Chapter 86
Seeing Jin Shixiu frowning, Ouyang Chen couldn't help asking curiously: "The operation is successful, are you unhappy?"

"Of course I'm happy."

"I see that your complexion is not very good, is something wrong?"

Ouyang Chen and Jin Shixiu have been good friends for many years, and they know him very well.Every time he frowned, there was something on his mind.

Jin Shixiu shook his head, unwilling to say more, turned around and went to Wanxin's ward.

At this time Wanxin was sleeping soundly, Jin Shixiu walked in, looked at her hands wrapped in white gauze, and felt a bit of bitterness in his heart.Why did God torture Wanxin like this, hurting her again and again?

He, Jin Shixiu, is not a magnanimous person. In fact, he is selfish. If Bai Shaoqiu really died, he should be happy.Because in this case, Wanxin will never think about him again in this life.However, if he died, would Wanxin not be sad?
Although his beloved woman was sad for other men, he was very angry and jealous, but this is something he already knew, didn't he?

Wanxin had made it very clear when she married him back then, she didn't love him, she already had someone she loved in her heart.But at that time, he didn't care about it, thinking that as long as he loved her, it was fine.

It wasn't until Wanxin accidentally killed Bai Shaoqiu's child last time that Wanxin's sad appearance deeply touched Jin Shixiu's heart.It turns out that when two people are together, it is not enough for only one person to love the other person.

As they got along, he wanted more.He wanted Wanxin to be the only one in his heart, he was selfish and domineering, and he would never tolerate someone else living in his beloved woman's heart.

So he was angry, angry.But he suppressed all the anger in his heart, and used his sincerity to slowly melt Wanxin's heart, making her forget that person slowly.

Wanxin woke up in a daze, opened her eyes and saw Jin Shixiu sitting beside her.Gently pulling the corners of her mouth, she whispered, "Have I been asleep for a long time? Have you been here all this time?"

"I haven't slept for long, how do you feel? Is there anything uncomfortable?" Jin Shixiu hid all those emotions, still showing a gentle smile, warming Wanxin's cold heart.

"It's fine, it's fine. Is the operation a success? Will my hands be healed soon?" What Wanxin is most looking forward to now is that her hands will heal soon. She has expectations in her heart, so she feels that everything is in order hope.

Jin Shixiu gently tidied her messy hair and nodded, "It was a success. Ouyang Chen said that he would be discharged from the hospital in three days. After being discharged from the hospital, take a good rest and cooperate with the treatment. After three months, he will be back to the same level as before. .”

"Great." Wanxin smiled happily. After three months, she will be able to pick up needle and thread again. That feeling is really great.

Seeing her happy look, Jin Shixiu also laughed.Just thinking about Bai Shaoqiu, I couldn't help being happy and worried.

"Young Master Jin, you didn't notify me when you came to Shanghai, are you hiding from me on purpose?"

A voice came from the door of the ward unexpectedly, Wanxin looked at the door in shock, a very beautiful woman stood there with a smile all over her face.

She was wearing a white lace dress, and her jet-black hair was held in a barrette, looking very beautiful.

Jin Shixiu didn't look back, he knew who it was just by hearing the voice, and said softly: "Ouyang Chen said you are very busy now, I'm afraid you don't have time."

"Don't listen to him, he didn't want to see me, so he said that naturally. Hmph, hateful man."

After talking about Ouyang Chen, the woman immediately lost her smile, and walked in angrily.It was only when she saw Wanxin that she smiled again, "You are Wanxin, I have wanted to know you for a long time, and I met you today and it really lives up to your reputation. You are really a classical beauty. By the way, let me introduce myself, my name is Rao Xueman, Ouyang Chen's fiancée."

Saying that she stretched out her hand to shake hands with Wan Xin, Wan Xin said with some embarrassment: "My hand is not very convenient now, I'm sorry."

Seeing her hands wrapped in gauze, Rao Xueman remembered that she was here for surgery, and smiled awkwardly, "Hehe, yes, I forgot."

"Hi, I'm Ye Wanxin, nice to meet you, Xueman, may I call you that?"

Wanxin has a good impression of Rao Xueman. This woman speaks frankly and smiles sincerely. She is a kind person at first glance.

"Of course, I'm 18 years old, so I should be younger than you, so I want you, Sister Wanxin."

"it is good."

The two women who met for the first time hit it off right away.Rao Xueman is a cheerful and lively woman of the new era. Although she is a bit careless, she is kind-hearted and sincere to others.She became friends with Wanxin, and Jin Shixiu did not object.

When the three were chatting happily, Ouyang Chen came in to visit Wanxin.But when he opened the door and saw Rao Xueman, he immediately lowered his face and said dissatisfiedly, "Who asked you to come here?"

"I came here by myself. Could it be that I have to get your consent?" Rao Xueman was immediately upset when he heard this. What is his attitude?

Ouyang Chen was usually smiling, but suddenly his face turned black, Wan Xin still felt a little uncomfortable.He glanced at Jin Shixiu suspiciously, seeing him shaking his head, he couldn't ask any more questions.

"Since you have already seen the person, then go back quickly, this is not a place for you to come."

"Whether I can come or not is up to me, I don't need you to remind me."

Rao Xueman is also stubborn, knowing that Ouyang Chen doesn't like her, but she still wants to fight him.The marriage of the two was decided by both parents, but the two young people did not like each other.Ouyang Chen doesn't like Rao Xueman's carelessness, he doesn't have the gentleness and elegance that a daughter's family should have.Rao Xueman doesn't like Ouyang Chen's self-righteousness, he really regards himself as a sweet potato, thinking that she must have him.

But helplessly, in their time, they couldn't decide their own marriage.Especially if you were born in such a big family, you can only accept your fate.

Jin Shixiu was no stranger to the quarrel between the two of them.The Jin family and the Rao family are family friends, and Jin Shixiu knew Rao Xueman very early.Because Rao Xueman also lives in the UK and only returned to China a year ago.It's just that her parents let her go back to China to marry Ouyang Chen.

Sometimes fate is really ingenious. Jin Shixiu and Ouyang Chen are good friends, and Rao Xueman is also his sister. I didn't expect these two people to get together.

After Ouyang Chen came in, he kept arguing with Rao Xueman, and Jin Shixiu drove them out because he was afraid that they would quarrel until Wanxin had a rest.After the room was cleaned, Wanxin said, "You seem to have something on your mind, did something happen?"

"There is a little trouble in business, but it will be resolved soon, don't worry. Now you can take care of your body with peace of mind, so that your hands can get better soon."

(End of this chapter)

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