my battlefield my company

Chapter 86 2 Chinese Warriors

Chapter 86 Twelve Chinese Warriors

Thank you for your encouragement.I will continue to work hard, join the unconstrained style on the basis of respecting history, and present the wonderful things to book friends. This process may be a bit slow, please be patient.

"Here are the ears of more than 100 little devils. The left ear. All the left ears of devils." Zhao Fugui deepened his tone, and stretched his arms to let the bag dangle in the air. Holding the bag of spoils, he shouted loudly to the audience "Here are all the trophies of our brotherhood. I cut off the ears of these devils. In this bag is the shame of the little devils. They dare to run amok on the land of China, and we will leave them with no mercy. commemorate!"

Zhao Fugui is always picky, and he is as tactful as a fox when he gets along with soldiers, but he is submissive when he meets officers, and he is timid and cautious on the battlefield for a long time.At this time, he was carrying this bag of spoils and regarded it as the glory of his life, so in front of tens of thousands of people, he was not at all shy, even though he was a bit wordy.

In the past, he was a bit timid in front of the chief, but after the battle yesterday and this morning, his confidence has doubled. He is a Chinese man and a Chinese soldier who stepped on the devil's corpse. He even dared to cut off the devil's ears. What are you afraid of, what a coward.

Looking at the bulging bag Zhao Fugui was carrying, and a hard object in the shape of an ear could be seen from the outside of the bag, the soldiers in the audience knew that it was indeed an ear.

The bag was covered with bloodstains, and it had turned black and gray. It was very substituting in the hands of Zhao Fugui, who was wearing a tattered military uniform, covered in gunpowder smoke and blood. At this moment, he had the aura of slaughtering thousands of pigs and thousands of sheep.

Seeing Zhao Fugui's appearance as a butcher, Yan Zhi was both amused and proud, and said in a low voice, "This guy really looks like a reaper of devil's ears!"

"Devil's Ear Harvester!"

"Devil's Ear Harvester!"

"Devil's Ear Harvester!"

The soldiers in the audience heard Major Yan talking to himself, and felt that this sentence was very appropriate for the murderous soldier in front of him. The bag of devil's ears in his hand was worthy of this title. On the battlefield of China's Anti-Japanese War, so far, no one has done it.It is not an exaggeration to call him the reaper of devil's ears.

Yan Zhi quickly pushed the microphone aside.Although cutting off the devil's ears on the battlefield seems a bit lacklustre, but in the face of the current national crisis, it is understandable to do so, and it can greatly boost the morale of the soldiers.

Compared with the little devils experimenting with Chinese people and doing some cruel and inhumane deeds behind their backs, Yan Zhi felt that there was nothing wrong with cutting off the devil's ears as trophies.

Each era has different ideas in each era. In this era of war where the winner is king, each side should do its best in order to defeat the enemy.If you want to defeat the enemy, you should first deal a heavy blow from the depths of their hearts.

This battle will at least make the devils near the Jinping war zone terrified and curb their arrogance.

This battle will raise the spirits of the soldiers in the Jinping theater.

Zhao Fugui stood proudly by the stage with a bag of ears in his hand.Since then, labor and management have also felt proud.

A soldier under the stage raised his foot, trying to look into his pocket.

Zhao Fugui opened the bag, and immediately a few soldiers ran over from the audience, and then more soldiers surrounded him.

"The ears are indeed devil's ears."

The soldiers shouted one after another, and some even wanted to reach out to take it out. Zhao Fugui quickly covered the bag. It was a trophy from the Brotherhood of Brothers.

Satisfied, Zhao Fugui opened his pockets with both hands, and passed in front of the generals and school officials one by one on the rostrum, getting nods of appreciation from every general and school official.

Even Ye Chongshan and his son had smiles on their faces. The devil's ears looked disgusting but he definitely relieved his anger and boosted the morale of the army.

When he was holding his ears and trying to walk towards the women in the observation group, Yan Zhi quickly stopped him.

Soldiers have seen the killing field, and they will feel excited when they see the ears of these enemies, and they will dispel the idea that the little devils are invincible in their hearts, and they will start to become confident.

But let the female relatives see these ears, I am afraid that you, Zhao Fugui, will really bear the notoriety of a butcher from now on. The female relatives will not be able to eat for three days after returning home, and then they will be overwhelmed when they see pig ears. You, Zhao Fugui, are to blame.

The soldiers in the audience asked Yan Zhi to talk about how the little devil was bloodbathed in the Inserting Wing Valley.

The battle of Inserting Wing Valley really boosted the morale of China.

Facing the high spirits of the soldiers, Yan Zhi looked at the old man.After all, today is a publicity conference in the theater, so he can't be allowed to dominate the stage by himself.

Nalan nodded loyally.Such a morale-boosting speech can't be found even with a lantern.

"Our 41 people raided the Chichi Valley and beat the devils with their guns. After killing all the devils, they blew up two of the devil's [-] infantry guns, two woodpeckers, rifles, ammunition, and destroyed all their supplies. in the fire.

After raiding Inserting Wings Valley, on the way back, we brothers fought back the hungry wolves together. In the stockade under Longlin Mountain, we beat the crap out of the ghosts who were waiting for work, and let them leave more than a dozen corpses behind. Actively seek retreat.

There is no one in my team. "

Zhou Youcai's blood boiled in the audience.Ever since he entered the school military field, he dared not look at Nalan Zhongcheng directly.He didn't mention a single word to Nalan Zhongcheng about Yan Zhi's absence from the military camp.And Nalan Zhongcheng once explained that Yan Zhi's every move must be reported to him alone.

If Yan Zhi really escaped as Li Pingan and the others said, or if Yan Zhi's raid on Chichi Valley failed, then Zhou Youcai's fate would be very tragic.And now that Yan Zhi came back with an unprecedented victory, at least he won't be blamed by Nalan's loyalty.

Seeing the unprecedented high morale of the soldiers in the audience, Yan Zhi went on to say: "Our twelve soldiers completed the seven-kilometer assault with a 8-kilogram load in [-] minutes, and completed a shocking assault that has never been seen in the world's military."

Yan Zhi felt that what he said was definitely not bragging.Before, he really didn't know how fast the devil's marching speed of 21 kilometers and [-] kilograms was in the world, but now he is sure that Xu Zheyou's raid feat, not to mention the period of the Anti-Japanese War, even in the [-]st century, can enter the top three in the world, because They were in a state of fatigue and marched hurriedly on rough and uneven roads.



"Oh my god! It took only 8 minutes for seven kilometers, and the load was [-] kilograms!"

"How is this done. Are they steel-legged and steel-footed?"

The soldiers in the audience exploded again.They didn't doubt Yan Zhi's words.But the astonishing feat of running seven kilometers in 8 minutes with a load of [-] kilograms, they thought they would never be able to do it in their entire lives.The soldiers believed Yan Zhi's words, they were just curious and shocked how these twelve soldiers managed such a feat.

At this moment, another group of soldiers appeared at the gate of the military headquarters.


Closer again.

This is a group of soldiers like beggars. If it weren't for the confident smiles of the victors on their exhausted faces, the soldiers in the audience would definitely think that they were the remnants of soldiers who had fled from a defeated battle.

In front of this group of soldiers, there were two officers leading the way. Their expressions were very excited, and they showed great respect for these beggar-like soldiers.

Yan Zhi looked at this group of soldiers, and suddenly said proudly:



They are the Chinese warriors who carried 8 kilograms and completed the [-] kilometers to attack the devils in [-] minutes! "

(End of this chapter)

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