lady of the family

Chapter 91: Test Her Ability

Chapter 91: Test Her Ability (1)
"I'm just afraid that she will teach you badly. She is a wild horse, and no one can tame it. If you learn to be like her in the future, I will suffer."

Jin Shixiu said with slight dissatisfaction, meaning to tell Wanxin not to get too close to Rao Xueman.Unexpectedly, Wanxin didn't take it seriously, and calmed down after being shocked, "Although I think running away from marriage is unbelievable, I can't say it's a bad thing. Marrying someone I don't like is a kind of torture. If you have the courage to escape, It's a good thing."

"Are you lamenting yourself?" Jin Shixiu understood the meaning of her words. You must know that Wanxin didn't like him at all, did she also think about running away?

Wanxin was feeling emotional at first, but she hadn't thought about herself yet.When he was reminded like this, he suddenly realized, "That's right, why didn't I think about running away at the time? If I had known Xueman earlier, I guess I would have the courage."

"you dare!"

Jin Shixiu turned her head domineeringly, hugged her head tightly, and said seriously: "You don't even want to escape from me in this life. Even if it's the ends of the earth, I will find you." After finishing speaking He lowered his head and kissed those soft lips, greedily sucking in the fragrance that belonged to her.

Wanxin went to find Rao Xueman early in the morning the next day. She had agreed when she was in Shanghai that she would treat her well when she came to Yunshan Town.Everyone is here at this meeting, so she has the nerve not to show up.

Rao Xueman is still asleep at this moment, when he heard the knock on the door, he thought he was at his home.Opening the door and seeing Wanxin, she jumped up happily.

"I thought Jin Shixiu wouldn't let you come to me."

"Ignore him, let's go in."

The gap between Wanxin and Jin Shixiu is gradually decreasing now. After getting along with each other for this period of time, she also has a very subtle feeling for Jin Shixiu.Although the feeling was still faint, at least Jin Shixiu was slowly living in her heart.

After entering the room with Rao Xueman, Wanxin hurriedly set aside the breakfast she brought from home and asked her to eat quickly.

Rao Xueman's eyes lit up when she saw the delicious food in front of her, she was starving to death.After wolfing down his stomach a few times, and hiccupping, he said in satisfaction, "Sister Wanxin, thank you, this porridge is really delicious."

"As long as you like it."

"By the way, the Jin family shouldn't know about my coming here, right?" This is what Rao Xueman is most worried about. She ran away the day before the wedding, and her family is probably looking for her everywhere.

The Rao family and the Jin family are family friends. If they knew that she was here, they would definitely send someone to notify the family.Since she ran out, she never thought about going back.She doesn't like Ouyang Chen at all, it is absolutely impossible for her to marry him.

"Don't worry, no one will know except Shixiu and me. I really admire you for escaping from marriage. I wouldn't dare to do it even if I was killed." Wanxin really admired Rao Xueman's courage. If so, it is estimated that it will be another scene now.

Rao Xueman sighed and said: "Oh, I was also forced to do nothing. Who told my family to force me to marry a man I don't like? Don't follow me, if you are abducted by me in the future, brother Shixiu will definitely take my skin off."

"Hehe." Wanxin laughed awkwardly twice, she looked like this, so why run away?

In fact, there is nothing wrong with it now, although Jin Shixiu is not the person she loves the most, but at least he is the person who dotes on her the most.

After chatting with Rao Xueman for a while, Wanxin was anxious to go back.The old lady still has something to tell her to do, so she can't stay outside for too long.Rao Xueman didn't dare to go to Jin's house, so she had to leave her alone in the inn.

When he returned to the golden mansion, he had just stepped into the gate when he saw Xiaotao walking over.When she saw Wanxin, Xiaotao still had deep disdain and said, "Young Mistress, Madame let you go."

"Now?" Wanxin was thinking about the old lady's place, wondering if this matter could be delayed for a while.

"Madam has been looking for you for a long time, and I don't know where you are. She is waiting for you." Xiaotao is a servant, but when she treats Wanxin, she treats Wanxin with a condescending attitude. With an orderly tone.

Wanxin is not a fool, Xiaotao has done it so clearly, how could she not see it.Although she usually doesn't like to care about these things, and gets along very well with the servants, it doesn't mean that the servants can bully her.

"Then you go back and report to Madam, saying that I will go to Grandma's first, and then I will go there." Wanxin didn't want to show Wang Mei'e face, there is a priority, the old lady is waiting for her to look at the accounts today, and yesterday she repeatedly told her to go there .That's why Wanxin is so anxious at this moment, who knows what Wang Mei'e wants her to do, if she can't get away for a while, the old lady can't do business.

Who knew Xiaotao heard Wanxin say this, and immediately said with a sullen face: "Young Mistress, do you want Madam to wait for you?"

Hearing this, Wanxin's eyes darkened instantly, she raised her eyes and looked straight at her.This girl is really going too far, she has always been kind to her, she really thought that Wanxin was afraid of her.

"Xiaotao, I've made it very clear and I don't want to repeat it. I will explain to Madam myself, and I don't need you to remind me. Your duty is to serve Madam well, so just do your own thing well. Remember. , in the golden mansion, only by adhering to one's duties and keeping oneself in order can one stay for a long time."

Wanxin changed her usual easy-going manner, and her voice was a little harsh.If the tiger doesn't show its power, it really treats her as a sick cat.When I was in the Ye family, life was not good, but at least the servants still respected her.Although she doesn't need others to be in awe of her, the minimum respect should still be there.This Xiaotao had been hostile to her from the very beginning, and even provoked her repeatedly.She can endure until now is the limit.

Xiaotao has never seen Wanxin scolding others with a straight face. To be honest, although Wanxin just scolded a few words, she doesn't know why seeing the kind of domineering radiating from her body still makes Xiaotao startled.

Although she was very unhappy in her heart, she was just a servant after all.No matter how much dissatisfaction she had, she could only bury it in her heart, not daring to resist.

"What Young Mistress said, Xiao Tao remembered."

"You go down first."

Wanxin didn't talk to Xiaotao any more, she didn't have to be serious with an irrelevant person.This time it was just a warning, if Xiaotao dared to provoke her again and again, then she would never let him do anything wrong.

When Wang Mei'e heard Xiaotao's embellished report, her lungs were about to explode.He slapped his hands heavily on the table, and roared angrily: "Reverse, reversible, she dares to step on my head now, if she is really going to be her family in the future, wouldn't the Jin family not have me?" Got a foothold."

(End of this chapter)

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