonishment.Why doesn't he blame her?The child was obviously killed by her.At this time, she would rather Bai Shaoqiu scold her and accuse her.But he didn't do anything, instead he was worried that she would be frightened.

All the bitterness in her heart came out at this moment, Wanxin really wanted to throw herself into his arms and cry aloud.But thinking of their current identities, they could only restrain that impulse.


She knew it was useless to say sorry, but besides saying this, she really didn't know what else to say.

"I said, I don't blame you."

Why doesn't Bai Shaoqiu feel sorry for Wanxin, how could he not know what kind of temperament Ye Wanyue is.If she hadn't taken the initiative to trouble Wanxin, would Wanxin push her by mistake?

Anyway, facing Ye Wanyue every day is also a kind of torture for him, now that the child is gone, it seems that he has also been relieved.After the initial burst of heartache passed, a feeling of relief suddenly emerged.

"Sister-in-law, let's go back first, you don't look well."

To be honest, Bai Shaoqiu was very touched by Wanxin's concern for Jin Shixuan just now, and Jin Shixuan has heard some stories about their relationship.Now encountering such a thing, she thought that Wanxin must feel sorry for Bai Shaoqiu in her heart, if Bai Shaoqiu showed courtesy at this time or something, then Wanxin would not be moved to death.She is Jin Shixiu's younger sister, so she is naturally towards her elder brother, so she hurriedly urged Wanxin to leave.

In fact, Wanxin also knew that there was no point in staying any longer, she stood up slowly, her eyes paused on Bai Shaoqiu, and then quickly moved away.What happened today was completely beyond her expectation. It all happened so suddenly that she was caught off guard.

Just when they were about to leave, Jin Shixiu came.When he came in, he walked up to Wanxin without saying anything, seeing tears on her face, his brows furrowed immediately.He took out his handkerchief and wiped away Wanxin's tears, then hugged her by the waist, and left without saying a word.

Bai Shaoqiu could only watch helplessly as his beloved woman was taken away, he was going crazy right now.More than once, I wanted to catch up and snatch Wanxin from Jin Shixiu's arms, but I just couldn't move away.

Jin Shixiu's sudden arrival also woke him up, Wanxin is now someone else's wife, and there is no possibility between her and him anymore.It's just that although he understands this truth, he just refuses to give up.I always think that one day Wanxin can return to him, and the relationship between them can go back to the past.

Ye Wanyue was lying behind the curtain of the medical hall, and just happened to see everything outside through the gap exposed by the curtain.Of course, after hearing what Bai Shaoqiu said to Wanxin just now, she gripped the bed sheet so tightly that she almost bit her lip.

(End of this chapter)

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