Chapter 78
well!If I knew today, why did I do it at the beginning?
Ye Wanyue's life in the Bai family was difficult, and Ye Rongguang's life here was even more difficult.The last time she was beaten up by Jin Shixiu, she was sent to guard the gate by Wan Xin before her injuries healed.In addition, I have no money on my body, and I haven't been able to properly heal and cultivate myself. Now my body is not as good as before.Standing at the gate every day not only has to endure the wind and the sun, but also the cynicism of the people in the town.

Since he guarded the door of Ye's house, many people came to see him at the door of Ye's house. Of course, they didn't come here just to give charcoal, but to make fun of him.Ye Rongguang is a man who is fussy about things, and he can't suffer even the slightest loss in business, and he has offended many people in the past.Now that he is down and out, those who have been offended by him before will naturally not miss the opportunity to laugh at him.

The eldest wife and the second wife are now living in an abandoned hut, and they have a rough meal every day, and they can't catch a meal. The two of them have long lost the vigor of the past.Especially the eldest lady, who has never experienced any hardships since she was a child, and now if she is asked to eat bran swallowed vegetables, it will definitely kill her.Fortunately, before, Ye Wanyue would sneak back the money and food to help her, so that she could barely survive.

The second wife used to be a child of a poor family, and she grew up suffering from hardships. Although she had enjoyed all the glory and wealth before, she can still survive this day.The saddest thing is probably Ye Wanru, who has been spoiled and spoiled since she was a child, and she is living a life that she never thought about before.

Now she helps people wash embroidered cloth in a small embroidery room, earning some money to supplement the family's expenses.Seeing that the white and tender hands in the past were now rough and rough, she felt so sad that she wanted to cry.

But no matter how hard and tiring she was, she kept it in her heart, worked desperately, and lived desperately.She didn't believe it anymore, she, Ye Wanru, could only struggle like this for the rest of her life.One day, she will make those who owe her pay the price.

In the blink of an eye, it was Mrs. Jin's birthday, and the Jin family had been busy a few days ago.The entire Golden Mansion was decorated in a festive manner, and everyone put on new clothes, making it even more lively than New Year's Eve.

Early in the morning, everyone in the Jin family crowded into the old lady's yard to celebrate her birthday and give gifts.What Wanxin gave was a string of eighteen bracelets. The pair of jade bracelets last time were tainted with blood because of Ye Wanyue's incident. Wanxin thought it was unlucky, so she didn't want it.Wanxin spent a lot of effort to buy this string of eighteen seeds.

The old lady was also very satisfied when she saw this string of eighteen sons, and kept praising Wanxin for her thoughtfulness.

Seeing that the old lady was happy, Wanxin smiled, "Grandma, I sent this bead to the Great Buddha Temple to consecrate it earlier. The master in the temple said that this bead is very spiritual and suitable for the elderly."

"Haha, that's great, I like this one. The Great Buddha Temple has been opened, and it's very spiritual."

The old lady believed in Buddhism, so she naturally liked these things, so she couldn't help boasting a few more words, but she never thought that it would arouse the jealousy of Jin Shiwen and Jin Shichun.But there are so many people today, it's not easy for the two of them to confront her face to face, they are both planning in their hearts how to deal with her later.

Because the old lady is her [-]th birthday this year, many guests were invited.Of course, if there are guests, this gift money is also indispensable.In previous years, the registration of gift money was done by the third wife, because the third wife was the most careful among the wives, and the old lady was relieved.But this year, the old lady assigned this task to Wanxin.

Things like registration gift money are not small or big, but they test a person's mind.There are so many guests coming and going, everything must be registered, sorted and put away, and the number must be checked from time to time.

The old lady also wanted to train Wanxin. After she was gone, she would have to rely on Wanxin to take care of all the affairs of the Jin family, so it would be good for her to learn now.

However, this matter made the third lady very dissatisfied.Although it is impossible for her to argue with Wanxin on the surface, she must be quite angry behind the scenes.In addition, her daughter Jin Shiwen was also dissatisfied with Wanxin, and the mother and daughter thought of going together.

After the birthday celebration, everyone was busy with their own affairs.Jin Shixiu is also very busy today. He has to greet the guests and pay attention to the safety of the house.The Jin family is now the dominant one in Yunshan Town, so they have offended many people, and he is worried that someone will take advantage of the chaos to retaliate.

Wanxin was busy registering gifts, she didn't dare to be sloppy at all.The Jin family has a wide network of contacts, and all the respectable people in Yunshan Town were present today, with hundreds of guests.

"Master Li, a gift of one thousand oceans, and a pair of jade bracelets."

Someone here reported the count, and Wanxin urged people to write it down, and then checked it again, and ordered someone to put their names on the gift box, and then let them take it to the warehouse.Although there were many people, Wanxin did everything in an orderly manner.

"Sister-in-law, elder brother is looking for you, he seems to be in a hurry." Wanxin was busy, but Jin Shichun suddenly popped up and said to her.

Wanxin looked at her with some surprise, knowing that Jin Shichun had never called her sister-in-law.And he always used his temper to make things difficult for her. How could he be so polite today?
What's more, if Jin Shixiu wanted to find her, he would either come here himself, or let Amu come. If they couldn't leave, they would also call Shixuan, and it was impossible to ask Jin Shichun to inform her.

Thinking of this, Wanxin kept an extra eye in her heart, and asked, "Where is your elder brother now?"

"In the backyard."

Jin Shichun answered after thinking about it, after all, he was a child who didn't have that much thought, so he didn't know what Wanxin meant by asking this question.

"Backyard?" Wanxin repeated in a low voice, since Jin Shixiu is free to go to the backyard now, then he has time to come to her.

"Okay, I see, you go to play first, I'll be there in a while."

There are so many people today, Wanxin doesn't want to bother with a child, maybe she wants to play a prank again.

Who knew that when Jin Shichun saw that she would not leave, she would not leave either, and he urged, "Brother said, the matter is urgent, and I want you to go right away."

"Really? In such a hurry?" Wanxin still had a faint smile on her face. Jin Shichun's appearance made her very curious. What kind of tricks was she playing?
"Of course I'm in a hurry, otherwise I wouldn't have come to send a message."

"Then I'll go right away."

Wanxin said without changing her face, and then gave an order, then got up and walked towards the backyard.She is not a fool, knowing that this is a trap, she still wants to die.When she left just now, she ordered that if she hadn't returned after a quarter of an hour, someone would notify Jin Shixiu to find her in the backyard.

Seeing that Wanxin was duped, Jin Shichun was delighted, and hurriedly led the way.The two walked to the backyard together, and they didn't meet many people along the way.Now everyone is busy in the front yard, and the backyard looks particularly clean.

(End of this chapter)

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