Chapter 94
Jin Shixiu was very dissatisfied with her avoidance, originally he thought that Wanxin had no defense against him.They should have no distinction between each other, but they didn't expect Wanxin to be so alienated from him.

"She's very good. She even escaped the marriage. Are you afraid of anything else?"

"He ran away from marriage, you seem very upset?" Wanxin asked a little sourly as she saw that his expression was not right when Rao Xueman was mentioned.

"She didn't care about my business when she escaped from marriage, but she came to you to care about my business. Forget it, don't mention her. By the way, what's your plan about the accounts?"

When mentioning this account book, Wan Xin's head grew big, she shook her head blankly, "I wish I knew."

"Let's go ahead and do it. Anyway, there will be such a day sooner or later. It's not bad to be able to preview it in advance now."

"What do you mean?" Wanxin looked at him suspiciously, what does it mean that there will be such a day sooner or later?
Jin Shixiu smiled mysteriously, and reached out to stroke her hair, "You have too many questions."

"It's you who have been playing riddles with me, and you didn't tell me the reason, didn't you mean to worry about me?" Wanxin complained dissatisfiedly, got up and shook off his hand, and left with the ledger in her arms.

There is still a gentle smile on Jin Shixiu's handsome face, and now Wanxin is a real person.He knows how to play his temper, knows how to get angry, and knows how to bicker with him.Before thinking about it, no matter what he said or did, she always had that indifferent expression, as if she was a living dead.Even the smile seems so unreal.

However, the warmth at this moment made Jin Shixiu feel nervous.In fact, he was always worried, always afraid.

What would Wanxin do if she knew that her parents were forced to death by his father?

This matter has been tormenting him all the time, and every time he thinks about it, he will feel a sense of fear.Whenever in the dead of night, he would hold Wanxin in his arms quietly, for fear that if he let go, Wanxin would disappear.

"Dong dong dong."

The knock on the door interrupted Jin Shixiu's thoughts, he raised his head and asked coldly, "What's the matter?"

"Master, the Rao family master and the Rao family's young miss are here, the old lady told you and the young mistress to hurry over."


Jin Shixiu's face turned cold in an instant. He didn't expect that the Rao family really came to Yunshan Town, and that annoying woman also came, which really ruined his good mood.

Wanxin heard the girl's words in the back room and hurried out, and asked anxiously: "Is it Xueman's father? That young lady is Xueman's sister?"

"Well, you're tired, don't go, I'll just go out and have a look."

Jin Shixiu tried to prevent Wanxin from going out, but Wanxin insisted, "Didn't Xiaolian just say that grandma wants me to go with you. There are guests at home, if I don't show up, I will be rude. Don't dawdle, Let's hurry over."

Wanxin didn't know what Jin Shixiu was thinking, and she didn't care if he moved or not, she walked out first.

Seeing that Jin Shixiu couldn't persuade her, he had no choice but to go with her.His brows were tightly knit together, his face was as dark as Bao Gong's.

"Why are you so stern? Is there something wrong?" Wanxin saw that his expression was not right, so she had to stop and ask.

"It's okay, let's go."

He Jin Shixiu is a person who is not afraid of heaven and earth, if that woman dares to be unfavorable to Wanxin, he will definitely not be soft.

No matter who dares to hurt Wanxin, Jin Shixiu will never let it go.Not even his relatives.

In the front hall, the old lady and Master Rao were chatting about Rao Xueman's escape from marriage. Master Rao sighed and said that he gave birth to a daughter who did not live up to expectations.Sitting next to Mr. Rao's family was a very powerful looking woman, she was wearing a foreign dress, her hair was tied into a ponytail, neat and tidy.

Hearing her father kept saying that none of the Rao family's daughters made him feel at ease, Rao Xueqin retorted coldly, "Father, Xueman got into trouble, you can't put her fault on mine. body."

"Look at what you're talking about, kid. It's not polite for you, a junior, to interrupt when the elders are talking."

Although the master of the Rao family was scolding, there was also pampering in his words.There are not many children in the Rao family, and only the eldest daughter is up to the challenge.So the master of the Rao family loves Rao Xueqin quite a lot.

The old lady echoed and said: "Xueqin is right, Dazhi, Xueman is still young, so she will inevitably do some stupid things. After you find her, don't blame her too much, just give her more guidance. While speaking, Jin Shixiu and Wanxin had already arrived, and the old lady hurriedly greeted her, "Shixiu, Wanxin, come quickly."

Rao Xueqin at the side heard Jin Shixiu's arrival, and shyness appeared on his originally cold face.Looking over expectantly, he saw Jin Shixiu walking towards him holding Wanxin's hand.

It's not that she didn't know about Jin Shixiu's marriage, but she always thought it was a family marriage, and he definitely wouldn't like that woman.But this will look at their intimacy, how can it be that they are unwilling?
Immediately, the smile on Rao Xueqin's face disappeared, her face was gloomy, she didn't get up to say hello, she just looked at Jin Shixiu sombrely, and finally her eyes fell on Wanxin.

Jin Shixiu pulled Wanxin over and saw Master Rao, he just nodded lightly, "Uncle Rao."

"Hehe, it's Shixiu. I heard from Xueman that you went to Shanghai a few days ago, and you didn't come to sit at home. Did you see someone else?"

Master Rao naturally knows who is the biggest in the Jin family, and the old lady is the elder, so she must be a bodhisattva.But this Jin Shixiu is in charge of the power of life and death of the Jin family, so that is the one to curry favor with.

"It happened so suddenly that I didn't have time to visit." Jin Shixiu would not pretend to be polite to others, and replied lukewarmly.

Master Rao smiled awkwardly, then turned his attention to Wanxin, and said with a smile: "I think this is my niece and daughter-in-law. I happened to be away from home when you got married, and I couldn't come. Today, I specially gave the gift to make up for it." superior."

After speaking, someone brought up a box, which was very expensive just by looking at its appearance.Master Rao took the box and handed it to Wanxin himself, saying: "This is a little wish from me, you must accept it, niece and daughter-in-law."

Regarding his actions, Wanxin was a little frightened.She didn't know this person, and Jin Shixiu looked lukewarm, so could she accept this gift casually?
"Since it's a wish from your Uncle Rao, you can accept it Wanxin."

How could the old lady not know Wanxin's embarrassment, so she opened her mouth quickly.

When the old lady agreed, Wanxin stretched out her hand, "Thank you Uncle Rao, Wanxin deserves it."

(End of this chapter)

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