lady of the family

Chapter 9 Drugs

Chapter 9 Drugs
There is a big road at the foot of the mountain, which is the only way to the next town.Jin Shixiu was sitting in the car and had just returned from Linzhen.It rained last night, and the mountain road was extremely difficult to walk.The muddy mountain road would sink the wheels of the wheels at any time. If the driver was not skilled, they would have been stuck halfway.

It's just that no matter how good the driver's skills are, the wheels are still stuck in a big pit, and they can't get up anyway.

There were only Jin Shixiu and the driver in the car, and the car was so heavy that it couldn't be moved at all.In desperation, the driver volunteered to walk back to find someone to push the cart.

Jin Shixiu sat alone in the car and waited. He didn't want to walk back on such a muddy mountain road.

Seeing that it was getting late and the driver hadn't returned yet, Jin Shixiu's handsome face was sullen.He took off his hat and opened the car door, and looked towards the road ahead, all around was hazy, not even a ghost.

The frowning brows slowly relaxed. There is still a mountain road dozens of miles away from the town. How can it be so fast to come and go, but it is not a solution to let him wait here.He had no choice but to get in the car and take out the important things, and prepared to walk back slowly by himself.

In the cool evening, everything was quiet, and some rustling sounds could be heard from time to time, which should be reptiles walking through the grass.Although Jin Shixiu was born in Yunshan Town, he left here to go abroad when he was very young.I am also unfamiliar with the environment in this mountain, especially walking at night, and I have no experience at all.

Seeing that behind him a big snake glowing all over his body was already staring at him, but he was still unconscious.Junyi's face was tense, feeling very helpless for this rugged mountain road.

The big snake with red flames all over its body was extremely poisonous at first glance, and its green eyes were fixed on Jin Shixiu who was walking in front of it.It's just that even if it is a poisonous snake, it will not easily attack people.So even after following it for a long distance, it didn't rush to attack people.

Jin Shixiu didn't take a few steps, but stopped.The difficulty of walking on this mountain road has completely worn away his patience. If he walks at this speed, he may not be able to reach Yunshan Town until dawn.

His brows were tightly knit together, although he could choose to go back to the car and wait until dawn.But at night in the mountains, who knows what strange things will appear.

The moment he stopped abruptly, the big snake behind him was startled, maybe he thought he had been discovered.The long apricots are constantly swallowing and spitting, and the snake's body is also stretched long, ready to attack people at any time.

"Be careful."

At this moment, a crisp sound suddenly sounded on the silent road, and it was the same sound, which startled the big snake again, and the snake head rushed towards Jin Shixiu's back without warning.


Accompanied by a scream, Jin Shixiu only felt a stabbing pain coming from behind him, and reached out to touch it, but he touched something cold.His heart suddenly hung up, even a fool would know what it was.

Wanxin, who came up to her, held a branch in her hand and drove the big snake away with a few strokes.Although it is a poisonous snake, it is still afraid of people.Looking back at Wanxin, the snake quickly ran to the grass and left, after a few rustles, it disappeared.

"Where did you bite?" Wanxin asked anxiously as she stepped forward and pulled Jin Shixiu.

When she went down the mountain just now, she saw a vague figure in the distance.She noticed it because the snake glowed.Originally, I just wanted to remind him out of good intentions, but I didn't expect to startle the poisonous snake, causing this person to be bitten by the snake.So Wanxin felt that she was still responsible.

Jin Shixiu endured the pain and looked at the person who appeared suddenly. Although the night was hazy and he couldn't see clearly, he still recognized Wanxin at the first sight.Although curious why she appeared in this place at this time, she didn't ask.

"It's okay, it shouldn't be a serious problem." He replied with some embarrassment, stretching his hand behind his back to touch the place where the snake had bitten him, so he didn't have the nerve to say where he was bitten.

Wanxin doesn't care about that, it is a very poisonous snake, once bitten by it, her whole body will be paralyzed soon, and she will die from the poison.She put down the back basket, walked in front of Jin Shixiu, pulled his hand away when he was not paying attention, saw a small broken hole behind the buttocks, and blushed suddenly.

It actually bit on the buttocks, right in the middle.

"The poison must be sucked out, or you will die."

Even though it was embarrassing, Wanxin still insisted on helping him take drugs. She was also to blame for this. If she was asked to ignore this person, she would have a bad conscience.

Jin Shixiu could clearly see the rosy glow on Wanxin's face in the night, his face that had been tense couldn't help but relax, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.Being bitten in that kind of place, would she really suck the poison out for him?
"it is good."

He suddenly wanted to know if she would really help him, so he answered simply.

Hearing this, Wanxin raised her head abruptly, and the blush on her face deepened.She naturally understands the reason why men and women can't kiss each other, and it's really embarrassing if it hurts in that kind of place.

But now that human life is at stake, she can't be so scruples anymore.

"My car is in front, and there are lights there." Jin Shixiu said, pointing to a place not far away.

Wanxin turned her head to look, and saw a dark car parked in the middle of the road.She nodded, and followed Jin Shixiu to the car with the herbs on her back.

Turning on the headlights, the surroundings were suddenly illuminated.Only then did Wanxin see Jin Shixiu's face clearly, what kind of face is that?
The two thick sword eyebrows and the high bridge of the nose are like the most beautiful masterpiece of a sculptor, inlaid on the face with sharp water chestnut angles.There was a faint smile on his face, the corners of his mouth were curled up, and when he smiled, there was an evil spirit.

"It's too late for you to regret it now."

When Jin Shixiu saw that she hadn't made a move, he thought she was hesitating.

Wanxin shook her head slightly to calm herself down.Although I would still be very embarrassed, but after all, this is saving people, and I can't care about that much.

"Climb on it and pull, pull, your pants down a little."

After finishing these words intermittently, Wanxin felt that her tongue was about to become knotted.How could such a funny thing happen?It's not good to bite somewhere, but it's just that kind of place. Isn't this deliberately embarrassing her?

Jin Shixiu raised the corners of his mouth again, lay down on the seat, and pulled his pants down a little, exposing the place where he was bitten by the snake.

Wanxin instinctively wanted to stretch out her hand to cover her eyes, but seeing his wound again, she could only force herself to calm down.She found a few herbs from the basket, mashed them and put them aside for later use.Then he took a deep breath, as if going up the mountain of knives.

(End of this chapter)

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